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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own a non-Oliver RV or Travel Trailer
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    2010 Airstream Bambi

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  1. Those look very pro! Dave
  2. Is the price sheet online, or do you have to request that from Oliver Corp.? Dave
  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I like the bigger sink change. Dave
  4. Yeah...it's killing me.
  5. I think I'd feel pretty good if my basket had an F150 and Oliver in it for $100,000. But, you are talking some serious money there. Is anybody else checking the website about three times an hour? Dave
  6. Why, because it's now time to pull the trigger? =^) Dave
  7. No doubt they are rolling their eyes, thinking, "Hold your horses."
  8. Looks like a webpage transition phase. I can't wait to see what changes are in store... Dave
  9. Beautiful! Was your turtle an Oliver inhouse project? Dave
  10. So, I am gathering that towing "out west" with the Frontier is putting it too far towards its limits. Not enough power for steep or long grades? That's where I live...
  11. That's good to hear. I am lacking a supercharger! Dave
  12. It looks clear that an available upgrade would be well worth the cost. Dave
  13. Thank you for the info.
  14. I too would welcome quiet options, if or when, I order an Oliver.
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