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Carl Hansen

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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  • Make
  • Model
    Legacy Elite
  • Floor Plan
    Standard Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    Oliver Legacy Elite I

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  1. Yes, they are saying the same thing about fuel.
  2. Spring is here, almost... and I am going through my annual maintenance on the trailer. What do you do for furnace maintenance if anything. I look in the manuals and really don't find much on annual maintenance for the furnace. I'm getting ready to head to TX for the solar eclipse but will be going through some cold country before we get there. I just want everything in tip top condition before we roll out. Thoughts?
  3. Are there many of you that use double surge protection - one at the pole and the internal Oliver EMS? We are making a very long trip back to the east coast later this summer and I am considering using the 30 amp Power Watchdog at the pole to complement the Oliver EMS. Is this too much? We are going to be staying at a wide variety of campgrounds. I would hate to damage the Oliver's electronics. Redundancy here always seems to be a good strategy. Thoughts? Carl
  4. We purchased the receiver option from Oliver. The receiver from Oliver is a 2 inch receiver with an insert to make it 1 1/2”. When I got back to Oregon, I went to a local machine shop and had them remove the insert. Now our 2 inch bike rack fits perfectly. Between the rack and both bikes, we are still under the 150 lb limit. We have towed almost 7 K mile with this configuration and we have had no problems. Good luck with your outfit. Carl
  5. I got it sorted out! Some WD40 helped loosen the threads and an adjustable wrench on the base was the magic combination. Without the adjustable wrench, the entire air valve was spinning in place. The wrench on the base of the transmitter held everything in place while I used the TST wrench to loosen the locking nut. All is well and thanks to everyone who helped on this one.
  6. I have the TST system. I will take these suggestions and give them a try. Thanks!
  7. Greetings! I need to remove the TPMS transmitters to inflate the tires but I can't get them off. The little wrench they supplied does not do the trick. Any other suggestions? Carl
  8. I too had a machine shop remove the insert for our two inch bike rack. It has been rock solid.
  9. Thanks! The trailer is in the shade early in the morning but in direct sunlight by noon. We are considering installing a shade sail over in to protect it from the direct sun. This might be only thing we can do. I do have lithium batteries. I hadn’t considered the effect of heat on them. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. This is our first summer owning our Oliver. We park the trailer at our home and we connect to 30amp shore power. With these hot temperatures we are enduring this summer the internal trailer temperature is reaching close to 100 degrees, similar to the outside temperature. We do have the fan running when the temperature goes above 78 degrees. The windows are cracked open for ventilation. All the perishables have been removed from the trailer while not in use. Should I be concerned about these internal temperatures? Is there anything else I should be doing to keep the trailer cooler? What are your thoughts and best practices? Carl
  11. The excel file still works! Thanks!!!
  12. I just checked the three mounting bolts on my front jack and they were all loose. Glad I caught them now. BTW... what tool do you guys use to track the maintenance on your Oliver?
  13. I do have the optional electrical port for a generator. In my 2021 Elite I, I seem to have a different wiring configuration and buss. I do have two boxes under the front dinet, one with the circuit breakers and the other one is for the plugin fuses. I checked all my electrical connections. All of my connections were tight and secure so I think that I am OK. Carl
  14. I wonder how many other missing or loose screws and bolts are out there. It seems to be a potential issue.
  15. John, Well, it was a good thing that you had me check the mounting bolts. 3 of the 4 internal bolts were loose and needed to be tightened. 1 of the 2 external bolts (underneath) also needed tightening. I only have 7K miles on the trailer. I guess I am going to have to add checking these bolts and screws on a more regular basis. I'm so glad this was a relatively easy fix. I will update the factory and cancel the ticket. Thanks again for all of your help and experience. Carl
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