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Moonlight Mile

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Everything posted by Moonlight Mile

  1. I know, weird question, but for you Elite 1 owners: I use a MacBook Pro but I connect it to a large curved desktop monitor — a 38-incher — yep — and I love it and use it for what I do. Love as in “I will do whatever I have to in order to keep it, yes, even in the Elite 1, if at all possible, and I don’t care how much ‘counterspace” it uses long as I can plug that puppy in” — that level of love. Heh. I know this sounds insane to some (all?). But can anyone with a late model Elite 1 (standard floor plan) tell me the various counter dimensions of the table spaces in the Elite 1? Can I cram this thing on top of the smaller table (dinette?) on the side? Hoping to set it up and keep it set up. I’m a nerd. MacBook Pro screen too small. Too used to the big curved monitor now. Thanks for not laughing.
  2. I will def ask rep re: dog. He’s a well-mannered sort, if that matters. I used to train dogs and worked for a couple vets. He has some “certifications” and papers and official stuff, but I rarely use anything to take him where he isn’t “wanted” or make anyone who isn’t a dog person uncomfortable in any way. I try to be a considerate dog owner. (Of course he owns ME, but that’s a conversation for another day. Ha.)
  3. I mean huge like it could store a space shuttle huge. Heh. I have had that thing for decades. I’m with you on ditching stuff though. Been doing that for about 4 years now, one way or another. I look around at stuff, clothing, whatever, and ask “When was the last time I even saw this, much less used it or wore it?” If it’s a year or more, off it goes. I find I’m actually enjoying NOT having “stuff.” It’s true, for me anyway, your stuff starts “owning” you. Minimalism is a whole “movement” as you probably know. I think getting older makes it even more appealing to me personally, as well. OH. OT a bit. Yesterday I found I can easily sleep in the Ram truck. The driver’s seat reclines all the way flat and moves you way back from the pedals. I’m almost 6’ tall. NO prob. Yeah, I know I’m “eccentric,” but I actually took a 40-minute NAP in the reclined driver’s seat and I can’t EVEN BELIEVE how comfortable I was. NO pillow. Just parked in my parking spot here, couple windows partly down for a breeze. Not 15 feet away, buses were zooming past. Zzz. Best nap EVER. Woke myself up snoring. Daintily, of course.
  4. Well, one is a HUGE (like, fit a fam of 4 inside it) bag with a handle that rolls. Another is a typical airline roller bag. Both well used for a LONG time, used to fly alla time.
  5. Oh my that is SO beautiful! (I love snow!)
  6. Hello moderators or whomever controls the actual features of the forums (I mean under the hood).

    Can we get a separate section for ELITE 1 "everything"?

    Also, can we get 2021 added to the dropdown menu in the profile updating area? It only goes to 2020 as of now.


    1. topgun2


      SherMica - 

      Our main administrator - Jason W. - has added the 2021 year to the edit profile section as per your request.  He has also reversed the order of those years so that the most recent year is on top thus making it a bit easier for new owners/members.  Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

      We are still discussing the pros/cons of a separate section for each model of camper and should have a decision within a week.  


    2. Moonlight Mile

      Moonlight Mile

      Thanks Bill! I hope it wasn’t a hassle for ya. As for the section on Elite 1s, no worries if it’s a bad idea or whatever. Just a thought! I would be less “annoying” with posts under an Elite 1, I think, given that they do have some differences and I hate cluttering up Elite II topics-threads and going “Oh and I am asking for Elite 1” to keep people from having to read through only to find out I am talking about Elite I and maybe the stuff I’m babbling about only applies to Elite 1s. Etc. 

      Thanks for the consideration anyway, of the idea. And again, NO worries if it’s a lame idea! I can filter through things.

  7. I have a hull number. 731. 



    1. SeaDawg


      Congratulations !

