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HDRider last won the day on November 1 2024

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Monroe just closed their last US plant. It was in my hometown. https://www.ien.com/video/video/22930674/55yearold-arkansas-plant-closing-permanently
  2. I missed one - Tow Vehicles.pdf
  3. I just updated. Let me know if you are new to the list and need to be added or you made Detroit happy and traded vehicles. Tow Vehicles.pdf
  4. This is our first draft June 1 – Home to Siloam Springs, AR June 2 – To Hardesty, OK June 3 – To Taos/Santa Fe, NM – Stay 3 Nights - Pilar Campground and Río Bravo Campground (FCFS) Highway 570 Carson, New Mexico 87517 575 758-4060 Lat / Long: 36.291658, -105.782192 June 6 – Denver, CO June 7 – WY/ – Stay 3 Nights - Keyhole State Park 22 Marina Rd Moorcroft, WY 82721 - 1-877-996-7275 to make a reservation/3 months in advance June 10 – Wing it June 11 – Kalispell, MT – Stay 3 Nights June 14 – Wing it June 15 – Booked Manchester State Park, Port Orchard, WA – Stay 7 Nights June 22 – Booked Cape Lookout State Park, Tillamook, OR – Stay 4 Nights June 26– Booked Harris Beach State Park, Brookings, OR – Stay 1 Nights June 28 – FCFS Goose Creek Recreation Area, Lakeview, OR – Stay 3 Nights July 1 – Carson City, NV – Stay 3 Nights July 4 – Roadside Stay July 5 – Springdale, UT – Stay 3 Nights July 8 – Second Mesa, AZ to Winslow, AZ – Stay 4 Nights July 12 - Peña Blanca, NM – Stay 3 Nights July 15 – Wing it home - 2 Nights
  5. We planning our trip out west and would appreciate any tips, suggestion or observation that you might have. We plan to leave June 1.
  6. That is one of the most inspiring posts yet. Thanks
  7. Let me know if you pass my way and you are welcome to stay as long as you want... We have all kinds of room, power and water, and there is a dump station about 5 miles away.
  8. KOA is high dollar. We have never stayed at one. We may someday if it is the only real option.
  9. Better to go with the rough and scruff than not go at all. Life is all about the pushing through the scuffs. I need a dog. Can someone talk to my wife?
  10. You are my new hero.. I want to be like you.
  11. Yep. I got Dyrt Pro. I like it.
  12. Sometimes it looks like KOA is the best option while rolling. What does everyone think about KOA? Sure is not cheap!
  13. I have got as far as Washington with our trip. I think I like Dyrt.
  14. I just signed up with DYRT. I have tried RVParkey and RF Life. One of those sucked a lot and the other sucked somewhat less.. I let mu Harvest Host expire. I could never use it when we needed it. Hosts never called back, or nothing appealing appeared on my route. I will reserve my main destination, but reserving every little stop along the way there and back takes the fun out of it. It seems less of an adventure planning the stops. I like to explore and go where the road takes me. I did that for years on the bike, but doing it towing my house might be tougher. Trying to adjust.
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