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Against The Wind

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    Athens, Tenn

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  1. My Titan isn’t an XD. Just a regular 1/2 ton. According to Nissan, it has a 9200 lb. towing capacity. But I know from some research that number is affected by many facets.
  2. Hello friends. I’m still new to this forum and still exploring all the great intel here. All you folks are way more experienced than I am. We still are not Oliver owners yet but are using this forum as a basis of information. My question here is after reading HD RIDERs very extensive compilation of tow vehicles, mine was not included. Which made me wonder about its ability to tow a LE II competently. Just last year we purchased a 2023 Nissan Titan Platinum Reserve 4x4 not so much as a tow vehicle for an Oliver but for my boat. Our priorities have now changed as we’ve sold our boat and are looking forward to exploring having an Oliver as our home away from home. We plan, as of now anyway, to use the Andersen Hitch and are only planning short getaways for maybe a week around the southeast ( not climbing the Rockies or pounding our way to Alaska, just yet ). Your opinions will be greatly appreciated and noted.
  3. Good information,again. Nan, perhaps I didn’t introduce ourselves to you. We are only Oliver owner wannabes right now but are doing our research here on the forum to learn more about Oliver TT. Thank you so much for your kindness, though. And thanks for all the other great information, friends. I’m sure we only have a zillion more questions 🤣
  4. Another sleeping question, friends. It’s my understanding that Oliver sells mattresses from the factory that fit the twin setup in the Elite 2. Are these mattresses comfortable? Are there alternatives that fit? Do they fit on top of the existing cushions or is that left to personal preference? What kind/size of sheets fit since mattress has one curved side? Thanks in advance for your knowledge and experience 😁
  5. Thanks to all for this amazing intel. I believe you’re all correct in saying, “Go see one for yourself!”. Kinda like trying on hats, I guess…you gotta see if it fits😀 This is really great, friends, hearing from each of you and your vast knowledge. Thanks to all for your insights 😃
  6. So much good intel! We thought about the standard Legacy 2 with the king setup but realized if we used an additional mattress instead of the cushions, we have lost that end of the trailer to just bedding. No sitting room. So, the twin setup seems the best of both scenarios. And yes, I figured on the shower being too tight for me so we had planned on outside sources (campground bathhouses, etc.) and me using the shower in extreme conditions.
  7. We are Olly wannabes but have yet to see one in person. My big question is: at 6’4 am I gonna have sleeping room in a twin set up Legacy II? This would be a real deal breaker if not and maybe listening to some of your experience would help. Thanks in advance. 😃
  8. Against The Wind Posted Sunday at 01:44 PM Hello all! Just joined your wonderful forum a few days ago. We are a retired couple from Tennessee who are looking forward to owning a Legacy Elite II someday in the near future. So we’re newbie wannabes right now. We made the mistake, I guess, of first looking on line at the Legacy Elite II and now everything else just seems subpar. So, we’re pretty much sold out of the gate on Oliver’s quality and customer satisfaction. We continue to learn every day, mostly from this forum and other research what it’s like to own a travel trailer and why other brands of rv’s should be avoided. Once again, hello and we look forward to getting to know you all.
  9. Thanks for all the helpful advice. At this point we are still researching and gaining knowledge of something new to us. We are experienced tent campers and backpackers but time has put that in the rear view mirror, now. We will continue monitoring this most knowledgeable database for your insights.
  10. Hello all! Just joined your wonderful forum today. We are a retired couple from Tennessee who are looking forward to owning a Legacy Elite II someday in the near future. So we’re newbie wannabes right now. We made the mistake, I guess, of first looking on line at the Legacy Elite II and now everything else just seems subpar. So, we’re pretty much sold out of the gate on Oliver’s quality and customer satisfaction. We continue to learn every day, mostly from this forum and other research what it’s like to own a travel trailer and why other brands of rv’s should be avoided. Once again, hello and we look forward to getting to know you all.
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