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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    2010 Forest River Surveyor 294 BH - SOLD

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  1. The only extended Boondocking we have done so far has been three days in a heavily shaded campground in the great Smokies, Catatloochee Did not run AC, ran Max air fan at night , batteries ran down to about 45% we have the 640 amp hour batteries and 400 W of solar
  2. https://a.co/d/0MWDOHw
  3. Thanks for all the great info and instructions!! I believe I will wait until after our trip to install the port and use the alligator clips in the interim. I’ve ordered both the Renogy 200 and Zamp 190 suitcases and will return one of them. I want to see if the Zamp is worth almost 3x the cost of Renogy. Doubtful.
  4. Awesome! Thanks! I don’t know if it’ll will arrive in time to wire external solar port Mark
  5. I do not have the Zamp Solar Port. I ordered from the 2024 build sheet in October 2023. OTT had changed the Zamp solar port being included with the lithium platinum solar package, to a dealer installed option. Didn’t catch it until too late. After watching the video, I still have a question. Can I connect the solar panels via the alligator clip directly to the batteries without an integrated charge controller, utilizing the onboard charge controller? Or is the onboard charge controller only able to be utilized through the zamp solar port?
  6. A couple of questions that I couldn’t find an answer via the search topics. 1. Can I connect solar panels, which have an integrated 20 amp charge controller, directly to the batteries via the supplied alligator clips? 2. Is there a maximum wattage that can be added to my 400W onboard solar via an external port? Thanks ! getting ready to leave on an extended western trip. I thought I’d pick up a solar suitcase just in case, as much of our time will be boondocking. Mark
  7. Never heard of anything personally. I did see a video on YouTube of a camper chasing his trailer being stolen out of the campground. stopped them! https://a.co/d/8BlEZYa You can also add locking bolts to attach the bulldog coupler to frame if you’re really worried about theft. Best Mark
  8. Additionally, the handle is the same on the outside as the inside. No problems with the “foot slicer” as mentioned…unless you are a member of the Monte Python “Ministry of Silly Walks”
  9. The mirror appears to be attached with an adhesive, no clips, as used for the mirror inside the head. We’ve have had no issues with the handle catching on anything. It does take a firm push to engage the latch. It works best if you press the door rather than the handle. Best Mark
  10. Posted
  11. Thought I’d post a few pictures of the new bathroom door. I like the door, it is an improvement over past versions. It appears to be made of a composite material, as opposed to the closet and pantry doors. Smooth glossy finish on both interior and exterior sides. From the inside of the bathroom, it is translucent as you can see light around the perimeter of the mirror. nothing major. There is a drip “rail“ at the bottom of the door to prevent leakage, as well as a rubber gasket around the perimeter. My only concern is the latch. You must give it a firm push / pull in order for the latch to click fully closed. This may stress the handle over time. overall I like it. Time and closing technique will tell. Mark
  12. Exactly what I wanted to know, thanks! Have you ever run into an overheat situation on the trailer pump while refilling the onboard tank? Mark
  13. 2024-Elite-Build-Sheet 07072023.pdf 2024-Elite2-Build-Sheet 07072023.pdf
  14. New bathroom door confirmed with Josh White.
  15. Thanks!
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