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Posts posted by mountainborn

  1. Slowly, yet steadily, it crept towards us as we sat around the campfire. At first we could barely discern it, way off across the lake like it was. There was no loud clap of thunder. No jagged jolt of lightning, to announce it's coming. Just a mere slight disturbance in the smooth surface of the lake.

    The first drops of rain were so light and fine that they were hardly noticeable as they touched our skin. The increase in intensity was barely perceptible, yet, soon the campground was glistening from the mild Spring time rain. Soon the campfire and it's soft crackling is but a memory and we retreat inside the camper, check the windows and vents. About this time, I remember a good book that I have downloaded to the Android Tablet that has the Kindle software on it.

    The jugs have been recovered, the fish are in the live well, camp is rounded up and ready for this wonderful Spring shower, hey, it's time to enjoy the weather with a good book !

  2. Recovered all of the jugs that we cast last night. Though the front is still coming in slowly, there was a breeze out of the East at sun up, and the lake is still dropping. We were on the water at first light, thinking that it might start raining at any time. The wind had shifted during the night and all of our jugs were up in the inlets where we had cast and were easy to locate. Two jugs were badly tangled in submerged trees down on the bottom and we broke them off during recovery. We did catch a Oppelousas and a channel catfish. Will hold them in the live box until we get enough to clean. We felt a sprinkle or two but not enough to get wet. The start of a great day on the lake !

  3. Should we have a list ? The longer that Oliver owners are around, seems like there are more and more cool "OLLIEism's" that just "pop out" in descriptive conversations. For example, I remember when I first said "Ollie" instead of Oliver. It was quite spontaneous during a chat here on the forums. Then, first one, then another began to take that conversational shortcut. Now it is so commonplace that we hardly take notice of it's use.

    Then there was the small dinette back rest that became the "STRIPPER POLE". I don't remember exactly who it was that coined that one, but, it certainly stuck. I think maybe Tom or Sherry may have been the culprit.

    Anyhow, as the list continues to grow, I am wondering if there might be someone out there that would like to be the official "KEEPER OF THE LIST" ? I think that the search feature might help locate the forums member that used the new term for the first time. For example, when using the search feature for the word "Ollie", I find that Tom first used it. Here is the paste from that forums entry:





    8-) And I'll be in that area in about 2 weeks just before I pickup my Oliver....which has been dubbed "Ollie" ! Having been there a total of 6 times, I can attest to it's beauty and tranquility. Two fantastic FL state beach/campgrounds ON the water,Gulf or bay, and ...

    by tumbleweedSun Feb 10, 2008 11:09 pm


    We seem to be creating a language all our own what with some of our terms that are being coined and a list might be a cool thing.

    So, how about it, any nominations for "KEEPER OF THE LIST" ?

  4. While deployed in the South China Sea Naval operating area, I stopped writing and my Grandmother was getting worried. She wrote the following poem that was published in a hard bound book of America's Poets and Song writer's. Yep, Gran'Ma' named me !



    ( To my naval grandson, Larry )

    Child of the mountains, how do you fare

    In the flat-lands down by the sea. . . .

    You who stood on high mountain peaks

    And gazed at far horizons. . . . and took delight

    In ever-changing shadows on the desert, or sight

    Of stooped prospector far below,

    Trudging with burro, and pack on his back,

    Always searching for the yellow ore. . . .

    Smiled at the chuckawalla’s antics. . . .

    Learned to respect the rattler’s whirr. . . .

    Watched the cactus wren. . . .

    Found the coyote’s den. . . .

    Tell me, how do you fare?


    Do you dream of canyons you have known,

    And a tamarack tree that sings. . . .

    Of turquoise skies.

    And laughing eyes. . . .

    Tell me, how do you fare?


    THE PRARIE POET Clara Gandy Anderson

  5. Lots of miles and lots of weather ! Little did we realize that as we ran ahead of the ice storm when we left Edmond Oklahoma, that wave after wave of winter freezing precipitation would eventually grind our tour to a complete halt !

    We are at the factory in Hohenwald now, turning in our equipment, writing up reports and debriefing with the sales staff.

    It has been great touring the Oliver Legacy Elite II, but it is time for these mountain folks to go fishing !

    See you all later this year as we gear up for our trans Canadian tour !

  6. Hey there Stan ! Do you have Boondocking or full hookups in mind ?

    Our Winter tour will likely be over by then and we hope to be Boondocking and Jug fishing on Lake Ouachita by then. We will have our support trailer with us that can service black water and fresh water because we will be on a extended stay. We will be out on a point between two rivers with plenty of sunshine and generator back up. It is pretty much a straight shot down US Hwy 71 from KC MO. Call 479.243.5450 to chat it up if you like.

    Here is a quick 30 second look at the primitive campground:


  7. Denned up ! For the duration of the ice storm. As the ice storm closed in to our Oklahoma show site and our visitors started to call in to reschedule, we knew that it was time to hoist the anchor and find a safe port to hole up in. We out ran the ice to our docking port in South West Arkansas where there seems to be a bit less ice to contend with. After a quick stop for a few supplies, we slipped into the docking port a little after midnight. Our scheduled tour route is iced in this morning, as we are here. So, we will stay denned up awaiting the melt off. After the melt off, it is tour on again !

  8. That is such a cool new standard feature ! The unit that Betty and I are pulling is a demo unit that was built earlier than yours so it doesn't have it. The way I understand it is that it is turned on and the variable rheostat sets the point that it comes on at. This is because during the deep south summer when the humidity is so high, the absorption refrigerator is a bit less efficient. When the fan comes on ( you adjust the turn on point ) it moves more air over the fins ( exhausting it ) on the back, greatly increasing the efficiency.






    Valley View Mall/Shopping center in North Dallas. The last part of our Winter of 2015 Oliver Legacy Elite II Tour is being steered by customer requests ! Great visits and showings in Dallas. Next tour stop seems to be Oklahoma City Oklahoma !

  10. I just love this !

    "Oh, and it's RED. Wouldn't that be cool, a couple of old geezers rollin' down the road with a really hot Durango and equally cool Oliver trailer. I am ready."

    You are right, we are not the "rocking chair on the front porch" retirees !

    See you out there on the road !

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