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    Legacy Elite II
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  1. The inverter should work with a 300ah from LiTime, There is a remote pendant that plugs into the Xantrex inverter 9260C, and converts it to lithium. ( see JD's post ).
  2. I think I will, Thanks.
  3. OK,I do not understand the ah of batteries.My elite ll has 4, 82ah batteries in it,would that = 368ah
  4. Hi JD, just orderd the pendant,Thank you! Looking at Lithium Batteries, If I have over 300ah on lead acid should I get the same out of a Lithium Battery.
  5. Thanks Rivernerd, I will check out all you suggested.
  6. Good morning, my brightway battries are on ther way out on my 2020 hull 994. Can I get agm instead of the brighyways with no modifications to the system.Will the charger charge the same as it did for the brightways.I have no solor but have a xantrex inverter 2000 ( Thanks JD).
  7. - Thanks Ray, I may have to look into a "portable power station." - JD, I do have a honda 2000 gen that I could hook up to LEll. There is a battery "meter" with the tank level monitors. I agree on the multiple extra holes drilled into the battery bay is strange, maybe the original owners backed out of solor when ordered, to bad for me! - Mobiljoy & ADKcamper, Thanks for the recommendations on the coffee types,we used a pour-over but was not impressed. Thanks to all for your help.
  8. Hi, I have a question if I can hook up a 2000 watt inverter to my battery bank.I don't know much about these batterys.Is there a way to get the outlets to work on a inverter,or will I have to have the inverter inside the camper.I have no solor or inverter on my 2022 le 2. We just got back from a state park with no hookups and it is very hard to make coffee at 6:00 am and not be able to fire up the generator.We would like to hit more parks but generator hours are limited.
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