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Everything posted by mountainborn

  1. Astrocaster, I will give it a try, but i'll bet that Pete has already given quality replies by telephone. > (1) We understand from the Oliver brochure that we received at an RV show that the Oliver comes with three 110-volt outlets and one 12-volt outlet. Is 110-volt current supplied to the 110-volt outlets at all times or just when the trailer is hooked up to shore power or to a generator? From what I understand, this would require a built-in current inverter to provide 110-volt AC from the 12-volt DC of the batteries. Does the Oliver come with an inverter? If not, have you added one, in order to use the 110-volt outlets? > With shore power or Genset. We use an inverter, one that we added later, but it doesn't power the same three outlets. It has it's own outlets. The outlets need to be seperate.
  2. This is a paste from the Arkansas Geocachers Web site: > Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:11 pm Post subject: "WASHOUT" of a caching trip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We got a late start this morning, didn't get away from the house untill ten oclock. I had loaded caches into the new Garmin Colorado GPS last night and away we went to find caches in an area South of Lodi. The M/S trips & streets said we were near the first cache so I turned on the Colorado. Nothing ! Well duuh, I didn't get it right and there were no caches in the machine. Changing the old Magellan Gold's maping protocol to the one that Streets & Trips uses, we continued onward, entering each cache manualy, one at a time as needed. A few bumps in the road, but still not a washout ! Eight or nine caches on down the road, we found a county road department diamond shaped warning sign, face down in an intersection. A four wheeler had been spinning doughnuts around it. We continued on towards the next cache. Butcherknife is driving, I am navigating. As I am trying to get the pointer on the pushpin icon for the next cache so I can bring up the coordinates for the manual entry into the Magellan, it happened. Suddenly hitting the brakes and causing my shoulder/lap belt to quickly latch as the wireless mouse skipped across the dashboard, butcherknife said, "HOLEY SCHIZZLE !!" A BRIDGE WASHOUT HAD OCCOURED. Not your average old missing bridge, bump in the road type of washout. But one instead, that would hold several semi tractor trailers ! When I saw that butcherknife reached over and pulled the transfer case into four wheel drive low range, and started down the bank into the ditch, I went to grabbing for the cell phone camera and started shooting video. It is low quality and grainy, but you will still get a good look at reason number 134, "WHY WE DRIVE A JEEP CACHING" !! We were late for lunch, low on gas, and as we jarred and bounced through the water crossing, we were amazed at the actual size of the washout. Here is a link to the video on youtube: > >
  3. Here is a link to the other video that is getting a lot of play on YouTube, it was our first look at an Oliver Travel trailer. This was at the River Valley Egg Rally in Van Buren Arkansas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40vF_7pOxmw
  4. Good price Steve. We have moved where we carry ours. And now carry a jumpstart pack in the space beside the batterys. It just fits and stays charged up and ready to go.
  5. Do you use youtube ? We have posted a few videos there thinking that the kids, grandkids and so forth might like to see what we do when we disappear in the travel trailer. Most of the videos get a few looks or hits, mostly less than twenty or so. But for some strange reason a couple of them have been viewed over a thousand times ! Who are these folks and how did they ever find the video in the first place ? Here is one of the videos:
  6. HOLEY SCHIZZLE ! Pete ! You have adventured off out into the vast uncharted internet BLOGISPHERE !! Congratulations, your entrys and photos are excelent.
  7. Phil, iv'e seen it come up a couple of times, but I think that the factory hasn't seen one that meets their stringent requirements, yet. At any rate there hasn't been one posted on here that I know of. Got a good idea ? Oliver would likely be very intrested in hearing about it !
  8. CAN'T FIND YOUR QUESTION IN THIS THREAD ? Then post it in this link ( Ask another owner ). It will go to the top of the forums and other owners will be glad to help. >
  9. WHERE CAN I SEE AN OLIVER ? Check the calendar on the travel trailer web site or, just ask on these forums. Here is one such answer from Northwoods: > We are currently at the Pomona Fairplex RV show. We have the red and black trailers here, as well as 2 white trailers. We are parked to the left of the entrance behind the electric bikes, right in the front. In fact you can see us when you walkd up to the gate. We are having a great response, the weather is supposed to be good, and we will look forward to seeing you there!! Remember that the red and black trailers are probably the only colored "Olivers" that will be made.
  10. CLOSET REDESIGN WITH SHELVES ? YES, this is cool, TOM did it again, go meanderthal ! > Here is the link to meanderthal's mod with photos:
  11. SOFA OPTION ? Here is meanderthal's cool sofa mod. Thanks TOM ! Just ask Robert in SALES about the extra cushions. > Link to sofa mod thread, with Tom's great photo's:
  12. MATTRESS OPTIONS AVAILABLE ? YES, Answer courtesy of Northwoods: > We also have a model with 2 single beds. The size of them are 27" x 74". We have a mattress manufacturer that will custom build memory foam mattresses to that size. This model also has an extra counter top, storage under the table, and a large drawer under the back bed. If you have any other questions, please call. Thanks, Northwoods
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