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Posts posted by leo

  1. I'm catching up on some reading, I know this from a few months back, but @Ron and Phyllis it's great to hear someone else 
    enjoying the Elite I like we do.  We use the beds the same way.  We do use the side bed in a permanent  setup like @David Purkey 
    was considering.  I hope that is working out well.  We find we enjoy not having to setup/change the beds daily.  And we have 
    pillows that allow us to use either the back area as a lounge area for us both sitting up w/feet up and watch TV together.  Or we 
    have our "separate" areas and I'll use the dinette as my day-time lounge area with my wife in the rear.  We have some nice sized 
    lap trays we use for the few times we eat in the camper.  We've had our trailer (Hull #36, third owners) for about 18 months and have 
    found this to work out very well for us.  We all have our own ways of course, but again it's nice to hear about some shared views too.

    • Like 6
  2. I have LT tires on our Elite I, and run at 70psi.  I've got no deep knowledge on the tires, I run at 70psi based on past info from this forum. 
    We've only owned ours for 1 1/2 years so we're running on the tires put on by the previous owner (Michelin LTX).  We've had no problems at 
    all, but no rough road traveling (lots of back highways if possible).  And we're still weekend only unfortunately, looking forward to some longer trips.

    Might consider the ST tires when we have to change, but that'll be another year or more I think.

    And @Ron and Phyllis, glad to have some other Elite I owners around.

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  3. I know this is a few weeks old, but I just had a read.  I'm literally laughing till I cry, what a great story (and an education)!  
    Many thanks for the story.

    It was nice to meet some of you folks at the Rally.  Chris/Duke, we're the Elite 1 folks that were next to you.  Hopefully see you next 
    year too, we're planning to be in the same spot next year.  Looking forward to saying hello to the pups again.

    Safe travels all.

    Lee & LInda

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  4. We agree, we're proud to own an OTT from those original runs.   I did not know it was actually delivered in 2008 though, neat to know. 

    We're starting to settle in, learning how to work with some of the things that make and an original unique.

    We appreciate the comments.  Lee and Linda 

  5. Hello to the Oliver world, my wife and I have been a fan of the trailers and the craftsmanship for a few years. 

    We're pleased to be able to become the new owners of Hull #36, bringing it back to TN after a long stay 
    in MN where is was taken care of wonderfully be Kent and Mary, and Terry and Catherine before them as I understand it.
    Very gracious and interesting folks who have treated us so well during our transfer.

    We live in East TN, a few hours drive from Hohenwald.  We have lots to learn and are excited to start this new chapter. 
    We've been T@B owners for many years, and love our T@B and it's community.  But as our life changes, we believe this 
    is a great next next step.

    Lee and Linda

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