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Boonter Jeff

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Everything posted by Boonter Jeff

  1. Hi All, I have read some of the posts about the 1 1/4” receiver option. One thing that I am confused about is whether the bikes, rack, and receiver assembly have to be removed before you drain your gray and black tanks. On one youtube video that Oliver did, they removed the whole assembly but that might have been just to get at the spare tire. If anyone can clarify this, it would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. John D., 3 -5 years for AGM batteries? We had AGM batteries on our boat and they lasted for about 10 years.
  3. Thanks everybody! Didn’t know about a tax write off.
  4. My wife, Donna and I have got our deposit in on a Legacy Elite II. Pick up in late August. Pretty exciting. I’ve been lurking around here for a couple of months but I finally got the Admiral (wait that’s boater jargon) to sign off. Bob in Saint Helena graciously showed us his rig and that did it. I think that we’ll do the AGM/Solar package. We haven’t done a lot of boondocking but the option sounds good. I’m definitely not a fan of loud generators. This forum has reassured us that our 2008 Tundra (5.7 liter with tow package) will be a good tow vehicle. I appreciate the enthusiasm that members of this forum show for these well designed and high quality trailers. Thanks in advance for helping us, as Oliver newbies.
  5. Pretty exotic destination for someone (like us!) from the West Coast. My wife’s cousin has there summer house overlooking the Straits of Northumberland. We set up on their lawn - what a view!
  6. Thanks for all the good information. I pushed the button and filled out the form to see an Oliver. We’ve towed that squirrelly Casita all the way to Nova Scotia and back. One thing I’ve learned about backing in trailers or docking boats is to let go of any macho pride. I can pull out and try it again as long as it takes. I might even ask (gasp) for help 🙂
  7. Hi folks, My wife, Donna and myself (Jeff Pugh) are looking to upgrade from our Casita 17 to a Legacy Elite II. From what I’ve been reading it sounds like the Oliver has the kind of quality that we really appreciate. It also appears to have a loyal and likable group of owners. We’ve owned boats, so the idea of marine grade hardware and surfaces is appealing. I have perhaps two main concerns. We have a 2008 Tundra with the 5.7 engine and tow package. I’m spoiled by how easily it tows the Casita. I am less worried about towing the L.E. II after reading some of your posts but…. The other concern is that adding six feet of length might “inhibit” our ability to find places in Forest Service and BLM campgrounds. All that being said I’m pretty sure that we are ready to make a move. We live in Mendocino Count (about 110 miles north of San Francisco). I was shown the trailer recently at an RV park in SoCal by a very kind couple. However my wife hasn’t seen the trailer. So I was wondering if there is anybody in the Bay Area or points north in our direction who might be willing to give her a peek? I’ve played phone tag with Josh at the factory but he seems like a pretty busy guy so I thought I’d try here too. We have family in the east bay so we go back and forth quite a bit. We are, of course, happy to respect mask protocols. Thanks!
  8. We’ve been towing a Casita 17 with a Tundra for a number of years. Some people might call that overkill, I call it comfortable .
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