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John and Debbie

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Everything posted by John and Debbie

  1. We have #1290. We're in Australia now, but do you know if the leaf springs that we have are 4 or 5 leaf? We mostly keep to freeways, but some freeways are dodgy. I am thinking of I70 in eastern Colorado. I am just wondering how serious the issue is with mostly freeway driving. John
  2. I wonder if they would still feel the same if they pulled a larger stick built trailer several thousand miles, then had the chance to tow an Oliver an equal distance. Also, I was hesitant about a wet bath until I saw how easy it was to keep clean. John
  3. I have a gas sniffer unit too for #1290. It worked great to find my leak. John
  4. Tasmania has been great. Summer temperatures here in Hobart are between 70-75 every day with a breeze. I drove up north to the Bass Strait to meet a Facebook friend. Greener there. The Midlands was dry and warmer. Our son lives in Hobart and bought a house here. We're spending time with our granddaughter. Great times. Seven weeks this visit. We will be back. Driving on the left is easier than I imagined. Just look right when at a roundabout! John
  5. We're in Tasmania during their summer. I have been some nice rigs, but lots of stick built ones too. I haven't seen any fiberglass units. John
  6. My guess is that the round exterior and by default, the round interior where the beds are is stronger than a squared off section would be. I remember the geodesic domes that were strong due to their shape. If it was square I would guess again that there would be more stresses on the corner. The round shape I believe is stronger. It's all a guess on my part. Maybe someone with a structural engineering background could verify yay or nay. More room on the bed in a rectangular shape would be nice, but I make it work for my feet facing aft. John
  7. Congrats to you. We are #1290, one of the last hulls made in 2022. We love ours. Hope you have miles of smiles to come. John
  8. CGI does a great job. Hard working guys. John
  9. Very helpful. Thanks. John
  10. "I have the Proven Lock system to lock up the bull-dog hitch. I recommend it. It cost a little more than what you are proposing but is far more secure." I have the same lock. It's heavy, but more secure than just a padlock. John
  11. No sales tax in Oregon, but we had to pay a use tax of about $600-$700. John
  12. Very good point. It would be interesting to see the pricing structure. Obviously a person would expect to pay less at Hohenwald. A couple thousand more to avoid a 4-5000 mile round trip would be worth paying a bit more. For us in Oregon, that makes sense. I can't see paying more to a dealer in Alabama or Georgia though. John
  13. When I bicycled across the USA it was always nice to get to the western edge of a time zone as the sun went down later there. It makes a later sunrise, but a later sunset was a nice tradeoff. John
  14. We picked up on a Monday. That worked well for us. I agree to pick up early in the week. John
  15. I second what Mike wrote. We're able to see around the trailer with just our stock mirrors on our Ford Expedition. It tracks in the same area as the tow vehicle, so it's easy to tow and we're not concerned with where the trailer wheels are. John
  16. Bill, we have 20 year old sleeping bags. They don't look elegant like some pictures I have seen here. We talk about getting more into this century, but it's already nearly 1/4 way done, so why rush things. John
  17. I tried sleeping with my head at the rear, but after one night, I decided that I like my head by the kitchen as there's more room for my shoulders. My wife sleeps with her head at the rear. John
  18. We ordered on January 28, 2022 and were given November 7, 2022 as our delivery date. No delay at all. That year they had booked all the production slots by the end of January. They are good at keeping to the scheduled delivery date. Try to pick up on a Monday or Tuesday, spend two nights at OTT campground, then another two or three nights nearby. David Crockett State Park is nearby. Best wishes on a smooth delivery. John
  19. "You also might want to review the "proper" way to "open" your propane tanks" Bill, I am not aware of any proper way to open the tanks. I do turn on the tank valve and depress the gas stop about five times. I do select the tank with the lever instead of using automatic. I then check gas flow at the stove before turning on the heater. Anything I am missing? John
  20. Jason, my guess is that there are more forces put on an attached bike rack that starts about 7 feet from the center of the rear axle of a travel trailer. I am not an engineer, but just thinking through the force transmitted from the tv movement at the hitch to the trailer and then 23 feet from that point to the start of the bike rack hitch point and the extra 2-2.5 feet of the bike rack, there must be some substantial forces to deal with. Best to keep the bike weight as low as possible. I remember the formula f=ma. Force equals mass times acceleration. John
  21. I use the Yakima Stage Two, but with a 2" receiver that I got from Curt Hitches. I just removed the 1.25" from OTT and drilled new holes to attach the Curt hitch. I did use high tension stainless steel bolts and nuts to hedge my bets. When I was in Hohenwald in November, 2023, I had them do the electrical hook up as I got the optional light bar/license plate holder for the bike rack. John
  22. I think they're designed for 30 amp service. I don't have any problems with 30 amp. What are the big power draws at the moment? John
  23. I have it and it's worth having in my opinion. I can be in the tv and backing in and stop at the spot that's most level. We were in a deserted state park in Oregon and we checked out about 10 pull-throughs until we found the most level one. Totally worth having. John
  24. We're hoping to get out to Joseph next year to the state park there. John
  25. That's a lot closer than Hohenwald! I know of about four owners in the Portland area. You must be the fifth with your knowledge of the area. Wahoo! John
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