  8. Maybe I will throw this idea into a suggestion box!
  9. Yes! I have three hideous purple plastic bins. I can't fit them all, I don't think, nor would I necessarily want to, but one would be great just as you said! All these bits of info are SO helpful as I try to decide "how much, really" can I cram into the truck and the Elite 1 without OVER-cramming it. I don't want the spiffy new trailer to look like an episode of Hoarders. I can see how you gotta be vigilant about bringing NEW items in, too. I think I'll have a 'rule' like . . . ok if you buy/acquire something, you have to donate/sell/trash something already in there. Otherwise it seems like it would start getting really junky in that small space (Elite 1). I know most people go look first, at Ollies, maybe do the factory tour, etc. I am buying on reputation and videos, comments, reviews alone. Sight unseen, in a way. And not afraid at all because of the reputation and the community. I know this is going to be an outstanding trailer. Thanks again!
  10. I plan on keeping the bed as a bed FT. Have to! Big black Lab would not "approve" of sleeping "on the floor." I can imagine the look I would get. "Hey! Where's muh bed? You cannot expect me to sleep on a *floor* or some kind of 'dog' bed!" He'd be doing a doggie version of a fistbite as he said it. Yes I have a vivid imagination about dogs and their "thought processes." Aheh.
  11. RB, thanks!! Making a major note about this. I was thinking I’d find an abandoned airport and inch around at speeds of 10-15 mph. Hahah! That would be safest for me as a total n00b, not to mention safer for the general public! Heehee. I’m being goofy in case you guys can’t tell. My sense of humor. Thank you (seriously) for the info!! 🙂
  12. Trying to decide, as I will be a FT Ollie-r, where to “domicile.” Since my deliv date is in the dead o’ winter (Jan 2021), I would rather NOT backtrack to VA but instead do a one-way U-haul to delivery day in TN, hang out near factory a few days to learn etc., and then take off for adventure from there. That said, I do have to “domicile” as well, and wonder if anyone has done that in SD in Feb. Blizzard much? LOL Timing is lousy huh? But Tax Lady heartily recs SD for my sitch. I could maybe just go to camp somewhere in TX and “domicile,” but eventually, crazy as it sounds, I feel SD calling to me. “Inexperienced RVer Found Frozen Trying to Domicile.” Headline.  Yikes. Ha.

    1. SeaDawg



      Sd makes some things simpler, though. 

      Time enough to consider. 

