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BBL last won the day on November 16 2023

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  1. I would be very interested in how you are going to do this. Do keep us informed. Cheers, BL
  2. Now that was worth seeing today! Congrats 'ol man, you truly have your hands full and they are fortunate to have you there. Sierra Hotel, Cheers and 73! Bravo Lima
  3. I certainly will. I lived here during the Space Shuttle era and especially liked the night launches, like tomorrow night. I have also seen several other types go up but never a Falcon Heavy! This is the one that has the thrusters return to the pad! It amazes me every time I see it on video. BL
  4. When I was active duty, I was on the Joint STARS Test Team at the Northrop-Grumman facility at the Melbourne airport (tough assignment). Patrick AFB kept my personnel and flight/medical records but I worked over at NG. And, I do know what you mean...lol Brian PS - nice pic!
  5. Decided to move north a little ways. We are now at Patrick Space Force Base. Scored another waterfront site (river this time) and have already seen a Space-X launch and will have another, larger rocket go up tomorrow night. I will try to get some pictures. SpaceX Falcon Heavy USSF-52 DEC 10, 2023 08:14 PM LAUNCH COMPLEX 39A • KENNEDY SPACE CENTER Brian
  6. Sounds like a great approach but I think you are being conservative on the 18% figure, if you don't turn on the inverter (very inefficient) and just use battery, you will save much more. The inverter uses about 1.5 to 2x what you would calculate for the normal ac load so there is a significant savings there. BL
  7. Our spot on Sigsbee Island (Naval Air Station Key West). Not a bad place to hang out for a few months. BL
  8. It certainly was but we like the door open and the fan on low. Not infrared but a post-processing filter. Good eye! Brian
  9. @MAX Burner thank you. We are confirmed for Dry Tortugas 11/30! My wife’s first time in the keys. Our first two nights are boondocking at a Church (HH) in Islamorada - have to take her to Robbie’s. We have a waterfront sight on Sigsbee Island (Navy) for the month of Dec. Should be a good time. BL
  10. We are making our way down to Key West. We will be staying at the Navy Base there for the month of December. On our way down, we stopped at a nice campground in the Chattanooga area and in the crisp autumn evening, I caught these pics. Cheers, Brian
  11. Mike - I should have said slipping instead of stretching but the two terms were used when I was dealing with service. If it wasn't for the three trips to OTT and me trying to adjust it several times I probably would have just had the valve changed. It was getting really old every time I went to get the hose out of the bumper and it was full of sewage and when the fluids drain from your black tank, it leaves a mess that can be difficult to keep clean. BL
  12. @Patriot You are fortunate, perhaps they used better cables when yours was built? It wouldn't surprise me with all the cost-cutting measures we have seen lately, speaking generally and not towards OTT. I probably would have been ok just getting the standard valve replaced under warranty but decided to go the powered route just to ensure I get the function I want at the valve itself. Hopefully, yours will last a very long time. Cheers, Brian
  13. Rich, I do not - actually, when I had this done it was because I had a leaky black tank valve since I picked up my trailer. No matter what they did to adjust the cable, it wouldn't work. I asked the service department (Jason) if he would be willing to put an electric valve in when they were changing it out. He said they were actually looking into it and they would. Turned out, there was something stuck (plastic) in the valve gate when they took it out. Looked like a manufacturer's defect. I love the electric valve and asked about the gray tank as well. There is actually not enough room where the gray valve is to install the electric version and it is right on the other side of the handle so, there is not much chance of it stretching. So, I have one of each. Only trailer in the fleet configured like this. It has never leaked since. Cheers, Brian
  14. Does anyone know if they will be offering an electric black tank valve option for 2024? Mine works great and I will never have to worry about cable stretch again. Brian
  15. We were camping at Redstone Arsenal Army base and I was sitting outside under the awning listening to music. A guy walked by with his dogs, stopped and said "Well...what the hell is it??" I said it's an Oliver, he said, "I saw that but what the hell is an Oliver?" I told him about it and he said he thought it might be one of the new Airstreams. BL
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