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Donna and Scott

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Donna and Scott last won the day on October 13 2021

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    Bleiblerville, TX

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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  • Make
  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. The camera ans monitor system is from Tadi Brothers. They provided an extension that was long enough to go from the camera above the Oliver light to the maxair vent, but had the same results.
  2. The antenna can be removed off camera and a extension can be added. We have the same results whether it is using our Durango or the pick up.
  3. Nice cover. We have a camera we installed, but unless the signal bounces off a roof or between two 18 wheeler trailers it doesn't reach the monitor in the truck. Camera and monitor work well if i plug monitor in the 12v adapter in trailer over stove. We sent it back to manufacturer and it worked with a 70' distance between camera and monitor. So thet charged us for service but we can't count in it. Maybe if we build a cover that sits over the antenna will help.
  4. I know your decision must have been tough as it appears you guys really enjoy traveling with your "Mouse". The new owners will love all that you did with your modifications. Hope you continue on the forum with sharing all that knowledge and experience you have. Your input would be greatly missed. Take care of yourselves. That is the most important thing right now.
  5. I would think the insurance company owns it now since paying out claim, so it probably will be taken where insurance companies take totaled out vehicles.
  6. Thank goodness no one was hurt, well maybe except for pride. But that is a learning lesson. Despite the appearance the hull stayed intact if you where able to get it back to the mothership. In fact that your truck only had damage at the hitch is remarkable as well. To be sure though, I hope your insurance had the truck checked to make sure the frame wasn't bent. Your wait for new Oliver probably is faster than last year I would think. The fact you want another one is a testament to Oliver's build as well. Even though you aren't ready to talk about, I hope once all this is processed in your thoughts you will share what went wrong. Do it when you are ready, even if it takes more than a year before the time comes. Could of should of hindsight is great but until you experience the situation you can't learn from it
  7. Anita, if you are following this post, we hope your recovery is going well. Falling down stairs and the surgery is a lot to deal with. The fact that your surgery was so long because of previous hip replacement makes it even more serious. We pray for God to heal you quickly and that life will be back to normal soon.
  8. So with the retrofit complete, ours runs fine on AC setting using a 20amp circuit. However we do have a 30amp we plug into in our barn. We run a 12volt fan and the invertor when we are storing it in our barn. Has anyone measured the E2 height with the retrofit?
  9. #837 will be at the 2023 balloon festival. Plan to stay at the KOA the first 3 days. Wishing you safe travels and lots of adventures.
  10. We received and replaced the switch that Magnadyne sent us. We finally have our Omni directional working better than it ever did. Can't check cable TV v until we travel again in March and let the everyone know
  11. We contacted Magnadyne as we checked cables and found signal stops at the switch in attic. Magnadyne is sending us a new receptacle. They felt that the Omni directional antenna may not have been working correctly either because of that receptacle. Hopefully this issue will be fixed
  12. We are at a KOA and decided to connect the Vizio TV to their provided cable service. Our ni antenna light is off, the TV settings is on automatic, the search for channels is complete. However it shows a lot of channels but not the true cable channels. It shows 68 digital channels, but only goes up to 40. KOA checked connection with a tv out at the cable connection provided and they can get channels 41-97 without any problem. Why can't we get that. Any ideas?
  13. No we have 4 12volt wet cell batteries. We didn't buy the solar package and though we have boondocked a day or two we used our generator at night.
  14. Thanks Steve. We were worried about running furnace while connected to tow vehicle
  15. How do keep your fresh water from freezing while towing from place to place. Do you run the furnace? I know when stopped what to do but if we are in the cold traveling several days this January we will be towing all day in below freezing temps.
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