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Everything posted by Popcorn-Billy

  1. John, I hope this doesn’t offend but you will be in my prayers.
  2. Thanks, Seadawg. id let him have the bed but, unfortunately, I’m bigger than he is. 😉
  3. Hello, I’ve searched and can find nothing on use of the dinette in an Elite I for sleeping. Is it realistic for a 5’10” 220# man to sleep there? I may be traveling with a friend of 50 years and I wouldn’t want to lose a friendship over a sketchy sleeping arrangement. I’m trying to avoid a tow vehicle upgrade, so an Elite II is out of the question.
  4. Chris, Good for you! Enjoy your new challenge!
  5. Thanks, John. I’ve found a 2013 TLC and that looks like to optimum protection for the trailer as a travel to Alaska. Thanks again. Bill
  6. Seadawg, That’s just what my research has shown me and it’s why I’ve been searching for the GX460. It would seem to be able to handle the LE1 with no problem. Both the 4Runner and the GX460 could be used for occasional soft-road excursions for sightseeing in the backcountry, if suitably modified. Now, the question remains: How suitable is an LE1 for 3/4-timing for a solo traveler? The alternate could be a Toyota Land Cruiser. Surely the TLC could manage an LE2???
  7. All, I'm sorry to resurrect an old thread but I’m hunting for a suitable replacement for my 2013 4Runner and was considering a Lexus GX460. The specs seem to work for an LE1 but I’m certainly open to critique. I an old widower and have not need for two vehicles or I’d go with a truck and an LE2. TIA, Bill
  8. How can I delete my post? I don’t want to clutter the forum.
  9. Aluminum is a special skill set as is fiberglass. Airstream has decided they can’t do both. https://www.rvtravel.com/airstream-nest-production-halted/?fbclid=IwAR0R_WkjLfPjUt2SqoKc7GAWps-uMgkpNiMQp7d7oQVnFkbEX0nzFQe2WNY
  10. The YouTube channel, Long Long Honeymoon, had a series on how their AIrstream had to be rebuilt by a specialist in California. Now thank you! I want a rig that will hold up without frequent trips in for repairs. The Olivers travel in their rigs and know what works. I can’t imagine how much stress, say the Alaskan Highway, would put on all those rivets. Even airliners are moving toward composites and away from rivets. I’m thinking through the Twin v. King bed issues for my solo travels with an occasional additional widower on board. My TV will be either a Land Cruiser 200 Series, a Touareg TDI, or a Half Ton Pickup.
  11. John, I'm my experience, curves exacerbate the gradient. I tend to over slow entering a curve and allow the vehicle to accelerate through it. My concern has been that the tail would wag the dog. I had that experience once while towing a too long trailer with my old "Boxtop" Cherokee. Another motorist entered the road when I was in the middle of a downhill curve. It got exciting and I promised myself I wouldn't drive a too small TV. That's why buying an Oliver will involve my trading in my 2013 4Runner for something more adequate. A used Land Cruiser is in the running. I just wish they had a tow-haul mode.
  12. I’m just chiming in. You can have a look at a long term use Airstream on the Long, Long Honeymoon YouTube channel. They had extensive work done to their Airstream in California to rebuild the floor and the steel Outriggers supporting the floor. With the Oliver fiberglass monocoque construction, such repairs should never be needed. SeaDawg, where can I find Photos of the Vortex rock shield you referred to in your post? Thanks! Airstreams are much easier to modify, because so much of the interior is built after the shell and screwed in place.
  13. Thanks, everyone!
  14. Hello, Can a full size adult reasonably sleep on the side dinette or is it basically a child’s bed? Also, how large are the twin beds, if I order the extended twin option with larger under-bed storage?
  15. All, Realistically, is the Ollie a 2-3 season camper or is it more than that?
  16. Don, What an encouraging post! I see that you're towing and Elite II with, apparently, no issues. I've been limiting my search to the Elite 18.5'. If I may ask, what brake controller do you recommend? The Certified 2016 TDI I called about was sold yesterday, oh well..... Once I find a Q7 or Toureg TDI, I'll PM you and we'll chat. The Q7 reference got me thinking. I've, I think, seen Q5 TDIs. They probably are too small to be useful as a TV. I've towed an old 24' Prowler with a box top Cherokee 4.0L. It pulled fine but got twitchy in crosswinds and was no fun to drive.
