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John Welte

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Posts posted by John Welte

  1. 3 minutes ago, John E Davies said:

    This is very incorrect. As long as you manage the AC loads correctly, you can certainly run off a 20 amp or 15 amp circuit. The 30 amp power is needed for running all the loads at once. When hooked up to a smaller supply, just turn off the hot water heater and fridge circuit breakers. Do not expect to run the air conditioner while charging lithium batteries. Do the latter early in the morning, until they are topped up, then turn off the charger and run the aircon in the afternoon….

    I rarely hook up to shore power, and when I do it is hardly ever 30 amp. You can access the xantrex charge control settings and turn down the output current if needed, this has been discussed in several other threads.



    John Davies

    Spokane WA


    John, I have winterized and just have the refrigerator on auto with no gas on.  The only two draws on the lithium batteries are the refrigerator and the battery heater.  I am in Denver where it was 25 and sunny.  The batteries are at 100% on the lithium pro package.  Yesterday I was just hooked up to an extension cord and a 30>15 amp plug and the only thing it was charging was the battery.  As I understand it you're spot on.  The 30 amp service lets you have more things on, but you can plug into just a regular outlet and use the 30>15 amp plug.  As soon as the snow stops and the roads are good, I will continue on to Oregon.

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  2. 4 hours ago, topgun2 said:

    One way or the other - this is not a big deal in that there is nothing the fresh water tank that will be hurt even if it freezes.  And, you will sanitize it in the Spring anyway.

    However, I like mine to be as empty as I can get it and by just emptying it via the water pump there will be (perhaps - depending on the slope of the Ollie at the time) a bit of water left in the tank.  Therefore, I open the fresh water drain valve and even slope the Ollie towards the drain point.


    I sloped mine so the nose was up.  I think it's on the curb side (that's where the valve is) so maybe a tilt to make the curb side lower might.help too.  Correct me if I am wrong.


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  3. On 11/12/2022 at 7:22 PM, Rivernerd said:

    Attached is a photo of what I believe to be a bathroom return air vent in our new Hull #1291 Elite II.  It is on the back side of the aft bathroom wall, right above the black tank flush/check valve, and therefore accessible from underneath the front dinette seat.  

    The second attached photo is shot from the bath side.   I suspect the return air is expected to make its way back to the furnace through the area under the floor.

    You will note that the forced air vents are smaller than in previous models.  I believe this is because we were the third Elite II upgraded to the Truma AC/VarioHeat furnace package.  The air ducts are smaller diameter, but much more substantial than I have seen in photos previously posted on this forum.  Maybe Oliver added return air vents as part of this upgrade?

    For what it's worth, a cold front moved into Tennessee last night.  It has been in the high 30's today, with lows for tonight forecast to be in the mid-20's.  We have run the furnace most of the day, with the bathroom door closed, yet it has been only a bit cooler in the bath than in the main cabin.  I suspect that small return air duct has helped balance the flow of heated air to the bathroom.


    Oliver Bathroom Return Air Duct.jpg

    Bath Return Air Vent.jpg

    We were in Salina, Kansas and we were comfortable at 21° at night.  the Truma Varioheat seems to do a good job.  We have the bathroom door closed at night and it's only a little cooler than the main cabin.  I haven't tried the nighttime mode on the furnace.  I wasn't bothered by the sound of the furnace.  I leave Denver hopefully tomorrow after getting our 2017 Ford Expedition fixed.  It misfired under load, like going up hills, from Tennessee to Denver.  It turned out to be a cracked #3 spark plug.  They replaced all of them.  I am hoping for a nicer drive to Portland.  How are you doing?


  4. On 10/6/2022 at 4:39 PM, Lee Cappelletti said:


    Don't know how many of you have had extended trips on our highways lately...but it looks like a "war zone" in some places...

    Cannot believe the bumps, holes, patches, dipsey-doos and just downright poor condition...

    If we didn't have an Oliver I think I would have left several hundred parts and pieces on the roads !

    Hohenwald to Bellingham WA...I don't think we will ever take a trip that long again- maybe on the "back roads"...

    Just be careful out there !

