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I had to make a quick 600 mile trip Thursday. I left at 4:30 in the morning anticipating heavy rains and possibly bad weather. As I was getting further into east Texas, I saw evidence that it had already rained heavily over a very wide area. As I was driving the weather was cloudy, misty, cold but not unbearable. When I arrived at my destination, I was informed that a tornado had touched down east of town earlier and traveled on the ground about 20 to 25 miles. (fortunately nobody was injured) Since it didn't take just a few minutes to accomplish my mission, I got back in the car to head home. As I was leaving I was informed that it was supposed to start snowing any minute. I politely said thanks for the information and that I would be careful driving home - it was 50 degrees outside and it was supposed to SNOW???? I hope a look of disbelief didn't show on my face! Welllllllllllllll - to continue the story and as the saying goes "only in Texas" - I headed for home in cloudy, misty but not too bad of weather to drive in. When I got further down the road - about 125 miles - the sun broke out of the clouds, I saw the blue sky and white, fluffy clouds. Not too much further down the road, it suddenly clouded up again, got real rainy and thennnnnnnn - strange stuff began falling from the sky. There were all sizes of SNOWFLAKES beginning to fall. I kept driving because it began snowing heavily and I didn't want to be stuck out on the road still far from home. Then, as suddenly as it started snowing it stopped because I had once again driven where the sun was shining. Long story short - I made it home fine, mission accomplished. I must have experienced the bottom of that massive storm that passed over the US. I still wish all a very happy holiday with family and friends. jam49

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WOW! Christmas Eve . . . A departure in the wee hours of night for a 600 mile trek to accomplish a "mission of a few minutes" . . .Tornado :o . . . unbelievable weather forecast :? . . . massive storm end :( . . . an sunshine followed by SNOW :shock:


It must have been a mission of mercy accomplished by an Angel . . . :D

Pete & "Bosker".    TV -  '18 F150 Super-cab Fx4; RV  - "The Wonder Egg";   '08 Elite, Hull Number 014.


Travel blog of 1st 10 years' wanderings - http://www.peteandthewonderegg.blogspot.com


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Fellow Texan! Do you not vouch that that type of weather actually happens in Texas?!

Ok, ok ---- - I will reveal what this mysterious trip was all about. No angel of mercy - just doing something I love. My most enjoyable side job when I am not working at school is driving cars. Since the car dealership at my destination was closing at noon on Thursday and unpleasant weather was predicted I allowed plenty of time to get there before closing. They knew I was bringing them a car and bringing back the car the customer here wanted. We swapped paperwork and keys in all of about 10 minutes and I was on my way back home. Also, I had to get this car back to the car dealership here before early closing time so that they would have it for the customer.

One of the most enjoyable trips I have made in a long time in spite of the weather. My furtherest 10 minute turn around trip was an 18 hour trip because of - all things - rainy weather and DEER covered roads. Travelin" is my passion however I can get it accomplished - far or near - Hikin', bikin', tradin' cars or most enjoyable of all - camping in Revilo!

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Well, yes, our "Great State of Texas" does have a lot of variety in it (topography and weather). You made someone's Christmas special . . . you were and ANGEL to them!

Pete & "Bosker".    TV -  '18 F150 Super-cab Fx4; RV  - "The Wonder Egg";   '08 Elite, Hull Number 014.


Travel blog of 1st 10 years' wanderings - http://www.peteandthewonderegg.blogspot.com


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:o Hey you Texans !!!

Drive careful!!! Talked to nephew in Dallas and said snow ! I remember being in San Angelo in 1960something and being one of about four people in town who had chains over an Easter weekend........made a small fortune...nobody else knew how to drive in snow and pulled a LOT of people out of the ditches n fields! You really gotta' worry about the OTHER guy


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