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Mighty Mo

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Mighty Mo last won the day on January 19 2023

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. We have a Solostove Bonfire and love it. We have had it for years and use it at home as well as when we travel. The wood burns efficiently and once it gets going, the smoke goes straight up. I love camp fires but hate the smoke in my face!
  2. Before we picked up our Oliver, I thought we would use a lot more propane, especially during cold weather camping. In reality we use far less propane even during cold weather camping then I thought. We typically leave it on eco mode and then on comfort when we take showers. No problem turning it off when it's not being used but I think it's a good habit to at least put it in eco mode when you don't need hot water. If you forget at night, you will be reminded when it powers up to heat the water. I usually just get up and turn it to eco mode or off in above freezing weather. Sometimes I forget to turn the propane on before turning on the Truma. If you do this and turn the thermostat to eco or comfort mode the amber light on the thermostat will blink. Also the Truma on/off switch green led will blink. Just turn the thermostat off and turn the Truma switch off. Turn the propane on. To be sure the propane is flowing, check it by lighting the stove. If the stove lights then turn the Truma on/off switch to on, then go back inside and turn the thermostat to eco or comfort mode and the amber light should be constant. You will also see the same thing happen if there is not enough fresh water circulating through the pump. I found that out the first time I used the antifreeze kit. I drained the fresh water tank thinking the antifreeze kit would just keep the water in Truma warm. But I soon learned that the pump runs continuously when in antifreeze mode circulating water through the Truma. Fortunately, the Truma has some built in failsafe's allowing the user to make some mistakes without damaging the unit.
  3. Congrats Rich! Sounds like you are having a good time with your new Oliver. We had our share of noob moments! I could not remember how to turn on the water pump. I new about the one in the bath but I couldn't find the one in the cabin. Looked everywhere. Several times I checked the water levels in the fresh and gray but did not notice the water pump switch! When I found it I felt like an idiot! Another one was turning off those touch lights. I forgot they were touch lights and I was getting annoyed that every time I turned on the master switch all those lights would come on. Then it dawned on me, those are the touch lights. Once again, I felt like an idiot! 😁 I haven't found the need to unhitch the trailer when dumping the gray tank. I just put blocks under the front jack and bring the trailer up to where it starts to lift the back of the truck. The same thing I do when putting the Anderson fishtail on. To get that last little bit out, I just rock the trailer a bit and it usually comes right out.
  4. I might be missing something but I don't see the calculator on my Ford page. It must be for trucks newer than mine. I have 2016 F-150 Lariat.
  5. I have a 2016 F150 V8, 5.0 Lariat. I get about 12-13mpg while towing EII. I usually get about 16mpg when not towing. I also have the Anderson weight distribution hitch and have never towed without it. To add a little more support to the rear I installed SumoSprings. Almost no squat when hitching up and loading the bed with camping supplies. So far, the EII has towed great behind the F-150. Since the EII is only 7ft wide, I'm able to use the stock side mirrors as well. For our next truck I'll probably get a 3/4 ton just for the increased payload capacity.
  6. Originally, my wife thought the wet bath might be an issue. After 5 months of owning an Elite II, we both agree the wet bath is a non-issue. I'm 6ft tall and I don't have any trouble taking a shower. So as other mentioned, it depends on what type of camping you want to do. For us it came down to Oliver's reputation for high quality construction and taking care of their customers. No shady RV dealers to contend with. Easy to tow, hitch, setup and tear down. We can tow the trailer just about anywhere my truck can go. I wouldn't say the Oliver is an overlander per se but it's boondocking friendly and you can choose to add solar, lithium batteries, composting toilet, etc... I know some folks just want the basic package as they frequent campsites with shore power, water, etc...It has great resale value if for some reason you have to sell it. Also, there is a wonderful community of Oliver owners that take great pride in their campers and support each other. There is a sense of calm when I'm in our Oliver. Perhaps other owners can relate. It feels very clean inside and the molded fiberglass is very easy to wipe down. So far we have been very pleased with our Oliver, no regrets!
  7. I bought something similar to the Anker but a little bigger. It also has a magnetic charger on top. I ran the power cable along the side of the rear window frame like in the picture posted by Patriot. I also bought some short 1ft usb charging cables as well. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078WQHXS9?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
  8. My son and I completed ceramic coating our Oliver Elite II Hull#1240 and I posted some pictures on the Facebook group and was asked to provide a list of products we used in the process. So instead of just pasting a long message into the group I decided to create a separate document that could be used as a reference. So I'm posting it here on the Forum for those who may be interested in DIY Ceramic Coating. I hope others find it useful. Thanks, Martin Oliver Elite II Hull 1240 Ceramic Coating Reference.pdf
  9. Yes, thanks for the advice. I've washed it a few times, hosing down the whole trailer with a power washer. Next time I'll really hit the windows and see if they leak. As you mention above, if they don't leak then don't fix them. Also, I just read another post stating that 120ft*lbs of torque is to high for the lugs on the Oliver and should be around 100ft*lbs. So the the next time I torque them I'll bring them down to 100ft*lbs. I know when I first checked them they were right at 120ft*lbs from the factory. Lessons learned on the RVLock, it came with the electronics package and I'm okay with it for the most part. It can be manually locked if needed. If it continues to be a problem, then I'll change it out with something else.
  10. Thanks for the detailed inspection report. We picked ours up on September 8th, hull#1240. I didn't know about the plugs for the brake adjustment holes not being installed and will order some. The windows not being installed correctly really concerns me. How might one visually inspect the windows to see if they are installed correctly? From what you wrote above, Jason noticed it but then he has an eye for such things. I'm going to also check the screw holes on top and seal them as you suggest. On our trailer, the external Zamp solar plug did not have the ground connected but the wire was run and was in the black corrugated tubing so I just terminated it and all is well. Also, last week our RVLock failed and I just received the replacement battery board today. There have been several failures in recently delivered Olivers and it looks to be water getting into the mechanism and causing a short. When I take mine apart, I plan to look for water damage. There is no visible damage on the exterior. Someone mentioned they put a bead of caulk around it to help keep water out. I have been checking my lug nuts with my torque wrench set to 120ft*lbs and have found some have loosened a bit between trips. Ours has been rained on quite a bit but so far I haven't noticed any leaks but I'm certainly going to keep inspecting for leaks just in case. Regards, Martin
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