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  1. Note that I added additional info to my original post. There is NO 120vac coming into the GFCI outlet.
  2. I have an Oliver Elite II 2021 model with solar panels and Li batts and surge protector. Was camping at Great Basin NP, no hookups. Woke up in the morning with no 120VAC to the outlets. Checked breakers and reset, no obvious probs and still no 120v to the outlets. Checked the GFCI and could not reset it. Checked for voltage at the GFCI. Nothing. The microwave works. No power to the outside outlet. Furnace and air conditioner working. The surge protector is working normally with no error codes. Hooked up to 120vac from home outlet and still no 120vac to the outlets. All 12vdc systems working. Checked the circuit breakers under the street side bed and both are OK. Shut off and turned on the inverter, no change. Called Oliver service and would not help me, no tech support for anything 120v, suggested I take it for service somewhere. Has anyone experienced this issue and how did you solve it? A little apprehensive about taking it somewhere for repairs. docron
  3. We have an Ollie that was purchased in November of 2021. We got the Zamp solar panel system with Li batts. I was cleaning the trailer after a recent trip and I noticed what appears to be water leaking under the surface membrane on the street side panel. I will be contacting Zamp tomorrow morning for recommendations. Looks like there has been a delamination and water leakage, it is definitely NOT a surface issue and rubbing the surface does not change it. It is easy to see in the images emanating from the frame going upwards. Anyone else have this problem and did Zamp take care of it? docron702
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