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Everything posted by mountainborn

  1. I'll bet that someone in Fla. drops you a line soon. But a trip to the factory is a very cool thing that you will remember for a long time. We have been to the factory several times and each time we see new and different things that intrest us to no end.
  2. WHooooLAwwww !! FAdodo !! Pete them mudbugs was a' lookin' ever so fine !
  3. There are so many similaritys that it is hard to list them all. But the Oliver seems to be a Cousin , on steroids ! Example, you can choose the insulation level that suits you in a Oliver. The last time I heard insulation wasn't a option for Casita. It is that way with nearly all of the Oliver's various systems. They look similar, untill you take a second and closer look. Each of those upgraded systems extends your camping and relaxing experience ! I think that Robert, BUFFALOBOB on these forums,( he will likely be back in the office on Monday ), will have to answer about pricing, it has been awhile since we bought out 2008, and more cool things have been added since then. I'll bet that someone on here lives close enough to you that you could arrange a tour of a Oliver. What part of the US are you located in ?
  4. Yeh, it makes ya' think they did that on pourpose ? He, He. Run their water into a container then pick the water up with your pump and hose setup that is under the curb side under the large dinette. You will have to switch the valves before and after the water intake. This thread on these forums has photos of a similar water intake with the same hose and valves: ( click on the video link at the bottom of the thread )
  5. I just completed a three day work cycle and had my first chance to sit down and browse your web site. Very cool. The slide show was the first thing that I turned on this morning and viewed with coffee while the world woke up around me. Great adventure !
  6. Welcome ! Butcherknife and I looked at the T@B, but, as we get older it is getting harder to put in a full day of all of the out of doors stuff that we love. A good nights rest and a recooperating place on a rainy day, meant that these two senior's needed more room. Then there was our life style, biscuits and gravy with a extra cup of coffee are easier when the kitchen isn't outside. Butcherknide just took a look at the Kitchen in the T@B and said, "it's cute, but not practical for us". That seemed to end all talk about the T@B. What a nifty thing, all of the extra solar capacity would be ! Our Oliver doesn't have solar and we want it.
  7. This one is submitted by BuffaloBob, photographer unknown, but is available for a mural if someone would like to have it ! >
  8. It is a factory installation and the valve and hose are on the suction side of the pump. There is a valve on the discharge side of the pump that lets you switch the water away from the faucets to the tank instead. When you finish the pumping in, you reverse both valves and everything is back to normal as before, except that your fresh water holding tank now has more water for flush and brush with ! Yeh, a very cool Oliver thingy !
  9. Thanks Geri, It looks as though those of us that can arrange to be off of contract and on a monthly basis so we can drop when we are ready, might find a deal with the new CLEARWIRE when it becomes available. That will likely end the internet providers from attempting to prosecute the motels and other places that advertise "FREE WIFI" to attract customers to their businesses. ( sharing their internet connection ) At this point the internet providers don't seem to worry if you grab a wifi signal as you find it, but they do seem to object to blatant sharing of service with the public and advertising it on bill boards. They seem to view it as advertising to the public that they ( the motel, ect. ) will assist in the theft of services. It will also likely put an end to MickeyDee's charging to your credit card to access the internet. I wonder how they will try to control this new wide area service so they may charge all who access it ?
  10. This might aught to have been put in the BOONDOCKING THREAD. Here is the story: > Sitting quietly around the smouldering campfire, we had been talking quietly about our good fortune, and how we might take advantage of it. Firewood was getting scarce in the area around the camp. We were making longer trips with arm loads of gathered wood. Almost grudgingly, I placed another stick in the fire ring, tomorrow would be a firewood gathering day for us. Our conversation lagged, as we quietly waited in the descending darkness. While we were waiting, we had been chatting softly about our opportunity to stay camped for another week. The walk up the hill for better cell service had been fruitful. Text messages came and went well, at the campsite, but voice communication was sketchy, unless we walked up the hill. We had recieved a reprieve. Breaking camp to make an appointment would not be necessary. The appointment had been re scheduled. Suddenly, our wait was over. He arrived. With a stealthy flutter of wings the majestic bird settled onto the dirt road near the camp. It was what we had been waiting for. Cranning his head sideways the large Whiporwill glanced our way before begining his evening dusting. I thought, "He's a bit nervous about Dillon". Dillon had sat up, staring at the bird with his most intent canine stare, his ears focused for the least sound. We sat quietly, moving little, watching the bird's every evening ritual. Later that week there would be two dusting in the road. After he flew away to start his melodious night songs, questing for a mate, our conversation continued. We were discussing ways to be able to stretch resources in order to stay another week. We were boondocking by the lakeside, with no electricity, water or sewer hookups. We had been there for long enough that supplies were running low. All of the DVD's for the late evenings, had been watched. We would both start a new book. Coffee was getting low, we would cut back to one cup each in the mornings. Clean clothes would require washing up a few items in a dish pan with lake water, heated over the campfire. Black and grey water tanks were ok. We had been bathing in the lake in the warmth of the afternoons, and walking a short distance to the vault type outhouse. Butcherknife would use the last of the flour to make biscuits. We had ran out of sliced bread today. The generator had been inactive because we had about four plus hours of sunlight daily, for the solar panels, where we were parked, the batterys were doing fine. The days had been mild and nights were cool. A gentle breeze prevailed, we hadn't even been using the fantastic fan. The NOAA weather radio's long range forcast was for rain late next week, about the time we would be ready to leave. Water. Drinking water, was the issue. Clorinated water for the final rinse after dish washing. Water for the coffee pot. Water for brushing teeth. Water for making sun tea. We had some in a six gallon can. But we had never used the trick little valve and hose setup that the guys out in the Oliver shop at Hohenwald had installed during our last visit. We would try it in the morning after breakfast. As the Whiporwill started his wonderful chanting off in the distance, we retired to the interior of our Ollie to start that new book, before going off to sleep. The door was latched back with the screen door closed for improved air circulation. Dillon the retired drug dog lay by the bed on a throw rug. With the windows open and a light breeze blowing off of the lake, we couldn't read for long before the reading lights were turned out. About to doze off, I whispered to Butcherknife, " was that another Whiporwill answering off in the distance ?", no answer, she was fast asleep. Here is a look at the water transfer valve and hose setup. It will pump water into the Oliver's fresh water tank, using the onboard pump that supplies water to the sink and both showers. Just flip the valves and put the hose out of the window to your container, and you are in business ! >
  11. This was lunch one day at the lake. Oppelousas Catfish, fried a bit extra crispy, with a cajun seasoning, taters' with purple onion fried up in em', pinto beans and hush puppies, Yum, Yum ! Sometimes when at the lake by our selves, our inter-mountain raisin' gets the best of us and we do stuff like this ! Here is the other part of the before and after fish fry photo set: > What a photogenic face this is ! But a Oppelousas catfish is really, really, fine eatin' !
  12. Rotten, Tom, You're just plain ol' roten ! A man after my own heart ! > Sunrise video in April of 2006. Yep we're a' jug fishin' again ! This ten second video catches the sun just it peeks over the horizon and sprays a fan of color over our jug fishing world ! > The engine in "HARM'S WEIGH" is idling and Butcherknife is telling me "Hey ! Let's get in gear ! " Just a few brief seconds later I shot this video, and the light had just totally changed. > By now Butcherknife is saying, "alright now, enough already, let's go get them fish ! "
  13. Sprint, Nextel and Clearwire have joined togather to provide a service they call WiMax. They say it will be available by 2010 and will cover far more and broader areas then WiFi. Anybody heard anything about this proposed new service ? It could be the best thing since sliced bread for the RV'er.
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