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Everything posted by RBK

  1. Hey John, I looked at the greaseless ball on their website and to my untrained eye it doesn't look like it will fit the same as the one that comes with the WDH. Maybe one of the nylon caps that come on the greaseless one would fit the standard ball. I dunno. What trailer do you have? randy
  2. ps-forgot to mention-I was told there was a string of "medical issues" that had befallen some the owners and that is why there seemed to be a number for sale. They do sell quick when they become available. I wish those owners all my best having had medical issues myself in the past.
  3. By all means take the drive to Hohenwald to see the factory! You will see how truly unique Olivers are compared to the rest of the RV market. I purchased a 2008 Elite I which is the smaller 18.5' Oliver from a great couple in Virginia and took it to the factory to have them check all my systems in it. Excellent customer service! You will be glad you took the trip and Hohenwald is a great little town and the Natchez Trace Parkway is beautiful. randy
  4. The two posts from Andersen are terrific! Maybe there could be a "sticky" so all pertinent info, comment & questions would always be available easily. thanks! randy
  5. Very nice! Now I have to search my photos! randy
  6. John-yeah saw that one after I had mine. Mine is a trifold cover. I have a friend who does welding and has for years and I'm going to see if he can manufacture something in aluminum that slips under the trifold cover and into the rails. Buzzy-I knew you had an NDK Explorer for a reason! Great sea kayak! I had a Romany that I taught my self to roll in and had many DVDs including the Nigel Foster series. Even took a couple classes with him and Leon and Shawna from BBB. After I gave the Romany to a friends grand daughters I bought an Explorer in the exact color as yours. Sold it because I found I love canoeing more as I get older. randy
  7. John take look at this-https://www.usrack.com/v_rack.php US Racks V rack. I too am trying to figure out a system for my F150 Super Crew Cab with a canoe and Ollie in tow. I may go this route or just try Yakima rack on the trucks cab. I would like that extra rear support though. Only negative is having to drop it down and unhitch the Oliie to get to the truck bed for me because I use a Leer trifold top called a Leer Trilogy. randy
  8. I just recently ordered and received the Gus Hill Industries "The Bull" lock. I called the company and spoke with Marc and he was a wealth of information. After our discussion I decided on the ASSA lock and ordered the exterior in yellow. His reasoning was if someone was driving around looking to scoop up something quick and drive off with it he might take a look at the bright yellow thing on the end of my trailer and figure it might be more trouble than it's worth and go the next one in line with maybe something more ordinary he could cut quickly and hitch up. Sounded good to me anyway. Marc even upgraded my shipping to priority for no extra charge. Ordered on a Friday and got it on Monday. randy
  9. Bill, looking forward to the installation on the single axle Ollie. Thanks for documenting it! This something I'd like to do soon to my 2008 Elite. randy
  10. Tom & Karen, Sincere thanks for the compliment! It was a dream come true to me to meet two wonderful people whom I now consider friends. I felt like part of your family during my brief visit. I'll do my best to take great care of the "Whaley Oliver"! Sincere thanks, randy ps-The day Tom & Karen handed over guardianship.
  11. I've researched these quite a bit. I think at some point RV Parks and State and National Parks will probably have a compost toilet dump area available for RVers with these type of heads. When and if that happens they will be more prevalent and probably more $$. randy
  12. Thanks Bill. I may have to do this upgrade but curious about results. randy
  13. I'm interested in seeing if any one has as well since I'm picking up my 2008 next week from Tom & Karen. Randy
  14. Well I guess I'll be part of the Elite Oliver clan! Tom, Karen and I made an amicable deal and the check is in the mail. I'll be picking up what seems to be a well cared for Oliver in a few weeks. Then I'll be visiting the Oliver factory for a few things then back down to the Florida Keys until I leave here next May or June. I want to thank everyone for their great input and I hope to meet some of you in the near future. I will probably have at least a few questions for you experienced travelers! Thanks again and thanks for the push! Randy
  15. I figured there were some sailors here. I lived on sailboats for 20 years ranging from 20-35 feet. Last one was the best, a Pacific Seacraft Flicka 20 that my best fried and I sailed straight from Key West to Guatemala through 15' to 18' seas in the Yucatan Channel. Best twenty footer ever made and probably on par with the Olivers quality. Thanks again Ollie clan, Randy
  16. Hi Sherry, I'm in Marathon Florida in the Keys. I was able to look at a 2015 Elite II which belongs to Greg on Big Pine Key but have not seen any of the original ones. If the newer Ollie II is any indication of the quality then I'm sure Toms is pretty remarkable. I would assume the factory would be able to make any modifications I might need. I guess these Ollies are pretty much lifetime units with the proper upkeep. I probably need only about 15 years or so! Randy
  17. All great info and I really appreciate you guys taking time to respond to my questions. Seems that the Oliver family is a small but close knit group and I like that. I have an email into Tom about maybe speaking to each other tomorrow and I'm awaiting his reply. Thanks again to such an awesome group of people! Randy
  18. Wow thanks for the feedback folks! I'm on the fence between this and the Casita but I think I'm getting pushed over a bit! Older unit vs newer unit but defiantly not apples to oranges. Being that I'm going to be full timing and workamping I don't want to limit myself due to weather. I know people have used Casita's in winter but I'm sure the Ollie would be much more capable. Randy
  19. Hi Oliver crew, I'm considering purchasing a 2008 Oliver Elite. Do you guys think a 2015 F150 2.7liter with tow package would handle that ok? Are weight distribution hitches recommended or needed? Would it be easy to add an Andersen WDH to that trailer? Other than size do you know of any significant improvements of the 2016/17 Elites over the 2008 Elites? I am asking about the Elite and not the Elite II. I have a Casita 17 on order that I'm considering canceling to purchase the 2008 Ollie. Thanks for any and all input. Sincerely, Randy (I'm considering Tom's from Virginia)
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