  13. Congrats! I am getting my Elite 1 in Jan (26). Def looking forward to your posts about Elite 1 and I will be only days “ahead” of you guys re: delivery, looks like. FYI I may stay in the Hohenwald area a while (to practice and be sure I am OK with towing and operating everything etc.), so ... if you are so inclined by all means message me and, no pressure at all, but it might be fun to swap notes and say hi. Wonder if our “hull” numbers will be consecutive? Huh.
  14. BTW, lol @ “cave back seat.” No kidding! It’s so big it has its own atmosphere. Snort. 🙂
  15. Yes! i have 5-6 black Amazon special cubes and def taking those!
  16. Excellent idea. Right now at “home” I put stuff in the oven. That’s how often I “cook.” Hah!
  17. I bought some soft folding “nesting” dufbags a while back, yay! May get another set or two as I can’t see making much use of my “airport” baggage. Although even if I end up throwing them out after I get stuff out of them, the world will not weep as they are beat up Jed Clampett bags. Heh. Also, you were in ICELAND and that means I am officially extremely envious!!
  18. I would sure try to attend a rally anywhere I didn't have to have my Elite 1 shipped via a transatlantic container. Heh. (Kidding!) In other words, sounds awesome, and I would sure love to meet some of my fellow Ollie owners.
  19. Thanks! I am getting the basket (comes with the other package stuff I am getting, connections and stuff). I think I WILL use the basket -- just my personal pref and all. And I am looking at covers for the TV bed (lockable, secure as I can make it, regardless of cost, may hire an armed guard FT -- kidding!), and also trying to get a list going as to "essential" TOOLS for a non-modding type who nonetheless wants to be able to fix "minor" things herself. I was married to a Gen Contractor so I am okay with SOME "DIY" basic stuff, but not into voiding warranties and I know my limitations. Screwdrivers, truck items (safety-related, etc.), the right set of wrenches, stuff like that . . . I will want definitely want to bring (or acquire) for my toolbox. (I will search the forums for "basic toolbox items one should have" and see what-all comes up). I am very into minimalism, no worries there. BUT, at the same time, I don't wanna get rid of stuff I might actually need and use. Thank you so much again, for your help and info!
  20. Thanks Susan! Well I'm in luck, as it turns out, with no pantry, as I really don't cook. I am DEF getting the microwave because "that" is "cooking" to me. Then again, I always read the instructions and if it has a lotta "cut a slit in the plastic, then microwave on high 2.3 minutes, then stir, then replace the cover and let sit 1.3 minutes" etc. instructions on it, I glaze over and go "Uhh, nah." I really am a simple person when it comes to kitchen/food. Sammich, cheese and crackers, cereal, to-go stuff, whatever. If you have any pics or can point me to some, that would be super helpful. I hope someone will post a few and I will watch the walk-through for the Elite 1 again -- and pause it and take screen caps and try to guesstimate dimensions of what drawers etc. there are. That might actually work ok now that I think about it. I mean, can a silverware holder go in a drawer or is there no drawer even for something like that? Will def be organizing the truck to be a "closet" and whatever else it needs to be. BTW, right now I actually LIVE in a 400 sf space WITH dog. I am fairly good at downsizing and have been at all extremes in life (i.e., huuuuuge fan-ceh place to take care of, medium-but-still-too-much-space-I-never-used place, and eventually down to 400 sf and I swear, 50% of it can -- and must - GO. I never USE the stuff, or the space. I am outside a lot. I use mobile apps, internet; I rarely watch TV and could easily live without one. I do need good internet and once I get the hang of the rest of things (uh, like, towing and hoses and parking LOL), Imma focus on creating an awesome setup for geekery like that.
  21. Hi all. There is a post here as to all the spaces and available storage on the Elite II, but is it not different for an Elite 1? (I.e., less space to store your clothing, kitchen stuff, whatever, inside.) If so, and any Elite 1 owners (late models? I am getting a 2021 in Jan) know any dimensions and such, I’m all ears. I have NO idea how much “stuff” I can fit into Elite 1. And I have to downsize (further than I already have) because I’mma go FT. I have watched the Ollie 1 walk-through video and it’s just hard to tell really how much the closet will hold, how much space for shoes, kitchen stuff, everything. If anyone can give me an idea — I know it’s hard to say “Four jackets, 3 pairs of jeans,” etc. — but any idea at all would really help. Thanks!
  22. I would LOVE a separate area for Elite 1 stuff — not just storage ideas (I have NO idea how much space I will have in a 2021 E1 and need to know BADLY, as I am getting rid of stuff and knowing how much I can KEEP well ahead of my late Jan 2021 delivery date would let me get things sorted SO much more efficiently. I could sell things that won’t fit, etc. I have NO idea what amount of clothing will fit, kitchen and bath stuff, ANYTHING. I cannot tell you how much I would love to hear from other late model Elite owners re all that and see some pics and organization tips and anything else Elite 1 (esp FT people) owners care to share. I know there are obviously a lot of differences between the E1 and E2, and a separate area would be SO helpful. If this can be done? Thanks for considering it. 🙂 Yes! Black Lab. And he is sleeping now. License to sleep. Haha!
  23. I did search “storage Elite I” etc. And came up empty. Can any Elite I owners verify that these Elite II storage cubby pics and features and sizes/locations are the same on Elite I (2021)? Or I can start a new thread (or a mod can move this or delete it?). I have wondered if there are enough diffs between I and II to warrant making a new “section” on the forum for Elite I stuff? Maybe?
  24. Truck sticker. Class IV? Most of what I see is telling me to get stuff for a class III. Another layer of google confusion ahead. LOL
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