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Moonlight Mile

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Everything posted by Moonlight Mile

  1. He is three. Since this is my off-on-all-topics thread, let me ask anyone reading this for a quick answer (I hope): QUESTION: Is it possible to run out of propane (2 full 20 lbs tanks at deliv) after running furnace only 2 nights at 55-60 degrees? Too tired to take off tank cover - new for me also - and “check” or have tanks changed so they switch from one empty to other, which they quickly explained at deliv day. “Help.” Thanks!
  2. This is the sketchiest character I have seen this far. I am reporting him to the rangers. APB issued. Outstanding warrants. Bad egg. Prison tats, too.
  3. Please don’t tell me it is incorrect now! I left for a bit!!!
  4. This campground does not look sketchy - hardly anyone here - I won’t gone but a couple hrs. I will trust it is ok! Thank you!!!!
  5. Tried to use yellow thing (see 2d pic) and can’t figure it and REALLY need to get to town and leave TT/dog. So, used “Bulldog Coupler” locked with Big@ss Master Lock as you see. SIMPLE q: is this good enough? Security I mean. Dog can’t come with. I think I have this right. Cannot move “sleeve.” Three jacks down. Can they pull up and stick their ball thing under there using my elec to raise all three jacks and drive it off??? Third pic is what back of truck looks like. None of that comes OFF to drive truck in a few min, right?? TIA!
  6. I am glad my qs help others! I am both terrified and excited. Fluctuates! Ha. Right now as you said just thrilled to be ok in trailer (furnace on - cold and going to be colder tonight), dog not sick anymore, and bath house shower awaits. Finally slept last night. Had been a week of packing to be FT all the driving to get to TN etc. Exhausted.
  7. Yay!! Thank you!! Was not pulling hard enough! Straight out and it drained. Pushed it back closed. That ok for driving in case I figure out how to unhitch and lock “coupler area thingy” later so I can go to store (dog stays in trailer)? I am NOT hooked up to water and will NOT being using bathroom at all til MUCH later, like days or weeks LOL. Must figure out unhitching Andersen and locking trailer so I can go on errands in truck and leave Ollie/dog secure!
  8. Thank you! I have ann pass too. Just need to make reservations at SPs *now* I guess. Move from sp to sp til I l know what I am doing!
  9. Thank you - I assume the handle will not pull put because it is defective. I will call OTT as soon as they open.
  10. John thank you, today I am trying to recover from stress of no sleep for a week and sick dog. I need this water out of here and cannot get handle to pull out. Tried twisting and pulling hard. Nothing. I am NOT hooked to water or sewer and will not for days if ever. Right now just need elec and to learn to hitch and unhitch and LOCK trailer tongue stuff with big yellow thing I bought so I can drive truck to Walmart and get food and supplies. Have nothing to eat etc. Will look for item you mentioned at Walmart if I get unhitched and LOCK coupler area stuff - have to leave dog alone in Ollie to do walmart.
  11. Thank you all SO much. A few PMs and phone support. So much to learn as total newbie FT with big ole dawg. More later as I can. Busy day today. Learn, read, try to unhitch. Etc. Glad I booked a week at DCSP and don’t HAVE to move. Have elec going. Not gonna bother with sewer - maybe later this week. Water too. Really just need to decompress and learn hitch-unhitch (Andersen) and then how to secure things (coupler lock?) and learn lingo etc. before I anything else. So glad you are all here. sheri
  12. All: well I got it! So much to do today - LEARN. Newbie, 2000%. Hellva time backing in and park empty but a couple finally came along and he helped me back in. HE said it was not the easiest place to back in. I need to learn everything. Only hooked to elec so far. But restroom right across from me with SHOWER, which is now the most beautiful word in the English language, in my book. I am so glad I booked a week here to figure basic things out! Here is the Ollie (it’s 6:30 AM CST).
