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Everything posted by mountainborn

  1. Yeh, he's right. Right click on the photo then click on properties, the date and time are listed. He, he, keep him straightened out girl !
  2. Here is the photo: > > Chuck, we could have used your help !
  3. On the Lake, Butcherknife prepares Breakfast. After friday nights cast, we caught just under 100 pounds of fish ! We would need a good breakfast to carry us through the fish cleaning. >
  4. Chuck's tight schedule, the need for more coffee and breakfast forced us to return to camp with one jug still out there, as yet unfound. After wishing Chuck a safe trip, and seeing him off, we returned to look for the missing jug. Just Butcherknife and I on the boat, so the video is pretty jerky as I try to operate the boat and assist butcherknife with the catch. Here is a video of that find: >
  5. Tumbleweed does a final light check, buckles up, gives a wave and a jaunty toot, toot, then he is outta' there ! SoCal bound ! Click the photo below to see the short video clip: >
  6. It is a really rotten kind of a guy that will interupt a man, with the taking of a photo, while he is working his way down to the bottom of a platter of Pork Chops, stack of corn on the cob and such stuff ! > > We weren't able to finish off all the chops that Butcherknife provided for us, so the next morning after picking up the jugs and cleaning the morning's catch, we had eggs, Texas toast, fried taters, and pork chops, ect, ect, before Tumbleweed hit the road for SoCal.
  7. Here is Tumbleweed in front of our Ollie, with his Ollie in the background: >
  8. Tumbleweed's cool custom graphics really set off and accentuate the Oliver / Tow Vehicle combo ! Here is a look: > Our Oliver seems to get it's share of attention in any campground we go to. But when there were two of them, folks really took notice. One visitor to the campsite asked, "which one is the newest one ? " The reply was, "they are both 2008's". He then said , "but they don't look the same." I answered, "yeh, I know, ain't it cool ? Oliver builds to your specs, even down to the graphics ! "
  9. Recently Bugeyedriver gave me a book to read. It was such a good read that I would often read a chapter, think about it for a bit, then read the same chapter all over again. Tumbleweed met with Butcherknife and I at Lake Greeson Arkansas, on his way to SoCal, and we passed the book along to him. The book is such good, easy reading that I just know that it will be a pleasure for all that recieve it. On the inside of the cover We started a list of the Oliver owners that have recieved and passed along the book. So far the entries are as follows: Bugeyedriver mountainborn Tumbleweed The listing also has the recipients real name along with their screen name. We are hoping that as Oliver's meet, that this great book will get to visit campgrounds all over the USA, and each recipient wil be able to track it's travels and recognise names from this forum as it moves across America ! We talked about getting to look at the book, many miles and readers on down the road, all battered, stained, dog eared and tape repaired, with a "who's who" type listing in it of early Oliver owners. Oliver travel Trailer History in the Making ! Thanks Bugeyedriver for this great book, we really enjoyed it ! Here is Chuck as he recieved it: As a side note, I placed a fresh new Casita postcard in the book as a bookmarker. Our Casita cousins will also be represented on this journada of molded fiberglass travels. Casita and Oliver share a lot of common traits, or so it seems to me, that somehow this just felt right ! As you pass along and recieve the book, please post it on this forums so we can all share in your adventure ! Here is a look at the inside leaf, on the right is a note from Pete to me as he presented the book:
  10. Tumbleweed catches Catfish on Lake Greeson Arkansas !
  11. As Johnny Barker used to say on a popular daytime game show, "COME ON DOWN" ! If something don't unravel, Chuck will be here at the Lake in a couple of days, passing through on his way West. Fishing, dominoes and fish frys, yep, we need to do that, alright. If you load Oscar and hook up now, we can have a fresh catch of catfish ready when Chuck gets here ! Harm's Weigh has room for a couple more, if anybody is intrested and can get away.
  12. Kirby Landing Lake Greeson, campsite 27, located just a few hundred feet from lots of clever CACHEMATES caches. The pushbutton cache was our goal , right after this fish fry on the lake. Near dark, we run the bait traps, then cast the jugs. Dark and awning lights come on after that and the domino matches begin. At dawn we run the jugs, fillet fish, then go geocaching. Lunch is followed by more caching. Note that one of our fishermen got too near a reclining lawn chair and got captured ! I had warned him about them recliners ! We needed to "walk off" some of this great meal, while caching. From the Lake to the Plate, it don't get no bettern' this ! Here is the video:
  13. Kirby Landing, Lake Greeson, Daisy Arkansas. Here is a video clip of the campground: With our "Geezer Pass", , at eight dollars a day, we just love it.
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