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Everything posted by Bikerabbi

  1. "Just your opinion and I believe you sold your trailer and no longer having a dog in the fight..." To be kind and civil, I'd say your remarks regarding John are insensitive and off base. From at least my perspective, John long ago earned the right to say whatever he wants here for as long as he wants. His list of fixes, his experience and his willingness to help and advise others has made him an invaluable asset to this forum. He would be missed should he withdraw from this forum.
  2. Yes, thanks. It had finally occurred to us to do as Shawna and Scott suggested: start with what we have and want, and modify as needed along the way. Thanks all for having given your thoughts, is all been valuable and made impressions. I suppose the most vivid impression was from the article which John provided of an RV crashing and having the slideout break loose towards the driver at 60mph! I'll never look at RV slideouts the same!😱
  3. $200,000 RV?! Uh, wrong address - not us!😱
  4. As above, yes we've done a small bit of rv and camping. Enough to know that we'd like to do it full time for a bit and we're at an age that we'd better get to it. My older brother dreamed of RVing upon retirement. When he got to it he was no longer healthy enough to really get out in it. Bought 4 different size rvs and never really went anywhere. Now he has alzheimers. Soooo, we're just gonna do it, enjoy the adventure as long as we can, and when we hit 80 or so, settle down. Then my kids can relax 😆 "Paring away" a lot of stuff is something we are joyfully doing. I've spent the first part of life experiencing and preparing. The next part was spent building and accumulating. The last part is declutering, experiencing, and preparing... Where have some of your "tiny spots" that you've "Oli'd" in? Sounds a bit like what we aim to head towards in our own way.
  5. We've each rented or accompanied others a few times times and very much enjoyed it. I've motorcycle traveled and camped and enjoyed. People suggest that we rent for a month or so. We don't feel we need to . We're pretty confident that we'll like it and a few weeks or a month isn't really like spending a year. We'll just do it - just deciding on the means...
  6. Glad to read that at least a few couples did it full time for a few years. Hopefully they're still together 🙃. I keep coming back to the OE2, rather than lesser quality rigs, due to the quality. At this point in my life, I'd like to keep maintenance issues to a minimum. But the wife questions roominess. We've sat in various models and we've decided (apparently as others have) that an "OE3" that is 2-3' longer and a few inches wider would be ideal. As, John D mentions, - a pusher RV. We had been looking at the 25' Winnebago View, and that makes a lot of sense in many ways also... Life can't be too bad if this is our biggest concern! We're down to a few weeks for decision time.... Thank you.
  7. 10 years?! Impressive. Good stories, I imagine. Good points, also. Thank you.
  8. Dang, I hate it when the grown-ups talk sense.... Yeah, I hear you...
  9. Yes, we're considering the size issue - and the need to have a widely serviceable TVehicle...
  10. Yeah - other sane people tell us pretty much what you say John. The price of those big trucks, even used, is pretty high...
  11. Thanks. It is a bit of a dilemma: go small and 1st class or larger, more comfy, but, well, you know... We really intend to travel bare bones - we just have to see if we really can...
  12. My wife and I are selling house and hearth, moving out of Baja. We'd like to spend at least a couple of years as nomads exploring the U.S, and Canada. Are there any couples here who have lived on the road in their Oliver continously for 2 or more years? Care to chat a bit? Thanks, Gabriel and Ella
  13. My expected vehicle (2016 Volks Touareg diesel) is rated to tow 7700 lbs. Will it be happy towing the Elite 2 at 6500 lbs? Thanks, Gabriel
  14. Good. Thank you. I guess I don't understand the system well enough: I somehow thought that if I have a composting toilet, then the black tank would go unused and it then could somehow be used for extra drinking water...
  15. I would very much like to find some way to do that, also. Our plan is full time living a d to some how get some more gallons of fresh water would be great. I do not want to lug extra water in vehicle if it can be avoided. If we can go to the moon and Mars, we can find a way to do this....🤔😄
  16. Slightly off topic and old, thread, but I want to ask if your 2018 Ford Expedition handled the trailer up steep hills and if you liked how it handled the load. Thanks, Gabriel
  17. Thanks, for doing this and posting. Very helpful for the rest of us for various reasons.
  18. And I guess with today's technology a GPS tracker should be an easy, necessary add on.
  19. Thanks. I sorta new that. I'm putting numbers together as I move back to the States. Just looking for a few random numbers.
  20. I know prices vary, age, driving record, and deductibles etc, plus it's a bit of a personal question but can some give a range of guesstimates on about how much "full" coverage would cost on a fully optioned Ollie 2? (I'm currently in Mexico without yet U.S. coverage.)
  21. I haven't yet read through all the topics, so could anyone answer this question for me: With the batteries and generator going, would the Ollie stay cool sitting in the 120° desert summer sun, sunrise to sunset? 1/2 the day? 1/4 of the day? Sorry if this has already been covered. Thanks, Gabriel
  22. The recommendation above sounds pretty good if you can get there: lifetime warranty. (And at my age that should work pretty well!) https://suncoastdesigners.com/rv-services/defog/
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