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jordanv last won the day on March 22 2021

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My RV or Travel Trailer

  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. I am that not so handy owner lol
  2. Too long ago now for me to remember lol, sorry!
  3. That sounds like more trouble than I am willing to get in! I plan to stay away from wet sanding. I guess I was interested if anyone had any videos to recommend on how to wash, buff, and wax a fiberglass trailer.
  4. When using the compound / polish / wax, are y’all using a motorized buffer for this? I’m trying to find a step by step process to do this. We’ve had our trailer for almost two years now and I’ve inly washed it once 🙀 Its also been outside in the sun 🙀🙀 After washing, it looked fairly shiny, but not nearly as shiny as day one. I guess there is a good bit of oxidation now. Also after washing, it didn’t take long for the “green” to appear again on top. Im getting a friend to let me store it in their warehouse very soon, but before that I think I need to give it a good wash, polish, and wax. Just not sure or confident of the process.
  5. That’s awesome! Where are you based?
  6. This is a great resource. Thanks!
  7. Not sure how many reservation systems it has in its database, but this is a Godsend for trying to book in Florida. We were able to successfully get 2 night reservations at multiple nice and hard to get campgrounds last week using this website. I love it. Im hesitant to share it with anyone, but everyone here deserves this site! https://wanderinglabs.com/
  8. I announced a couple weeks back that we would be selling our Oliver after having our baby. We also decided that we would take the Oliver for one last spin with our baby for the memories. We live in central Louisiana, and our goal was to get to Grayton Beach State Park and Topsail State Park in Florida. The total drive time getting there was about 6-7 hours plus the pit stops we needed to take. For our first night though, we stayed in Baton Rouge. We arrived during a tornado watch at 10pm due to weather delays and I set up in the pouring rain. Our baby had a hard time sleeping this night as well and my wife and I decided “NOPE!” We both wanted to cancel the trip. We decided during lunch the next day to push forward and really give it a try instead of cancelling. We are so glad and thankful that we pushed forward. It was one of our favorite and sweetest camping experiences of our life. Grayton state park and Topsail state park are incredible locations if you can get a spot. The surrounding area (30A) is also very nice and family friendly with great restaurants, cafes, and breweries. Our legacy elite II twin layout worked perfectly for us. Our baby slept in one of the twin beds with a rail guard protector I installed, and I slept on the twin bed table area conversion. We will probably look into getting a custom twin bed for this spot and have it set up permanently as we rarely used the table anyway. The one issue we did run into is that our baby hates riding in the carseat, which makes a 6-7 hour drive a bit difficult. We solved this by leaving very early in the morning for the drive there and for the drive home. How early? 4AM & 3AM respectively We loved the trip so much, we decided we are not going to sell our camper for now and hold onto this to continue making special memories.
  9. I just did the same! Although I miscounted 1 “L” fitting and one “T” fitting so I have 2 more to do. That being said, any of the connections that have come lose in the last year were replaced. (this has happened to us twice in less than 5K of miles on the road 😬) For such a nice trailer at such a high price, these should definitely one standard with brass fittings. They are even easier and faster to install than the plastic alternative anyway, could save a small amount of time at the factory.
  10. We purchased ours in March of 2020. Ours went bad last month. I contacted Oliver and was directed to file a warranty claim with Dometic. I got the new one in this week and will install tomorrow.
  11. Also announced today, Starlink for RVs https://www.starlink.com/rv
  12. I’ve done this too. Pretty easy! thanks for the advice!
  13. Am I misremembering, or does Oliver offer yearly checkups, maintenance at their factory? I have no desire to learn how to wax, reseal, change bearings, grease wheels, etc. I’m totally fine with all the inside fixes I need to do and have done, but I don’t have much free time for the outside stuff. I thought I remembered hearing that you could bring the Oliver (for a fee of course) to Hohenwald to get these things done. Seems like it would make a nice trip as well?
  14. I was actually coming here for advice. We rarely freeze in Louisiana. We will be getting into 28 degrees this Monday though for half a day. Do you think this is something I should worry about? I left a tank of fresh water in the Ollie on our last trip.
  15. My wife made this awesome Christmas card for us! It features us, our many pets, and of course, our Oliver! Feel free to check out more of her work at hannahgumbo.com
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