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Donna and Scott

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Everything posted by Donna and Scott

  1. I found his name lusted twice, one with no information. Thanks for letting me know
  2. Looking at the list of attendees and I am so excited that there will be 46 Olivers at this event. Please look at the list and add how many plan to participate in the BBQ provided by Princess Craft RV. Note the BBQ date will be Oct 22. It is important that you provide the count of who will be attending. Right now if everyone that has a site attended, there would be 84 folks. Not a problem but it would not be fair to Princess Craft if they provided for that count and then only 30 people showed up. Also,Though I understand folks may like to see the list in alphabetical order, I need to keep it by site # Paul Rakofsky please provide your site number. You are on the list. If there is anyone else planning to attend that is not on this list, please let me know. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10cD_P4s4VHurTqXXPrQzQroPq_gmKNurQ4CSiFEZx7o/edit?usp=drivesdk
  3. Barb Campbell, did you get a chance to talk with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department?
  4. Bob and Barb, Definitely contact the TPWD by phone rather than online. Better to call than use the reservation website. texasstateparks.reserveamerica.com still showed sites available, but calling direct will confirm that. Your site may be further away, but this rally is for folks to do their own thing. Except maybe the BBQ on Oct 22, and evenings sitting around campfires.• Reserve at (512) 389-8900, Monday—Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hope you get a site.
  5. You are on the list. Looking forward to this event
  6. Here is the link to access the list. This is a Google sheets. U don't know uf there are folks attending that are not on this sheet. If you know someone that us attending that is not on this sheet, please have them added. Thanks https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10cD_P4s4VHurTqXXPrQzQroPq_gmKNurQ4CSiFEZx7o/edit?usp=sharing
  7. I thought of that, but chose not to do that. If the 40 some owners really want that info posted, I can expand the columns, and they can add it themselves. This Oliver Forum is not just for Oliver owners and I felt putting out info that these folks would be out of town and basically announcing their home location was information I did not have permission to share. Anyone one else want their info listed? Remember this list is also on Facebook but only available to Oliver Owners.
  8. Here attached is the list of attendees. If I have missed someone, please let me know. 2024 Texas Oliver Rally.pdf
  9. So far there will be 41 Oliver Trailers at this mini rally
  10. Tom & Doreen, we were just in Milford CT and stayed in an RV Park, Aces High about 30 minutes from there. Looking forward to meeting all the Oliver Owners in Oct.
  11. Letting anyone interested know that Site 55 is available. This site was originally Will and Jeanie Brule's site. Will let me know he released gis reservation yesterday. This is in the original reserved loop so you may need the original event number to reserve it
  12. Excellent suggestion Cynthia. Who is coming with you so I can put name down on list.
  13. You are already in the list. Fantastic
  14. I will add you to The list. Thanks for the info.
  15. Fantastic. I have added you to the list.
  16. Thanks John. I added you and Marianne to the list if attendees.
  17. Wonderful Robert and Linda. We didn't get to stop in to day hi at Lake Guntersville. Looking forward to seeing you guys in the fall
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