  13. Hi all, delivery day! I am on NO sleep with dog at OTT. Orientation overwhelming as a TOTAL newbie. After lunch break, bathroom details will be explained then hitch and me trying to learn to maneuver a bit in the parking lot. Then drive-tow to Crockett SP with dog. If anyone (mods?) would be willing to PM me with a phone number and walk me thru stuff tonight at SP I sure would be grateful. Not sure how goof the cell reception at SP is. Just a thought on NO sleep. Told them I just want to drive the Elite 1 safely to SP, connect elec, sleep. It may go down into the 20s tonight and next nights in Lawrenceburg where SP is. Tomorrow I could maybe chat with someone after sleeping or just read on my own. Like I said, new and NO sleep. TIA. sheri
  14. Cindy I like mountains too (I mean in addition to pines) so I will def check out West Texas. Thanks! sheri
  15. This sounds wonderful! Thanks Steve! Sheri
  16. That's another concern I have, is things being booked up when I finally do get "time" to research/call and try to reserve something that meets my 'musts' (dog) list - somewhat at least. Gah. Seems the RV world is flooded right now with newbies (raises hand), sales of RVs are skyrocketing, campgrounds are (supposedly) filling up. Read a bit somewhere online about how some of the new people are major jerks, too: littering, and making noise and stuff. No respect for others much less the land, etc. For the record, I am not ONE OF THOSE types at all. I am new to RVing, yes, but always been outdoors-oriented, love to be in woods or hiking or around a campfire. Quietly. Love the night sky. I don't want to camp in TX during summer either. Nope. So I gotta get up to speed, so to speak, and reserve and plan to be much further north by the time the TX heat happens. Hope I can find reservations for THAT period of time. That is a big reason I chose an Ollie. Rep says Ollies can handle single digit temps. Sheri
  17. Yes Geezer Passed! Just barely, I will add. Heh. I don't act like a geezer though. Not that anyone asked. This is great info, and I have so much bookmarked and have bought passes and memberships so I can be "prepared." The problem is with everything else I have to do to go FT, I have not had time to read much of anything. This forum is the main place I check. Because, fellow Ollie owners and just a great forum. I am "domiciling" only in TX (you have to pick a state when you're FT, and tax considerations etc. factored in). Once I know what I'm doing with the trailer/RVing and being FT and have domiciled (that should be done by mid Feb), I will definitely be heading north to check out the types of places you posted about.
  18. Bill, I don't mind AT ALL! I hope you get some good replies, as I am interested in all areas that even sort of meet my main wishlist (must: dog ok) criteria, but also any OTHER TX places that people personally stayed at and loved. I joined the TX State Parks membership thing, on their website, annual pass. Also have a few other memberships. There are so many apps and sites it's unreal. But I wanted to ask Ollie owners in particular (obviously) or I would not have posted here. :-) Sheri
  19. I was in TX once (airbnb) and stayed near Cibolo. My friend said Canyon Lake area is cool. I will look at all the places you mentioned but yeah has to allow dogs and I won’t likely stay in TX in summer (I like colder weather, pines). Cost is a factor. Right now looking for anything w the “wishlist” above in any area really. Thank you! Personal recs mean much more than just blindly checking the apps etc. Availability in Feb Mar April would be good. Not crammed together too much. Not sure yet how much true boondocking I will be doing til I see how things go!
  20. Hi all. What are your favorite Texas parks and spots? My “druthers” are: 1. Safe, QUIET, must be dawg-friendly 2. Not $50 a night or more than $500 a month 3. 30 AMP, water, sewer (or even NOT if the place meets my other wishlisty “preferences”; because I am interested in some boondocking if there is any Verizon signal?) 4. Not toooo far (20-30 minutes?) from “civilization.” At least food and such. Just curious. And I have not been in TX but one time so I assume there are no pine forests or woodsy spots but if there are I’d love to hear of your faves if you care to share! I have all the apps and a bunch of memberships and can search those, yes. This is about where you guys have personally stayed and loved. I see that TX is a rather large state so this is a crazy question, heh, I know. Thanks!