  17. Thanks, David! John, I'm looking at VW Certified ONLY. It seems the mid $30s is the sweet spot for a Certified 2016. I've considered moving to a Lexus GX460, in order to keep the Toyota reliability and get a small V8. The Lexus doesn't have the torque of the TDI nor the high altitude performance but it is a body-on-frame Toyota. It's a bummer Toyota doesn't import their diesels to the US. Yes, I'm quite comfortable with a diesel. I've owned three.
  18. All, After consulting here on the suitability of my 2013 4Runner for towing an Elite, I've decided to move into something a bit more capable. There are quite a few nice, low mileage 2016 Toureg TDIs available locally and I'm considering. I think I read of folks towing Ollies with their Toureg TDIs and was wondering if any were on the forum. The Toureg would seem to meet my needs for a compact SUV. I used to have trucks but cannot justify having one as my sole vehicle. Heck, park an aluminum utility trailer in the garage and I have a truck when I need one. TIA, Bill
  19. All, Thanks for all the responses. They've aided me in my on-going decision making process.
  20. Thanks all, Quite frankly, if I need a full size truck; I'll just opt for a one-ton RAM with a high GVWR and load a truck camper on it. I was trying to hold on to my minimalist ethic but it appears I cannot. I'm also looking at trading my 4Runner in on a RAM 6.7L Cummins 4x4 with a 6 speed manual and a 10,100 pound GVWR. I can load a Northern Lite 8-11 SE on that and not have the hassle of towing and be more boondocking capable. Thanks for helping me make a decision.
  21. roguebooks, Thank you for your candor. I'd thought of a Tacoma or a Chevy Colorado but you're probably right. A Tundra would give a higher comfort level.
  22. Hello, I'm widowed and travel alone so I don't think I need an Elite II. The little 18'-5" Ollie would seem to be fine for me. The question comes, when I consider the total package. I currently drive a 2013 4Runner and it's perking along just fine. It spends most of its life in my garage even though it has 125,000 miles on it. I've owned it since it had 4,800 miles on it, so it's very much a "known quantity" and it's extremely reliable. I'd like to use it for towing an 18'-5" Oliver. The question comes, when I look at the 5,000 GVWR for the little coach. I travel light. Really. I travel globally in one carry-on for three weeks at a time and see no reason why I'd be over packing an Oliver. Has anyone weighed their fully loaded Elite and, if so, how much did it weigh? I like to travel with so water, just so I can stop wherever the mood strikes me but could travel with light tanks. Your opinions are always welcome. Thanks in advance.
  23. Thanks Pete and you too, Bosker. I've seriously considered upgrading to a Tacoma Double Cab LB for my TV and daily driver. My 4Runner, as you know, is body-on-frame and has the same drive-train as your Taco. I just like pickups for towing, because they have room for incidentals like my trike and a Honda generator. It's a handy place to keep leveling blocks too. It sounds like for our travel envelope the Oliver is about ideal. I'd probably start out towing with my 4Runner and then upgrade, if I feel like I need to. If I decide to stay with an SUV, I may consider a VW Toureg TDI. Folks are reporting some pretty remarkable fuel mileage with those. But my 'Runner only has 100k miles, so it's just now getting broken in. ;-) Besides, the paint matches. LOL
  24. Trish & Jack, No, I haven't but thanks so much for the heads up!
  25. HMD1056, While the Oliver Elite could be loaded to a GVW of 5,000#, I can't imagine such a scenario. Look at the promo shots of the Oliver Legacy Elite. You'll se they're shown as being towed with an FJ Cruiser. My 4Runner has a longer wheelbase, so I'm going to give it a try. If not, I have a Lexus RX470 located. I like Toyota reliability and don't care so much how fast I can climb hills. Mountain Born on this forum towed an old model 18' Oliver with his Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. I know it's anecdotal but I'm sure someone with experience will chime in.
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