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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Very resourceful!
  2. what tool is needed to remove a broken door door latch & install a replacement?
  3. where to buy the outside door brace bar?
  4. Finally got the cover off . Now know the model & serial # that is needed to move forward with the heat strip blowing the furnace fuse
  5. Moses I removed 2 Philip screws from the front , rear & side vents but I still can’t pull down the inside white cover . What am I doing wrong ?
  6. Mossey you stopped me from making a huge mistake! Will tackle the front /rear vents screws . Thank you
  7. To remove the interior a/c cover do you remove the red or green screws or both ? And what type tool is needed to remove these screws? Thank you , Bobby
  8. John I pulled the 7.5 A fuse for the furnace and it was blown. Figured problem solved. Wrong! Immediately blew 2 new 7.5 A. Only the thermostat is not getting power. Any ideas what is causing the furnace fuse to blow? I forgot to mention that the first blown fuse occurred while the electric heating strip was ‘on’. Could the heat strip be the continued cause of blowing the fuses? Can the heat strip be removed from the Dometic A/C?
  9. John you are amazing. As you teach me I have more questions. If I shut off shore power and turn off the disconnect switch under the bed, will that cut off all power to the fuses & breakers ?
  10. John do I need to shut off all power before removing the 7.5 A furnace fuse?
  11. Does the thermostat power come from the AC breaker ? Or the 12V 15 A fuse or the 7.5 A fuse for furnace under the dinette? 2017 Elite II.
  12. Yes the alarm stopped once the gas was shut off at the tank. Someone suggested to switch to the second tank. And no alarm! several hours later we switched back to the tank during the alarm. And still no alarm. so for now the potential leak seems to have disappeared. Could a faulty regulator be the reason for the initial leak ?
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