Thanks, after slicing and dicing the options and selling price for a 2021 vs 2022 it really looks like all they have done is standardize options to simplify the production line.
I can live without the awning upgrade and am still ambivalent about waiting for the axle, but assuming one is looking for the same options when comparing each year the price is very close.
I really thought I wanted the composting toilet and Truma water heater, but the more I read and try to be realistic about our use I’m revisiting those selections.
There is something to be said for maxing options for resale, but conversely most items like toilet, water heater and AGM to Lithium batteries can be upgraded downstream. The axle, not so much, unless you’re Seadawg or a few others who can do anything. 🙂
The battery decision is the hardest, given the price point of lithium and not being able to lock-in the new vendor for a 2021 build, though likely it would be Lithionics.
If not upgrading to the above items the configuration is pretty much like our Casita with more room and upgraded construction. More room being the key aspect of upgrading, for a lot more dollars.
Mike @Fair Oaks will be showing us their Elite II today, which we really appreciate. Nice having a forum moderator in our back yard. 🙂