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Mountainman198 last won the day on March 11 2024

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About Mountainman198

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. I did something similar by merely double stacking a nylon lock nut on top of the standard wingnut. All you are trying to do is slow down a thief since a serious one will merely use a big screwdriver or wrench and pry the spanner up 1/4” between the two tanks to free them to be pulled out.
  2. 10,000 mile update on Alcan springs: A year had passed since my dreaded roadside leaf spring break and 10,000 miles are on the Ollie with Alcan springs underneath so I thought I would provide my update. Ride height - rear bumper rides approx 1/2” higher than stock Ride performance - first 500 miles seemed a bit stiffer than stock with a few more items from counter and beds on the floor but the springs settled-in after that and there is no observed difference inside the trailer now (no additional stuff found fallen to the floor). Trailer tracks the same as stock, however visible jouncing (up and down) and side to side (roll) are observed to be less pronounced than stock. I also noticed when doing annual bearing maintenance that the spring shackles no longer invert when both wheels on the same side are jacked off the ground. Overall impression - had I known that a heavier capacity, 5-leaf spring, made in the US with US steel and featuring a design with the second leaf which extended all the way under each spring eye was available sooner I would have swapped sooner, just as I had previously done with solid stainless lug nuts and US made Timken bearings. No regrets on the upgrade from stock springs.
  3. Never tire of this campground. Aguirre Springs, site #18. Campground was nearly empty so finally got what I consider to be the best site. Organ Mtns, NM. White Sands on plains below to left
  4. For those who are not on the Fiberglass Rally Facebook page. Oliver camp shown both at the beginning and at end of the video.
  5. We are turned up to Eleven (Ollies, total count) currently. Good to see old friends and make new ones.
  6. Thanks for posting this. Top of my list to order. It also appears that this remote may also operate the rare fireplace option that some Olivers have installed (wink).
  7. This map is valuable in showing type and location of recreation across Arizona. E.g.Arizona Land Trust, BLM are shown as well as whether camping is allowed. This map went out of print for a few years but I found a new version recently at a Arizona Tourist Information site. It is a free brochure I highly recommend carrying one of these if you enjoy boondocking in AZ
  8. Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge. Maxwell, NM. Just off I-25 but very quiet. Pit toilets and 5 (free) campsites. Only ones here
  9. This was one path of reasoning presented by the Parks team, however I never saw this issue at any of the parks from Dec-Feb. Must have been a larger issue during the other months.
  10. New Mexico State Parks will be implementing a new fee structure beginning January 1, 2025. For those who have been following this topic this is not news. If you have not been following, the rate increases can be substantial, particularly for non-NM Residents and may come as a surprise. Most notable is the increase in fees for the non-Resident Annual Camping pass from $225 to $600. Passes purchased in 2024 will be honored til expiration in 2025. If you are a non-Resident and plan to purchase the Annual Camping Pass for 2025 you may wish to do so yet this month so you will not feel the impact from the increased rate until 2026.
  11. 16 mpg towing, 21-23 not towing, 19 mpg with pop-up truck camper in bed. 2003 Dodge 3500, Cummins 5.9 HO, 4wd, 6-spd manual, dually delete
  12. Copied from Casita Forum
  13. I just ordered the same set of items as you. Ditto here with un-level ground, so needed the outriggers. Looking forward to using the scaffold instead of ladder for reaching towards middle of top of trailer with buffer. Will also double stack as per your mention for use as outside safety rail. Once done with trailer spa treatment, the scaffolds will see double duty on home improvement projects, so win-win. Thanks for alerting us to the screaming deal on these!
  14. I route my cable over the whale tail of the Andersen. This keeps it far from the ground
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