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    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan
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    2013 Flagstaff 5th Wheel

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  1. Thanks for the input guys!! I like referring to them as marker lights too…. and since both upper and lower lights went out together I assumed something other than a bulb was likely. I was hoping to pull the bulb and check for power there. Do they just pop out from the chrome frame? Thanks for the schematic Mossemi - I think your red circles are correct. Does anyone know if the first joint in that line is accessible in/under the tounge of the trailer’s exterior ….. or if there is any chance the wire is actually green?
  2. You are not alone - we were attacked in October in western NC. Fought hard to prevent and/or evict them. Jan/Feb 2023 we too went to Florida for our annual fair weather trek and, like you, we were seeing one or two daily for two months. I think they are now gone but wouldn’t bet much on that.
  3. Forgive me if this has been addressed but my search didn’t return a good result. on a recent trip our curb side running lights on the front of hull #319 (2018 LEII) stopped working while all other exterior lights seem to be fine. Anyone else experience similar problem? How do you access the bulbs? Is there fuse that may affect only those? Any troubleshooting tips appreciated. Thanks, Darrell
  4. Our gas grill (Weber Q1200) all of a sudden would not light recently. I was troubleshooting the grill and almost convinced it was the grill valve. I decided to remove the quick disconnect fitting (where the regulator was removed) and the incoming line was completely clogged/blocked with a tan looking paste like material. After cleaning the blockage I am cooking on the grill again. I share this for the benefit of others who may experience gas flow problems. i am not sure what might have caused this???
  5. Thanks Mossemi - after pasting this I found where you had posted this earlier.
  6. We are living full time in our Oliver while having a home built (in pretty warm temps) and have noticed the A/C dripping some on the inside. I assume/suspect the condensate drain is clogged but am not sure how/where to access it (from the top) after removing the cover. Any tips or advice on this maintenance appreciated.
  7. Update - since we were one week beyond our one year warranty period Oliver was going to have to charge us for the replacement which I believe would have been the older version. I had also reached out to the customer service folks at the WiFi Ranger company and they were great - they agreed to provide the upgraded part under warranty and they held off on shipping until we returned home from our trip. Expecting delivery soon.
  8. No worries mjrendon - I did not take offense :-)
  9. Jason confirmed that it is most likely the step up converter and is going to send us a replacement - will be interesting to see if it is the V2 that John Davies inserted a link for???? BTW - this failure is NOT the result of house batteries falling below 12 volts!!
  10. Thanks Overland - I was already in the process of exploring that area and testing. Looks like the switch (outside the cabinet wall) is okay - it is providing power to a step up converter (photo) I discovered in that access compartment, however there is no power reaching the wifi ranger box itself. Based on what I've learned I'd say that converter is the problem? At this point I have sent an email to Jason Esray and I also plan to reach out to the WiFi Ranger tech support team during their normal business hours this week.
  11. Noticed that we were not picking up a signal from the WiFi ranger that had previously been working fine. Troubleshooting I noticed no lights on the box itself but the switch outside the cabinet (green light for power) seems to be on/working correctly. I have unplugged and replugged the power cord and did not see any power button or on/off switch on the box itself. Any ideas from the community? Anyone else experienced this?
  12. Thanks Janie - don't know how/why I haven't seen this before now but I just looked at your blog and really like the way you have it organized. Thanks for sharing!
  13. It is the same error code (air flow) - and now it is failing randomly for no apparent reason. Sometimes it works and sometimes not - but manipulating the switch gets it started again.
  14. The story continues - we are now in Lake Placid New York and still need heat and you guessed it - it failed again overnight. I only post this to share the "new" discovery that may be related. First - the same procedure before (Bill's sail switch manipulation) solved it again but the problem was identical symptoms. The new information to share with the group is that it seems like both times this happened on this trip was when we ran out of propane and switched to a new tank...maybe a coincidence - don't know. But this time I am also noticing (haven't noticed this before) that the valve to switch the propane from one tank to the other is not operating correctly. I have two full tanks and with the valve pointing to one it shows green and I have propane and with it pointing to the other full one it shows red (empty) and no propane. Both are full! Obviously running out of propane will impact the ability to produce heat but I would hope it won't lock the sail switch every time? Any thoughts on this and has anyone else experienced it? We have an appointment with Oliver to get these things looked at after we get home and Jason has been very responsive to us.
  15. We have the same bike rack and regret not having them "show" us how to remove and replace it during delivery. Once I got it home I decided to do it so it would not be a new procedure at the time we had a flat tire and needed to do it. It was VERY DIFFICULT to get the bike rack off. There were shavings from the drilling left in the square tubing that made it a challenge. This is not a simple one man job in my opinion....at least not ours! I recommend anyone that has this rack to do that drill so you can understand the level of effort it will take to do the job.
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