    The interstates have been good except when we crossed into Colorado from Kansas it went from great to bad.  What's up with Colorado?  They should have a good tax base to keep their roads up.  If Kansas can do it, I don't see why Colorado can't.


    • Sad 1
  5. 6 hours ago, SeaDawg said:

    I think people will likely love the Truma varioheat. More quiet and even. Night mode. If iur 15 year old suburban dies, the varioheat  is on our radar for a replacement unit. 

    We have a compressor fridge. It consumes 60 to 70 ah per day. Easily managed with our 400 watts of solar, and 200 watts portable,  with a Honda 1000 backup. As most of you know, we camp without hookups 99 per cent of the time. But, we are power misers. No inverter, no microwave.  Agm batteries (2 x group 31, 105 ah.) 


    I have the Truma package.  Last night we camped in Kansas with 22° as our night-time low.  The Truma Varioheat works great.  It keeps a steady temperature by varying the fan speed.  There's also a night time mode that's quieter, but I wasn't bothered by it.  We had no condensation in the morning.  The inside walls only felt cool.  Oliver makes a great trailer.  Very happy with #1290 so far.


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  6. 9 hours ago, Steve and Deb said:

    According to their post on the Facebook group, the owners of #1292 took delivery Friday, and have the very last 2022 model built. 

    It also looks like some of the 2023 features have been rolled out over these last trailers. #1289 has the Victron controller, and Rivernerd's #1291 has the new Truma furnace. I haven't seen anyone with the new compressor fridge yet.

    Here's hoping any problems with the new bits get ironed out by our March 29th delivery. And thank you to the new beta testers! 😉

    We have #1290 and chose the Truma package.  It was $3850 more.  OTT said we are the first number with the Truma package.  They made a binder with the Truma furnace and Truma A/C for us.  We also have the Victron controller.  I didn't realize that#1292 was the last 2022.  We ordered on January 28 so this year the production slots filled up very fast.  

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  7. No worries.  I figured it out.  I had a gas stop device on the tank and I may not have primed it correctly after turning the gas back on.  It was dark.  One thing that might be useful would be a light over the tank area.  Tonight I removed that gas stop and hooked up the gas line directly.  The Truma heater started up with no problem.  So much to learn!

    John, 1290

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  8. 3 hours ago, Rivernerd said:

    We take delivery on Hull #1291 tomorrow.  I plan to conduct a thorough inspection and test all systems over the next several days.  It will be interesting to see if the many service tickets reported by all of you helpful forum posters have caused Oliver's production quality control to improve enough to provide us with a flawless trailer.  

    Stay tuned.



    I think you'll like it.  It exceeded my expectations.  We leave David Crockett on the 11th for Missouri.  I think you're coming here in the afternoon of the 11th.  Have a great time.  The Oliver people have been very helpful.


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  9. 9 hours ago, Steve and Deb said:

    Congratulations on your new delivery! I look forward to your travels and hope that you enjoy it as much as you'd hoped. 140 days left for us!


    Safe travels,

    Steve and Deb, but who's counting eh?!  😂🤣 We get to test its cold weather abilities starting in two days.  Cold down into the teens at night.  It's been 75°+ but that will be a memory soon.



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  10. 2 hours ago, Mark Patricia said:

    We get a little noise from under the seat closest to the pantry. It is a exhaust fan that keeps components vented. It cycles on and off.  It annoys me.

    I think it must be the Truma hot water heater.  I may try it on Eco tonight.  It comes from that area and not the pantry area.


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  11. 13 hours ago, Frank C said:

    Do you have the Truma hot water heater?  If so, in normal operating mode it will cycle on and off to have hot water immediately at the ready.   Not very loud but just enough to be annoying.   We hated hearing that at night while trying to sleep, so putting the Truma in ECO mode stops that cycling but it takes a little longer to get hot water flowing. 

    We do have the Truma package with the hot water heater.  I have it set on comfort now.  I just was wondering what the sound was.  Thanks.


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  12. 1 hour ago, Mike and Carol said:

    Glad it’s going well.  There’s a steep learning curve in the beginning.  The best way to learn is to use it!  Have a great trip home.  Mike

    Mike, I am trying to just set the time on various systems to start with to get my feet wet. Fortunately the microwave was easy, like the one at home.


