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Posts posted by mountainborn

  1. Recently after a update to the forums, some forums members could log on, but were strangely, immediately bumped off. After several tries, some users that also were members of two different FaceBook Oliver or molded fiberglass pages, used those routes to pass along to our forums moderators that there was something wrong on the forums. It was a good "work around" that got the IT Department started on a fix to the problem. Here are clickable links to those FaceBook pages in case you might want to use them in the future.





  2. Betty and I have not RV'd in Canada, so, there are many things that we are curious about. We have heard that you cannot take a hand gun or rifle into Canada, but you can carry a shotgun there, but must declare the shotgun upon entry. Any one know about this for sure ?

    Also, we found this campground directory on the internet and were wondering if there are forums members that may have used it and how it worked for them.


  3. I guess that the answer to where are they is, they are here. For instance three of the posters in this thread joined in 2008, the year the forums started. Looking at the bottom of the forums start up page I see this: Most users ever online was 51 on Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:31 pm. That is a lot of folks on the forums at the same time ! Many read regularly but post infrequently, using the search feature to read up on a particular feature or modification. One of our popular threads is about solar and it's installation.

    One of the coolest things about the forums is that you don't have to call an appliance manufacturer and wait in line for a response that may never come. You can post a inquiry on the forums and you will have many friends with suggestions that have worked for them, and the cool part is those friends have many years of RV experience.

  4. It was a thing that we all enjoyed, the brand new Oliver Forums. Oliver Travel trailers were growing in fantastic leaps and bounds, out reaching everyone's expectations. The factory was swamped with orders and inquiry's. And, yet, some of us wanted more. Though we had a cool new Oliver trailer in the driveway, we wanted more. We wanted a way to visit with other owners and enthusiasts to exchange ideas, photos and much, much, more.

    What we needed and wanted ever so badly was a forums.

    In its infancy and experiencing growing pains, the Oliver Factory was sympathetic to our needs, but were covered up in the nuts and bolts of phenomenal growth pains. They did however give the ok to proceed with a Forums project, then went back to what they do best, building cool trailers.

    So, there we sat, with the green light on the project, but no funding. The solution seemed easy at the time. He, he, now we all know just how those quick fixes can come back to bite us. And of course they did, but way on down the road.

    Our web designer at the time provided borrowed server space and we picked up some free software from out there on the internet. We had our own forums !

    The forums evolved rapidly and grew wildly, becoming a force of it's own.

    Years of evolving and growth, bring us up to 2014, with many members and moderators on board. Now the forums are on their own servers, having experienced bumps in the road during that major move, and Oliver has a IT Department that is coping with the QUICK FIX SOLUTIONS of the EARLY DAYS.

    I have went to the Oliver IT department for help in the past and these guys are absolute Magicians !

    Our years old forums issues, are being fixed as they rear their ugly heads, but, it is a pretty labor intensive process.

    I have no doubt that Oliver's IT department will prevail, but our iron in the fire is but one of many that they must navigate their way through.

    So, here is hat's off, to our forums members, moderators and IT Department for coping with inherited issues from the past, while planning for those cool forums features of the future !

    Future ? Yes there will be streamlining changes in the future to make things more "user friendly", and those will be much welcomed changes, but as history has taught us, there will be "bumps in the road !"

    So, let's "cinch up tight, screw our hat's down tighter" and ride into the forums future together ! It's gona' be a great ride !

  5. I just love these threads where readers get to follow along with the ongoing research. It is similar to the process when Betty and I went with the AGM's. We just didn't want to mess with the battery's and that is the way it worked out for us. Only two times in all those years did we have to look into the battery compartment. That was when voltage dropped and we needed to clean the terminal connections. Some thoughts came to me, that some might find of interest.

    The same roll out battery tray will hold both the AGM's and the T-105's. The T-105's are built more square, but taller, so four will fit the tray. Two group 27's are standard, but three of them will actually fit in the tray.

  6. Here is the screen room at the sugar beet harvest. Note the heavy snow on the picnic table and not so much on the awning. At around 4 A.M. I had cleared it off of the awning.


    We were working nights and had weathered out at the piling station, arriving back home around 4 AM. That ceiling air unit's electric heat strip and that 1/2" thick blanket of thinsulate insulation had it absolutely toasty inside, it sure was nice to come home to ! We were about 65 miles from the Canadian border, that's pretty far North for this ol' Mountain boy !

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