  21. Thanks! This is encouraging to hear. Very. I do use MacBook Pro, IPhone 11 Pro, couple of IPads, and I even have a fairly new Dell Win 10 I have yet to really set up. Not sure what the “inverter being powered on” means (yet!) but I will find out soon! I also got the solar addon which I hope helps at least keep batteries charged FWIW. I told my rep I really need anything that will allow me as much internet-power as I can get in the Ollie and want to be able to boondock a bit as well and still have power at least. So much to learn about all this.
  22. Thank you Sherry! I supposedly have Bus Verizon unlimited (from years ago). Will be interesting to see if I am throttled or what. I’m told they ALL throttle (speed not usage) now, regardless of language in anything. We shall see how it affects me or if I even notice that much. I will def notice if movies or Spotify slow down or buffer or whatever. If it is bad I will look to getting a better solution per others’ suggestions, and the Mobile Internet Resource Ctr people (member), when I get settled and more time to research. Good idea re: download stuff for later. Or even if I am at a decent wifi enabled place. I will keep the Dot and some smart plugs. I have already mailed a few boxes to “myself” at the domicile address. It’s very hard to tell what an Ollie 1 will actually “hold” (without looking totally cluttered, which I can’t stand anywhere) so I mailed things I was reluctant to donate etc. in case the Ollie 1 and my crew cab and truck bed can accommodate. FT is going to be “interesting,” for sure. 🙂
  23. Thanks Mike! I forget which Echo Dot I have exactly but it may be “not the older one” since it plugs into a regular household outlet. I also have the Amazon Firestick which I assume will work fine with the Ollie 1 TV and an HDMI cable, and .. . . gah this is confusing I think I’m just super tired. Pretty sure sales rep etc. said yes I can stream Amazon Prime movies and Netflix via wifi like one does at home except I am wondering about the speeds and all. Correction. My Echo Dot has the usb end going INTO the unit itself if that was unclear. I am just too tired to think straight today.
  24. You are waaaaay above my pay grade in this stuff, obviously. But I laughed (at myself!) because I “read” your post as “If there is an aluminum in the word word word word something word word word something word word frequency.” Srsly, I get the general impression I maybe should have just saved my money on the “Electronics Pro Package,” but it if has an antenna “thingy” then maybe that (MIMO?) WITH a mifi-Jetpack will work best far as me being able to surf, download, sync with DropBox, update create and write on websites, log in to servers, watch Netflix, listen to Spotify? Those are the types of things I do most with internet. Also is there ANY point in my taking my Echo Dot, and various “smart plugs”? Thanks again for clues, all. Boy do I need them. Sheri
  25. Yeah I kinda went with the sales-pitchy too, but I can't blame anyone, really, because ... "Ohh! Shiny! Gadgets!" I will let you guys know re: Elec Pro Pkg, yea or nay or meh. D-DAY. Heh. Delivery Day. Jan 26. I am still running around trying to deal with all life has dealt me and thus have STILL not had time to watch very many of the OTT site videos. I HAVE tried to prioritize the time I have, and watch the ones I think I will need to know immediately. Like, that night in the cold campground, backing in, then "hooking up" for the first time with a dog bugging me. Dog (English Lab, speaks with accent) will be all, "WOT's oll LISS then? We're LEVVIN' in 'ere? Ya CON'T be seer-yuss. In this? This OIT-TEEN FOOT FOY-BUH-GLOSS MOO-ving lorry or wot evah? Right. I've got dibs on the BED. You lot, on the rug there." Fear not, good OTT Forumites. I am NOT leaving that OTT parking lot until I feel ok with driving, (you should hear my monologues while driving, even on a good day, heh), turning, backing up, hitching and unhitching. Srsly. They know I am new. I think the take-them-donuts idea will help. I sure hope so. NO one wants a n00b running loose on the highways or in the campgrounds. "Oh, so I plug this big cord into the water hose and flip the switch? Yes, that's what I remember reading." Zzzzt! No. I have common sense, just new to this. I can read. I can follow instructions. I will be ok. And thank you all again.
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