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John & Nancy

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John & Nancy last won the day on January 7 2021

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?

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  1. Has anyone added a vent fan at the heat vent outlet of their refrigerator?
  2. We are taking this down and putting up a Kamenstein Perfect Tear Paper Towel Dispenser from Walmart at $13.97! It will not be screwed into the cabinet but screwed into a wooden board we painted and added (see above photo) if it fits the space between the pantry and the window over the dining table. Nancy & John
  3. Thanks guys! I forgot to check back & this is how we installed the paper towel holder. John cut a 2 3/4" wide x 22" long x 3/4" thick board. He round it on the back corners so it would slide between the window facing and curve in the wall of the Oliver wall above the window. He painted it white. In our 2021 it is across from the kitchen sink in the dining nook. Best part about this installation is it's easily removable as there is no tape, screws, etc as the board simply slides in the space.
  4. I like the idea of a paper towel holder under the cabinet closest to the stove and over the twin bed but how did you attach it?
  5. We picked up November 18, 2020 and our hull number is 694.
  6. Never say never. Our immediate family is currently experiencing serious issues with CoVid. We are just trying to deal with the stress. Our hospitals have no ICU beds and our family needs them! We are getting our vaccines next week and trying to hold it together. Our daily walk is a prayer vigil. We are on our knees constantly. But it did our hearts good to go out and take those photos and fall in Love again! Oliver is a great product. We are proud to be part of the family.
  7. We went out to take the current interior photo this morning and realize exactly why we made this purchase. The quality is unsurpassed and it is beautiful! We Love our Ollie ! 🙂 p.s. Offers are so low they don't even take the lithium batteries, solar panels or the fact it is a 2021 with all the other bells & whistles into account. We know a 2020 sold on this forum for $65,000 and it didn't have Lithium Batteries nor Solar Panels.... we'll enjoy it instead.
  8. John and I did not buy the demo unit but waited for a custom build HULL # 694. It is a 2021 with Lithium Batteries, Solar Panels and all the bells & whistles. (The Power Awning is now standard on the Oliver Elite II!) We love it and are anxious to get on the road! Our first trip will be to the Everglades to search for a Rare Florida Leafwing butterfly that looks like a leaf when closed and when flying is a bright red-orange! We had to cancel our first trip due to flooding in the Everglades and CoVid but hope to get our 1st Vaccines next week and 2nd ones 3-4 weeks later so we can make our reservation at the Boardwalk in Homestead in early March. We will also search for Gray Ministreak and Amethyst Hairstreak butterflies. both very rare and difficult to photograph. We hope to see some of you when we hit the road!
  9. OK, We are using the old GPS and it accepts the new address, thanks anyway guys!
  10. New GPS won't let me set the state where I'm going and doesn't take the new address for Oliver.... anyone know the old address? Need it tonight please!
  11. Can anyone recommend RV Park for trout fishing the Wataga River at Elizabethton in Sept?
  12. Thanks! I mixed peat for the 'Nature's Head' composting toliet, it takes about 12 oz of water per gallon of peat. I moistened 4 gallons & put in gallon ziplock bags, enough for 2 fill ups. We have so much to learn!
  13. Your beautiful butterfly is a Western Tiger Swallowtail. Our links to Flickr are : John https://www.flickr.com/photos/156558292@N04/albums/with/72157707734594685 Nancy https://www.flickr.com/photos/137680150@N06/albums NABA (North American Butterfly Association) has a website where we log in butterflies we see daily as do others. We use this database to see actual sites where species occur rather than rely on field guides for locations. The field guide we use is Butterflies of North America by Jeffrey Glassberg to help ID the species. We submit our photos of new species to BAMONA (Butterflies and Moths of North America). We submit bird sightings to ebird by Cornell University. Birders all over the world use ebird so it is a large database with lots of ways to explore the data. It's a great hobby! Check our Solar Darkroom Santa Monica for fantastic photos of California butterflies! David is a great friend who shares CA butterfly locations with us! He's on Facebook, too!
  14. Oh yea! We pick up hull # 626 (demo) available Sept 8 which has Lithium ion Batteries, 340 watt Solar package & 3000 watt inverter.
  15. I have several sets of new Queen Sheets & no Queen Mattress so thank you for the info! I think you are saying you cut away excess fabric when you make the envelope? I also have 3 months before 'Ollie' is ours!
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