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  1. Hull 275 Oliver ll. this is my story. I also needed to change out my original batteries; Trojan T 105 6;volts , that were the original ones that came with my trailer when I bought it. I finally found them at a golf cart store in West Palm Beach which is a 10 hour drive from Atlanta. So a drove down and bought them. Since I was going to go to Hohenwald on the 4 of December I decided that they could do the installation. Easy peasy. Well it did not turn out that way. I got a message from Jason which said the following: The new T105 batteries have an embedded low profile terminal which is not allowing good connection for the cables. I am attaching a picture of one battery connection to show how the nut is not securing properly on the terminal as well as a picture with a possible solution by using a 4 stud adapter in two locations. If we use the adapters we would also have to rerun a new positive wire in order to rear the adapter. The reason is that there are 3 terminals that are not making good connection at all but I only have 2 adapters in stock. So, what I thought was going to be a straightforward installation, it was not When I picked up the trailer yesterday I noticed that the Hydrolink watering system which I had when I originally bought the trailer, was not installed. it turns out that the original Hydrolink doesn’t work, according to Jason and I need to buy a new one. So now I’m left with having to manually remove the battery covers for each battery and manually fill up with distilled water whenever they get low. BUT they way the cables are installed there are some covers that are below the battery cables and can’t be reached easily! LIVE AND LEARN The adapters are $22 each and a new positive wire run would be $165.00. The only other solution would be to take these batteries back and exchange them for the ones with the longer terminals.The adapters are $22 each and a new positive wire run would be $165.00. The only other solution would be to take these batteries back and exchange them for the ones with the longer terminals.
  2. That’s what I paid too
  3. The air conditioner has a remote control and also on the unit itself you can make changes in case you lose the control. My unit also has the heat strip. The original controls continue to be used for the propane furnace
  4. Hello from Hull 275, an Oliver Ellite ll 2017. I have been wanting to replace the Dometic air conditioner because my wife HATES the noise even when using earplugs. So I went to last week to D&N RV service located in Guntersville and asked to order me the Houghton H3400 caravan air conditioner. They placed the order and 3 days later they called me to tell me that it had arrived. Today, Monday August 23, I took the trailer at 8 am and they had it installed by 1 pm. This unit is a game changer, it is so quiet that my wife and I can have a conversation and watch tv within the horrendous noise we used to have with the Dometic unit. The remote control is great as I can have it on the nightstand and change the temperature without getting up. It doesn’t need the soft start as it has a ramps up without it. The only drawback was that they could not drain it with the drain that the Dometic use that drains the water down below the bottom of the camper but I will be installing a gutter so it doesn’t run down the window. Best ever. By the way the RV tech is name Brandon and he has won twice the National Championship of RV Techs. This was his first time installing this type of unit and he loves the unit. So it you are in the Guntersville area and want to have them exchange your unit, give them a visit.
  5. John, excellent mod. You continue to show how quality work needs to be done. Unfortunately i dont have the skills nor the equipment to do the work but your detailed photos can allow a qualified individual to do the work
  6. I am also looking to replace my furrion tv as it’s starting to have the picture brightness continuously going from bright to a dim bright. I see that the 2020 Oliver now go with the Jenson brand. So first question Furrion or Jenson. Now I see that Furrion has a 32 inch 12 volt with a sound bar incorporated and I was thinking of getting it but because of the size it will not be able to rise up to secure it while traveling. Any thoughts if I just kept it down while traveling ‘ BHNCB. you still happy with the transit?
  7. Do post pictures please
  8. Driving from Hohenwald an hour away on an interstate doing 70 miles an hour I hit a lip on the road and my f150 showed a “electric malfunction “. I thought that my 7 pin might have come out but I looked back and the yellow lights on the side of the Ollie were on. So I continued on and suddenly a Good Samaritan flagged me and told me there was smoke coming out from the back of trailer. I pulled off and sure enough there was smoke coming from under rear tires. The tires looked good and could not see where the smoke was coming from. I took out my infrared temperature gauge and it showed that the tires were showing a readout of 150 degrees. I waited for about 15 minutes waiting for the temperature to come down. As I proceeded to start again I realized that the brakes were locked up. I then thought that the safety brake away had come loose. Nope it was in. So I had to get off the interstate and luckily there was an exit about 3 minutes drive away. So I limped off the interstate with smoke still coming out the back. At the end of the interstate there was a fire station and I was able to get there. With the help of the firemen we determined that the brakes had locked up. When we pushed the the safety brake plug we could hear the brakes release but as soon as I would try to start rolling they would lock up. So I called for a flatbed to take the Ollie back to the factory. I also called Jason and was lucky to be able to speak with him. He told me that if I disconnected the seven pin it would eliminate electric to the brakes and they would release. Did that but didn’t work. So he said that on the passenger side bed there was a pink wire that also provided electrical current. When we disconnected that wire and disconnected the seven pin the brakes finally released. So we had the flatbed pull the Ollie and I went behind to avoid anyone from hitting the back of the Ollie. The diagnostic from Oliver was that the black brake release was full of junk and had failed. So we had it replaced and had the drums resurfaced. The brake pads were still good. We also had them repack the bearings since we had the tires were off. There is also something that is important to know. If you take the black plug out it has to be put back in a specific way. If not you might find that it will at some point fail
  9. Mossemi; my air conditioner never worked with one generator. Only when I connected two in parallel did it work. The Easy start was installed in Hohenwald
  10. I mentioned in another post an issue I had with the Easy Start . Now I have to go to Hohenwald next week to have my Easy Start checked out cause apparently when installed on my original air conditioner it wasn’t installed properly and it shorted. How do I know? Because my original air conditioner after one year of use had to be replaced because of a bad compressor and during the rally this year, I had it replaced and when I asked the tech to move the Easy Start to the new unit , we found out it was shorted and didn’t work. This was why I bought two generators because with one, the air conditioner would not start and I thought that the generator wasn’t strong enough, so I bought the other one and put them in parallel and my air worked great. So I am getting a new Easy Start and I hope to have it be able to only use the one generator and ill keep the other one for my home. Or so I hope
  11. I bought two and they work beautifully . Now I have to go to Hohenwald next week to have my Easy Start checked out cause apparently when installed on my original air conditioner it wasn't installed properly and it shorted. How do I know? Because my original air conditioner after one year of use had to be replaced because of a bad compressor and during the rally this year, I had it replaced and when I asked the tech to move the Easy Start to the new unit , we found out it was shorted and didn't work. This was why I bought two because with one the air conditioner would not start and I thought that the generator wasn't strong enough, so I bought the other one and put them in parallel and my air worked great. So I am getting a new Easy Start and I hope to have it be able to only use the one generator and ill keep the other one for my home. Or so I hope
  12. ScubaRX since I was the one who,posted having the black water episode I now understand how the sewer water came out the shower drain. With your explication can I ask if there is now a way to sanitize the sewer water that went up the black pipe vent ?
  13. There is a couple named Mike and Jeniffer Lakeland who have an extensive amount of information on RVing. They live in Michigan and their first ebook they just did was on the Upper Peninsula. I highly recommend you take a look at the website. website is. https://rvlifestyle.myshopify.com/a/downloads/-/4972b57824ad17df/2f59a2615f716e72
  14. What is UP?
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