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Mark Patricia

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer

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  1. We left southern Illinois last Thursday for warmth and good food. Arrived in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, last Friday. It was cool. Moved to Gulf Shores on Monday. Look out! Record breaking snow. The old record was from 1895 and was 3 inches. We had 8 inches here with lots of wind. Oliver performed great! Lows have been in the teens. I left the water dripping and my hose froze but luckily I had another. Oliver was not frozen. I then left the water running at a small stream with no more issues. We had full hookup so dumping was not an issue. We ran the propane furnace. Normally we use a small electric heater. Restaurants and everything else were closed for 2 days. It was enjoyable watching the locals reaction to such weather.
  2. I really like my Oliver. For me an Oliver is a lot of money. I'm 3 hours from Hohenwald as we come back from Florida in February we leave the Oliver there and they service it and do anything needed. I would not have purchased a Oliver if I thought they would have not serviced it. I don't trust anyone to work on it. I'm very disappointed with the thought of Oliver not doing service work.
  3. When u have it right why change. I like the factory tour with lots of questions. Bigger doesn't mean better!!!
  4. Fall creek falls is a nice state park. Rugby is a interesting small town
  5. Two Oliver's in one park- ours 564 and Paula and David 509. Fall Creek Falls, Tn. Nice park, nice people.
  6. Saw a two day old LE2 at the Buckees in Crossville Tn Welcome
  7. We were heading south on interstate 65 in Alabama yesterday south of Birmingham and a new Oliver passed us. Welcome to the group. We love ours.
  8. We get a little noise from under the seat closest to the pantry. It is a exhaust fan that keeps components vented. It cycles on and off. It annoys me.
  9. Bad knees I would change the water hookup.
  10. Yes that's the model I have We have been lots of places over all kind of roads. Our bikes are both Schwinn lightweight mine is all aluminum. The wife's is a 24 inch. I put thread lock on the set screw And so far that has stopped it loosening I certainly wouldn't want a heavy bike there. Are trailer is a 2019 hull 564
  11. Thank You
  12. Where are the screen guards available?
  13. Last trip we took a dog and a grandson not a good combination
  14. Yes the screen won't stay in the frame
  15. We have a problem keeping the bottom screen in place in the screen door. Any suggestions? Anyone used plexiglass in that section?
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