    • Like 4
  13. On 10/2/2022 at 7:56 AM, topgun2 said:

    Elbow grease?😄

    Used fabric softener dryer sheets with spray wax/detailer of your choice.


    Bill, I bought Rejex, microfiber towels and dryer sheets.  I thought I would apply some Rejex to the front before leaving Tennessee.  It's warm now until we leave on Friday, at which point it drops into the teens at night on our route home.  Probably need to winterize before we go.  I was hoping the cold weather would hold off.


  14. Hi all or hi y'all, we picked up #1290 on Monday and we're at David Crockett plugged in to shore power.  Every half hour or so there's a 10 second humming from something turning on or off.  Refrigerator?  Converter?  It's from the middle of the trailer.  Any ideas.  I am sure it's normal and it's not very loud.  TIA


  15. 3 hours ago, ScubaRx said:

    John and Debbi,

    Tali and I are very excited for you two as you set out on a journey that will soon encompass some of the best days of your lives. Good luck and safe travels.

    Thanks very much for your message.  I have always highly regarded your comments as valuable as you are long-time owners.  We look forward to getting to know all the systems.  So far, it's exceeded my expectations.

    John and Debbie

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  16. Hi y'all.  We left Hohenwald today and drove to David Crockett State Park.  It towed great behind our 2017 Ford Expedition EL with heavy duty tow package.  There were some steep (to my surprise) sections and it pulled OK.  We will be going over the Rockies so that will be a good test.  So far, I am very pleased with Oliver.20221108_175925.thumb.jpg.cdc09524b14ca84b3515488a32c9b263.jpg

    • Like 5
  17. 6 hours ago, ScubaRx said:

    I designed the divider and our raised beds with storage underneath for our 2013 build of Hull #050, The Outlaw Oliver. Oliver offered them as options for a while but when they decided to drop any custom work done on the assembly line, these two items fell off the options list. I originally intended the divider to protect the bedding from any cooking splatters and to be able to recline against it, while partially sitting up to read. But, I didn't feel like it was sturdy enough to support that position so I recline on the other end of the bed although we sleep with our heads in the middle, feet to the rear. It does function well in the anti-splatter mode.

    As far as the cook tops, we specified a North-South orientation. Having come from our 2008 Elite, I felt like it was a better usage of the available counter space. Then some customers wanted theirs turned East-West, claiming it gave them more available counter space!?!? So Oliver switched orientations. I gather from what you are saying that they have now returned to the way we have ours turned. The downside of that orientation is that you have to reach across the front burner to utilize the back burner.     

    "The downside of that orientation is that you have to reach across the front burner to utilize the back burner."

    My wife is concerned about that as well.  It appears that many people cook outside, so that may be what we'll do also.  Our tent trailer had an outside high pressure two burner stove that attached to the outside wall of the trailer that we used most of the time.  We brought our Coleman two burner portable stove, a dark green unit that has a cover that we bought about 35 years ago when we tent camped.  We have propane cannisters but maybe we can connect to the quick connects on the trailer.


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  18. 30 minutes ago, John E Davies said:

    That was an inexpensive factory option in 2017. They dropped it after a short while, maybe nobody was interested? I think it is great. Without it, the first time you knock over a soda bottle you will swear. Fluids can go straight onto the bedding or the person lying there..

    John Davies

    Spokane WA

    John I am visiting our grandson in Denver on the way to Hohenwald.  He has a cup with a lid that makes it difficult to spill.  I can get the name of it if you're interested.  😂🤣


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  19. 26 minutes ago, John E Davies said:

    My wife and I like to recline on the single beds, looking out the back and side windows. We try to select a site that has something worth looking at in that direction. Lakes are good 😬 If you are traveling solo, you can do this. It’s a Zero Gravity type recliner. It will work in either direction, but this way is better for access to the sink, pantry, bathroom and outside door.


    Welcome to the forums.

    John Davies

    Spokane WA


    John, did you make that divider between the stove and the bed or was that standard?  They have rotated the stove 90° so the cover now act as the splatter shield.


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