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We have a mid-2015 Oliver LE II.  The refrigerator fan compartment is lined with some type of silver insulation material that keeps falling down and hitting the fan.  We've tried taping it back up, but as soon as warm weather hits and we have to run the fan, we find out it has fallen down again.


Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so, what have you done to stop it from falling down?  I should mention the factory used some type of silver tape, we used duct tape on the fly and now we have gorilla tape trying to hold it up.  Nothing seems to work.







Ed and Marsha

Legacy Elite II, Hull #85

Ford F150 Lariat


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We had the same problem about a year ago. Removed most of the old tape and  used 2" wide aluminum foil tape (with adhesive on one side) to replace the original tape. Purchased the tape at a local Lowes hardware store where we were camping.  Took about 1 to 2 hours to replace the tape at the campsite, used scissors to trim many pieces of tape to fit. I don't remember if aluminum tape was made by 3M or Scotch. Overlapped many pieces of tape to support the weight of the curved aluminum plate.


Edit: If I had been at home where I have cleaners/solvents available, would have prepared originally taped areas with compatible cleaner/solvent for better adhesion of the tape considering the weight of the aluminum plate and heat from the refrigerator.  Initially this was supposed to be a temporary fix until returning home from the camping trip. After finishing the repair, it looked good and been in service for over a year.


Normally use a label & sticker remover (Turtle Wax) to remove old adhesive and clean with alcohol before applying an adhesive. Check aluminum foil tape label/instructions to be sure alcohol can be used. Aluminum tape instructions/specifications can also be found on the manufacturers website.


Hope this helps!


Aluminum foil tape installed after one year of use:







2015 LE2 #75 / 2024 F-150/STX/5.0L


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