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TxMN2020 last won the day on December 11 2024

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  • Location
    North central Texas

My RV or Travel Trailer

  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
  • Year
  • Make
  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?

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  1. Hull 1609, 2025 LE II, lithium with solar, and Yes used a grounding plug. Was successful FIRST time, will try again tomorrow, still learning The generator and trailer.
  2. Have use my honda generator to chargé our batteries 2 times nów, today being The second Tim’e, disconnected from generator, went inside to verify they full charges, and no Lightning or Power to anything on The master control at The door. Went inside when i initialy starter generator and had Power at than time. My FIRST attempt about a month Ago , same routine and no problem. We had our trailer winterized when we picked it up SO no experience with it SO far other than using generator to keep batteries chargéd. Recommendations when to start looking.
  3. We got 14.5 bringing our New elite2 home today, all interstate, 65-70 mp3 most of The way home, about 55 miles, all accordingvto truck computer, 2024 gmc hd2500 diesel denali 4x4.
  4. Have been enjoying The forum for past few month, picked up our 2025 Elite2 this morning from our Ft Worth TX Dealer. Ready to go, already have our site Reserved for Guntersville.
  5. Yes, for us son to be owners, it would be a very informative discussion.
  6. Do The 2025 OTT’s include a smart shunt with The lithium battery upgrades?
  7. I use a 12v milwaukee grease gum with lock n lube attached to flexible hose. We plan to pickupy our Oliver this month, jest trying to get a few Service temp together. Will this set up work for Oliverx lubrication needs? i mosty use Lucas Red and Tacky around The farm
  8. Yes Sir that’s the one, thanks.
  9. Looking for a bike rack for our future Oliver Elite II, see lots of offerings on the forum, what is the rack I see in the Oliver promotional photos, the couple sitting under their awning with two mountain bikes on a hanging style rack. I presume it has a one inch bumper hitch as offered on current Oliver models. still looking to get our new Oliver in December, already have out camp site reservation for the annual rally.
  10. We have used Angel Soft in septic tanks for years, am planning to use it in the Oliver. Tank additives are an unknown to me, is Happy Camper readily available and considered a top product. I am not afraid to pay for premium products if they outperform others and are good for the Oliver. Plan to use it many years so want to take best of care for long term performance.
  11. Thanks, have been in the forums some, not the easiest forum to move around in, but loads of sound advice and experience. The videos were instrumental in our decision to go with the Oliver, hopefully we will pick it up at the factory and do the tour.
  12. Can’t wait to get the delivery date for our new Oliver, there are lots of great videos on trailer systems and operation, however, many are not available for latest year models. I have seen no comments or anyone mentioning going to the owners manual for reference. is there an owners manual for the year model purchased, in our case it will be 2025, that covers all systems and operations for that the model purchased?
  13. Thanks, I need to educate myself on that suspension system, if I understand correctly, the 3 jacks on our model are indeed levelers and not stabilizers. Airstream clearly has the opposite and specify they are only to stabilize. One of many reasons why I am trading up to an Oliver from an Airstream.
  14. Was told by sales rep at recent RV show that this type leveler system did not work well with all twin axle trailers due to clearance or angle, was not familiar with this type leveler at that time, we have a Legacy Elite II 2025 on order hopefully early December delivery. Thinking we may pick it up at manufacturer instead of them shipping to our dealer, and would give us an opportunity to take factory tour, many have said it was worth the time. excited to get it and trying to put together the essential item now. ve
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