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Moonlight Mile

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Moonlight Mile last won the day on April 1 2021

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  1. Hello moderators or whomever controls the actual features of the forums (I mean under the hood).

    Can we get a separate section for ELITE 1 "everything"?

    Also, can we get 2021 added to the dropdown menu in the profile updating area? It only goes to 2020 as of now.


    1. topgun2


      SherMica - 

      Our main administrator - Jason W. - has added the 2021 year to the edit profile section as per your request.  He has also reversed the order of those years so that the most recent year is on top thus making it a bit easier for new owners/members.  Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

      We are still discussing the pros/cons of a separate section for each model of camper and should have a decision within a week.  


    2. Moonlight Mile

      Moonlight Mile

      Thanks Bill! I hope it wasn’t a hassle for ya. As for the section on Elite 1s, no worries if it’s a bad idea or whatever. Just a thought! I would be less “annoying” with posts under an Elite 1, I think, given that they do have some differences and I hate cluttering up Elite II topics-threads and going “Oh and I am asking for Elite 1” to keep people from having to read through only to find out I am talking about Elite I and maybe the stuff I’m babbling about only applies to Elite 1s. Etc. 

      Thanks for the consideration anyway, of the idea. And again, NO worries if it’s a lame idea! I can filter through things.

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