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Posts posted by topgun2

  1. Don,


    Any idea of why VW says in the owners manual to NOT use a WD hitch?


    Even though I did not NEED a WDH for my last RV and I'm told that I would not need it for the Elite II I'm getting in Feb, 2016, I decided to use one anyway. Basically there are two reasons for this decision - the first is safety. In the event of needing to make sudden moves I feel that the WDH will keep the TV more in line with the RV. Second, it seems to me that our interstate highways in the US are not in the best repair. It seems that there are a lot of bridges that have a fairly large "bump" on both sides and this produces a pronounced "bounce" between the TV and the RV. A WDH really reduces this "bounce".


    I've also investigated the Andersen versus the Equalizer brand. While I've not personally used the Andersen, yet, I think that the discussions regarding the PITA of hitching it up when not directly aligned are a bit over done. With the Equalizer there were also times when getting the spring bars into place were a real pain. But given the benefits I do not think that spending another 2 to 5 minutes hitching up are a big deal.

  2. Linda,


    They really should post a warning sign on the front door so that you can see it BEFORE you even go on that tour. While the tour is free, the results are really expensive!


    Congrats - I get mine in February.



  3. If you are looking for a camp that is at a bit lower elevation and/or you would like to fish for some mountain trout then head down the mountain on route 276 to the Davidson River Campground. They have hookups and showers and it is located right on the Davidson River. Also, just down the road a couple of miles is a WalMart, various restaurants and other services, and, about five miles west is the nice little town of Brevard, NC. Going back up the mountain be sure not to miss the State fish hatchery - approximately 500,000 trout being raised here - plus tons of hiking/mountain biking trails and Looking Glass Falls.


    Bill (aka Topgun2)

  4. Horace and Dianne,


    I'm jealous! I'm scheduled to get delivery of mine in mid-February.


    A couple of months ago I asked the Forum if anyone knew if the Oliver would work with an Equalizer WDH and basically received no direct replies to the question. I presently own an Equalizer and would prefer to use it versus the Anderson. But, you are the first that I've heard of that has experience in this area.


    Is the reason the Equalizer will not work with the Oliver due to the tongue brackets having a problem fitting between the frame and the propane tank coweling? Or, is it because the brackets would "walk" on the frame?



  5. From the mountains of western North Carolina to Hohenwald. Took the factory tour with Anita and basically I was hooked. However, I then kept on going - out to Wyoming for a month of fishing. But that was the decision maker. A total of eight weeks on the road with my hybrid camper really sold me on all the benefits of the Ollie. So, yesterday the check was in the mail. I don't think that I've ever wished for winter to get here so that I can take delivery of my new baby (February 16th). But, first, I've got to decide fabric, flooring and counter colors!

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