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  1. By the way, you will NOT need a coupling to attach the flange to the short pipe. The flange has a short stub that inserts into the pipe. You WILL need the proper glue to attach the pipe to the flange/stub. Shirley
  2. Hi everyone, I had the same thing happen to my floor flange about a year ago. My Ollie is a 2015 #103. The flange cracked and the toilet also moved around. This allowed vapors to seep past the flange gasket. It was not pleasant. I remove the toilet and flange screws, but was having difficulty getting the flange out of the tank. I didn't want to crack or damage the tank. I thought that the flange my be GLUED to the tank. I spoke with Jason and he made it easy to understand. Jason told me that the flange is glued to a short (approx. 6") piece of pipe. The pipe and flange is NOT glued into the tank, it is only pressed into a rubber bushing at the top of the tank. You should be able to remove the flange after removing the screws. Some parts of the flange might crumble, because it is not easy to get the pipe out of the tank. The tank is more like a rubber bladder than a ridged tank. It was difficult to get the new pipe (with the flange glue to it) into the tank. Again, Jason advised me to use liquid dish washing soap to lubricate the tail piece attached to the flange. After using the soap, the pipe was much easier to insert into the tank. You can use ABS or PVC for the repair. The ABS is black and harder to find. You will the flange and a short piece of pipe also. Good Luck! Shirley
  3. I have lost one and wondered where I can go to replace it. I would check with Oliver first. They may be able to help you. If not you can go to McMaster-Carr.com and do a search for: T-Handle Locking Quick-Release Pins. You will have to measure the size of your pin to get the correct one. Good Luck!
  4. I don't have the solar option, but I did a disconnect switch install that I like. It was not a factory install. It can be found at: https://olivertraveltrailers.com/topic/battery-cut-off/ I hope this helps. Shirley
  5. Thanks for all the help with the pics. It looks much better now. I'm kinda new to this and any help is much appreciated. You had me scratching my head on the inverter. I do have an inverter, so I went out to check on it. The inverter is wired directly to the batteries. This relay does not affect the inverter operation. The inverter will still operate with the relay switch off. The relay will disconnect everything else from the batteries. This includes jacks, lighting, tv, everything etc.,etc., this includes the gas detector. (It may also disconnect the breakaway switch for the brakes. I haven't confirmed this.) This is good for storage, but it may be a liability issue for some. Just a thought. Thanks,
  6. Yes, up is on and down is off. I couldn't figure out how to rotated the pics, so everything is off 90 deg. I thought about adding labels but haven't done it yet. It's kinda under the overhang of the bed so it would be hard so see anyway. If the relay fails I could easily by-pass it if necessary just by moving a cable. Not really a fix, but it won't leave you stranded. The spring is pretty strong on the spdt switch. It would take a fair amount of effort to accidentally switch it off and I don't have a dog... Thanks,
  7. I was also looking for a remote battery disconnect. I found this item on Amazon. It may be a little more complicated than most, but it fits my needs. I can disconnect my batteries by a spdt switch located under my bed. I also added another 12 volt socket while I was under the bed. I mounted the disconnect switch on the wheel well. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002UCAI58/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The remote toggle is also at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005GDG2OO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 My ollied is a 2015 model and I don't have solar, so there may be a big difference in the wiring compared to the newer units.
  8. This should be normal. It has also been discussed before (do a search for Furnace/Heat Strip). You didn't mention which a/c unit or thermostat that you have, but I think that they all work alike. If "my" thermostat is set to "electric heat" and there is more than a 5 or 6 degree difference in the set temp and the room temp, then the gas and the electric heat will run. After the room temp nears the set temp setting it will shut the gas furnace off and continue on electric heat until the set temp is reached. This is because the electric heat is more of a maintainer. The electric heat would take considerable time to heat the RV on its own. Hope that this helps. Shirley
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