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Moonlight Mile

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Everything posted by Moonlight Mile

  1. Agree re better than the original. I’m also a fan of Joe “How Ya Dooooin’?” Walsh’s solo stuff. “Things” “Rosewood Bitters.” Helluva guitarist, great sense of humor lyrically.
  2. GPS no use.
  3. Overlooked and later critically-acclaimed band, for fellow grunge era peeps. If you like dogs and a twist musical ending . . . very cool, IMHO, as is this entire album.
  4. by Keith Richards
  5. HA! My version, and I say this out loud to people and rap an imaginary cane hard on the floor as I say it: "Back in my day, we didn't have [insert newfangled thing]. We didn't have the number three. But by God we made do." Then I start talking about how my mom, in the Pleistocene Era, got a just-created "microwave oven" and we all stood 10 feet back from it when it was on, lest we end up glowing in the dark.
  6. I can tell you that I have been EXTREMELY happy with my 2021 Ram 1500 Rebel, overall, but especially with this one feature: "Trailer Steering Control." (I call it "the dummy knob.") I had never towed before and found it difficult to get the hang of it, then one day, I noticed, after owning the Ram a few months and the Ollie (see Classifieds) even less time -- because I'm observant like that -- a mysterious knob on the dash of my Rebel. "Trailer Steering." Huh? Right next to the "Ejector Seat" button and the "Shoot Flames Out The Rear At That Tailgater" switch. I got out the Rebel's manual (for the first time -- it was dusty under the seat and had dog cookie crumbs on it) and looked up the feature. Holy crap. A Christmas miracle! You activate the TSC button (Galaxy Quest fans, think of it as activating the Omega 13) and then it tells you to put it in reverse and let go of the steering wheel. Don't touch the wheel again or TSC turns off. THAT was hard to get used to. Your instinct is to hold the steering wheel. Unless you're in a Johnny Cab. Sorry for all the weird movie refs, but that's how I roll. You then use the TSC knob -- turning the knob left, right, slightly left, slightly right, etc. -- whatever, as you brake and gas-in-reverse-slowly, and the display shows you big directional arrows in back as to exactly where the Ollie is going. It's nothing short of amazing to me, the steering wheel spins (sometimes wildly, as if possessed) and adjusts constantly. Returning the knob to center makes the Ollie go straight back. Every slight turn of the TSC knob handles all the backing in maneuvers for you. Worth every penny to me, and came with my towing package. There are some who say, "If you can't back it up, you shouldn't be towing at all, you silly twit." No, not one has actually said that to ME (yet?) but YouTube commenters can be cruel in that special all-capsy way, as you know. Add some !!111METALLICA*RULES!!111 and all Just sayin', this is a neat thing to have if you are lazy, or new to towing, or into 'gadgets', or any or all of those things. Just thought I would mention it, anyway. Here is a video of a dude using it. I have watched people struggle to back in Ollies and even met a couple who took a course in RVing and learned a whole system with hand positioning on the steering wheel, etc. I was learning it on my own, slowly, but then one day, I saw the TSC thing and haven't looked back (almost literally, heheh) since. I actually look like I know what I'm doing at times: one shot into any slanting crazy campsite space. You know, the ones with "severe tire damage do not back up" stuff, and the picnic table in the middle of the parking spot, and big trees close by on both sides, and steep cliffs to back off of, with wreckage of RVs down below in the gulch. Those sites. I still go very slowly and check all mirrors, backup cam, etc. YMMV but TSC is awesome, IMHO.
  7. I looked in my manual(s) and I see info for WiFi Ranger, but the brand I actually have is something else, I think. "Sure" something? Anyway. Gah. Sorry. Just haven't had time to work with this stuff. At all. Very helpful post though!
  8. Thanks for this info. Do you happen know if this is all still applicable to the 2021 Elite 1 (with the Wifi Cell Booster)? I don't think I have the "Wifi Ranger" unless it was an option not mentioned in my "Electronics Pro Package."
  9. FWIW, as to options I could have done without: shower curtain track, Andersen, hypervent matting (I would find it myself if I wanted-needed it later and cut the pieces myself because to me they look kinda like those anti-skid area rug things for hardwood floors and just sit there loose between bottom of cushions and fiberglass compartments under them; wifi cell booster (I notice no difference at all but maybe I am just not aware of something techy I am not doing or have not set up something with it - it is a switch you flip off or on). YMMV!!!! Options I LOVE: convection micro (and I don’t even “cook”), Easy Start AC, solar panels, Truma, power awning, keyless door lock and fob, missile launcher out the rear (ok I made that one up). Heh. Remember, I am talking ONLY about a 2021 E1. YMMV! PS. I bought a good dehumidifier and keep it in the shower basin. But that’s just me.
  10. — regrettable but unavoidable.
  11. FWIW, I got this one (just one) and love it.
  12. Best Bond Theme Ever. IMHO. RIP, Chris.
  13. Mantra Dave Grohl and Trent Reznor. Love the way this builds.
  14. Last one. https://youtu.be/6RJMhYtYKMQ
  15. Now for something completely different. Good morning coffee IV song — all piano, all amazing. https://youtu.be/DgDiT51algo
  16. https://youtu.be/nYXYfdsaHxg Phil Collins tune. Not for the timid. heh
  17. The black tank
  18. I lifted the countertop off and there are two thin velcro strips. I tried to get it back on so the slant-gap wasn’t showing any longer. No luck. Will live with it. Thanks all.
  19. It appears to be all one big molded piece with nothing to “move.”
  20. Thanks! I will look for the velcro. I have not seen it yet. This is the 2021 Elite 1.
  21. Huh. My countertop — the cubby hole slot area just under the convection microwave — is not exactly, uh, horizontally placed. Not sure why. Nothing to do about it, really. I notice it. Maybe no one else would. Or would even care. Anyway, there is a gap that is wider on the left. It narrows slowly as you look across from left to right. And then it is almost closed (no gap at all) over at the far right. Meh.
  22. Yes crawling under the front, using special Andersen ratchet, both sides. Every time. Also the hitch pin that came with the Andersen was very difficult to get into the hole; some suggested it needed to be filed down — extremely difficult to get into hole. As to filing it down I do not have the tools or shop equipment to file metal down. I did not need the Andersen. My truck specs can be googled. 2021 Ram 1500 Rebel with towing package.
  23. The double live album with this on it is incredible and still in my playlists. “Mercenary Territory” and “Spanish Moon” on same live album are amazing!
  24. “Now gone,” as I said. Ditched as unsafe IN MY OPINION and the constant adjustments were not easy or something I wanted to have to deal with every time I hitched etc. Not sure anyone can say with certainty whether mine was properly screwed together (and if not, why not) or defective. Either way, I ditched it as unsatisfactory and, in MY opinion, dangerous. YMMV, as always.
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