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John Welte

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Everything posted by John Welte

  1. Do you lock the hitch when leaving? Does OTT have those for the bulldog?
  2. Do you have the name of that vinyl gutter? I think that I have seen a reference to that before. It sounds like that gutter goes over the top of the window to direct water away from the windows.
  3. I was reading a few posts about the weep holes and how they don't always drain well. I am not an engineer, but I would guess that if they could be made larger to allow water to pass through the holes and not be blocked by surface tension along with some treatment to the weep hole area to make them more hydrophillic, that that may help drainage. I would imagine that OTT is aware of the problem. Has anyone tried to enlarge the weep holes? The thought of buying an expensive trailer with this issue is a bit troubling. I live in an area that has light rain for the most part. A heavy day in Oregon is 1/2 inch in 24 hours! An inch and we think we'll all be flooded.
  4. Thanks Teri. That's quite innovative to practice like that. Your boyfriend is much more decisive than my wife. I am more like him. She mulls things over much more than me. I was hoping to order it very soon as there's about a ten to eleven month wait after placing an order as you probably know. Thanks for writing with your two cents worth which was more like at least two dollars worth if good advice. Congratulations on your purchase.
  5. I prefer to buy fewer things, but buy quality. Thanks for the vote of confidence with my wife coming around to the idea. Thanks for your message.
  6. We had a mouse in our pop up trailer this past June at the ocean. I finally got it on our last night with a mouse trap. The third night he/she was running around while we played a game of RummyKube. I guess after spending two nights with us it felt like family.
  7. Thanks Susan, that was very helpful. My wife has a very organized kitchen and everything has its own spot. Your comments made a lot of sense and hopefully will have an impact on whether she sees an Oliver like I do. She takes a while to make a decision. I think it would be a very comfortable trailer. The price is the stumbling block. We're both nearing 70 so I imagine that at best we have 15 years to use it then sell it. I just don't want to own a trailer that will fall apart during that time. Her first choice is an R-Pod, but when I looked at reviews of those, they had a lot of problems. "But, they're cute!" I don't want cute, I want dependable. Thanks for your message.
  8. That looks very nice! I didn't know you could have Oliver add that extension. I see that your table didn't sacrifice the basement door. Do you have a picture of the underside of that table and how it attaches to the trailer? What is the dimension of the table when it's open? Are those the KTT mattresses? I see that you secure the drawers with a rod. As I understand it, the drawers can now be pushed to close in a more locked fashion. They're a soft close now with a final push to lock them in. Lots of questions, but you have a great set up that addresses the issues my wife has brought up. Thanks!
  9. Thanks Pam. We live in Beaverton. My wife may retire in May or December of 2022. I know, weird choices, but she has reasons for both. She will be 70 in December, 2022. She is having a problem with the price even though our financial planner said we could afford it. She just mentioned meal prep issues so I wanted to get opinions on that. Thanks for your comments. Personally, I want to order it now knowing that it takes nearly a year to get it.
  10. So I had "the talk" with my wife after our financial planner meeting yesterday who said it was possible, and my wife said she's not sure the counter space is adequate for making meals. She thinks the two stove top burners that are perpendicular to the alley with the hinged cover also might be a problem. I had thought the Lagun table might be a solution for meal prep and eating, but from what I have read, people find the table heavy, not that large, and hard to store. My question is has anyone wished there was more room for meal prep or is that done outside at the picnic table. On the plus side, after reading the R-Pod forum posts and watching review videos, I have convinced her that we don't want an R-Pod. The warranty on the seals on the R-Pod is 90 days! People who buy those swap out the supplied tires, the faucet, and caulk everything immediately. That's not what I want to do.
  11. Can your garage opening be enlarged? It would require a new garage door. I would want any trailer to be garaged here in the Pacific Northwest.
  12. That's my thinking too. I figure if I buy an Oliver for $80k and use it for ten years, I could possibly sell it for $40 k. If I buy a stick built trailer for $40k, I can maybe get only a few thousand for it. The ownership cost would be about the same, but I would have a trailer that wouldn't be as nice for those ten years.
  13. I am doing the same thing considering the Oliver. The cost is one stumbling block for my wife, but I just don't want to get some sub-par trailer. I have seen two OTT. I am very sold on them.
  14. Someone posted that employees don't buy their trailers. First, I thought, whoa! Why not? Is that a red flag?! I wrote to Jason Lindsey of Oliver Trailers to ask why. The employees have access to an Oliver whenever they want to go camping so no need to buy. That's a nice perk of working there. I hope to order an Elite Legacy II very soon. Jason said that if I place an order today, delivery would be in July, so about 11 months from order date to delivery.
  15. What is the issue with insects and the Truma? I am getting my options list figured out and I have Truma on my wish list.
  16. You have been towing an Ollie for years. That's a great endorsement. Thanks.
  17. Thanks for your comments. You covered everything! I hear that they aren't available at the moment. I hope to order our Oliver soon and realize that it won't be ready for ten months or more. I will have time to dial in everything before the build.
  18. I think our group is pretty special, actually. A lot of intelligent, curious, and caring individuals. I read that the people who own Olivers are a close knit group and from what I have seen so far that seem to be the case.
  19. So much to learn. I wonder if the buyers of cheap stick built trailers are so knowledgable about the precautions and safety measures needed.
  20. Thanks. Everyone here is very helpful.
  21. Is there a way to weigh the tongue weight? I picture some type of scale where you put the tongue on it.
  22. I think I need the Anderson hitch on my 2017 Ford Expedition from what I have read so far. If I had a tv like your current one I would be OK. Thanks for your comments.
  23. I watched a video of a trailer that was in sway and it caused a roll over of both the tv and the tt. I keep reading how great the Oliver tows. Has anyone had issues with sway with their Oliver? My wife wants an R-Pod but I read that the water tanks are not placed in the best position. I see so many huge trailers being pulled by what seems small tv's. This forum has a lot of knowledgeable people so you probably have had experiences with other tt brands before you saw the light and bit the bullet and bought your Oliver.
  24. 2) Tongue Wt. of EII - ours ranged from a low of 580lbs (full propane, full food, but empty water. no tongue box load) to as high as 730lbs one time where I had too much front loaded gear including the tongue box full of gear How do you measure your tongue weight?
  25. Thanks. I thought that I had responded earlier to you, but being a newbie, I thought I would respond again. Our Expedition has the factory max towing so your experience was good to read. We may find that the Expedition won't have adequate power. I was hoping that we wouldn't need to change tv as I do like the vehicle. I can live with a vehicle having to work harder as long as it doesn't ruin it, but I don't want to get halfway up a hill and find out it can't make it up.
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