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Moonlight Mile

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Everything posted by Moonlight Mile

  1. Will do! Thanks! I have iPhone 11 Pro with a Verizon “unlimited” (ha!) business plan.
  2. No list from rep but me asking qs in email and here. Shrug. Thanks!
  3. Hey it’s my public wall. I am writing on it. And you are reading it. My profile shows “2020” as my “model year” and I really need it to be 2021. And soon I will change the part that says “No I don’t own an Ollie” to YES I DO, an Elite 1. Thanks all, for everything. 

    Here. A gratuitous puppy pic. He is three yrs old soon. THEY GROW UP SO FAST.


  4. I used to work in Starbucks and it was okay (VPN, natch). I will make do til I have time to see what kickin’ options are out there to get me as close to “gigablast” (or Fios! Ha!) in an RV as I can. I don’t plan on being way way way boondocky, ever; neither, though, can I see myself crammed into an RV Park where I can hear the noise next door etc. Some happy medium, I hope!
  5. Oh my. Well, this isn’t a good sign. LOLing here. I followed the link to Verizon Jetpack stuff that John provided and found a handy “calculate how much data you use” thing there. Screen cap attached. “I was told there would be no math!”
  6. I will be at the David Crockett SP near Hohenwald for like, a week, practicing towing and hitching and stuff anyway. So much to learn. If anyone on here lives near there and wants to come by the SP that week and have a cuppa Joe, let me know. I would likely have a few qs for you and you could see what a goofbag I am, you know, in person. Lol
  7. Andrew, that “Pro Package” photo — on OTT’s site. I can sort of make out the brand name on the one piece of equipment (since no brochure on OTT site that *I* can find and they haven’t actually updated stuff for 2021 Elite 1 — it still says 2020 models so not sure what may have changed in this particular item). It looks like it is a Wifi Ranger “Sky Pro.” And some kind of antenna. All new to me and not sure the page has been updated for Electronic Pro Packages for 2021 Ollies. Here is the page.
  8. I did ask rep - nothing back. Maybe rep was out of office a few days. Your wife’s setup sounds like me - Macbook Pro, buncha wifi gadgets, apps. Like to stream Netflix, etc. Have a Dell laptop but not set up yet. I am not so much on the cell as a “phone,” ever, anyway. Texting, etc. sure. The Jetpack (if not sooner, meaning this week before I leave, then to the Zon locker) sounds like the way to go for me, at least for now. Later, when I need to link up to the ISS or something like that I can “add” stuff or “upgrade.” Half the fun of nerddom is trying to figure out what “must have now!” gadget to pursue next. Hah. Thanks!
  9. Yes I got this add on. I searched around on the OTT site and I don't see any specs on which exact "4G Cell Phone Booster" and "WiFi Booster" they provide with the 2021 Elite 1. A manual to download. Something. Anyone know? May just not be searching well enough. Anyway, I am days from going to delivery and the lady at the David Crockett SP (where OTT puts you up that first night, and I'm staying a few extra nights because, clueless) said the wifi is spotty except by the entrance or something. I have Verizon business plan for my iPhone, with "unlimited" data. Yeah right. Pretty sure all of them throttle at 20G. I am not a hardware type of geek, and I did join/sign up for the Mobile Internet Resource Center, but there is overkill material there to look at some time when I am not so busy. Right now, I kinda just wanna know what the OTT package is giving me. As usual I have home setup stuff galore that I thusspeckt will be useless in an RV whether at a park or campground or boondocking. Example. Would I ever, in any way, need this: Somehow I don't think so, unless I rented space in an RV park and hooked up to their CABLE. It might also make a fine doorstop. I am used to Cox (ugh, I know, captive audience here though) GIGABLAST. I suppose those days are forever gone living FT in an Elite 1 even WITH the "electronics pro package," amiright? If you can tell me I'm wrong, I'm all ears. Anyway, I would like to know what OTT is giving me as part of the electronics pro addon so I can perhaps get something "else" (even better?) that I might want before I leave and won't be able to get Amazon delivery for some time. Does Amazon deliver to State Park RV sites? Heh. Also. Heard something about Verizon Jetpacks? Or phasers or Klingon war ships, that sort of thing. Like I said, not a hardware person, more software and design and writing silly things. TIA, everyone.
  10. They have a list of life’s most stressful disastrous events, death of a family member. Moving. Job loss. Illness of a family member. Financial loss, loss of housing, on and on. I tick all the boxes.
  11. Thank you, yes it is entirely possible that the new truck which has a steering knob on the dash for backing up a travel trailer (!) and tons of stuff I haven’t had TIME to even read about, HAS the integrated option or something like that. Entirely possible. Hoping the OTT guys might help me set that up as part of delivery day even if I have to pay them.
  12. Yep exactly what I meant. Truck. Not trailer. And truck is not assembled or something. I dunno. Like they gave me the stuff for it but I have to do something and I haven’t got time to breathe lately. Very stressed.
  13. Late to this thread, but I did opt for the "Electronics Pro Package" on my Elite 1 (delivery day coming right up!). I don't see any manuals or specifics on the "4G Cell Phone Booster" or the "Wifi Booster" listed in the package description. And on OTT's site, they have manuals and downloads for the 2020 Elite 1 (but not yet for the 2021). I am sort of geeky but not in the ways of networks, wifi, etc. More design and servers and some coding, CMS. That said, I rely HEAVILY on good internet, daily, and want to know if anyone has the specifics on these two (above) items. Models, brands, etc. I do NOT mind getting "extra" or better (I know, it changes daily and I joined the Mobile Internet Resource Center thing but have not had TIME to research). Long story short, assuming I move campsites, say, every couple weeks, and stay at State Parks and RV parks til I get the hang of FT RVing (totally new) before "boondocking"), will I even need or ever be able to USE my Netgear Nighthawk X45 Cable Modem Router from the sticks-and-bricks rental I am leaving? (Have been a Gigablast customer with Cox in sticks-and-bricks, and I can't imagine I will get anywhere near those kinds of speeds with anything in a TT, but I'd like to try, ha.) Sorry to butt in to this thread with "too busy to research" questions, but I am packing and dealing with a lot of personal family stuff while all this is going on. 😞 I have Verizon cell (business plan) "unlimited" data (not sure it really IS, but I've had it a LONG time), BTW. if that helps. I use a LOT of wifi gadgets and I WILL need the "best" internet setup I can get in the Ollie as a FT heavy internet-using person. Thanks for any clues as to the above, including suggestions for what to get that is NOT part of my "Electronics Pro Package." Lazily and busily yours, Sheri
  14. Thank you for your service! And welcome!
  15. Looking into hidden tracking devices, yes. “Vee haff our vaaays.” Woe be unto the non-tech-savvy thief who thinks he (she, to be PC about it) will not be located. I am new to TTs, towing, all that, but not new to catching and prosecuting wrongdoers, and I am a total geek. FWIW. 😉
  16. Exactly. I don’t plan on staying in any “iffy” parks, but dang, a brand new Shiny Elite 1 sitting unhitched for hours and hours while I run errands (“domiciling” or having a root canal, whatever, with my Lab IN the Ollie going, “Huh, we seem to be moving, and SHE did not come into the trailer so I wonder just who is moving me?!”) is what I worry about. Yes it would take a bold thief indeed to defeat all anti-theft measures in broad daylight, but thieves are thieves and don’t operate as we do. I would hope that once “they” got the Ollie (long shot but this is a hypothetical), that, upon entering the Ollie after driving it off — with large displeased dog inside — they would “regret” their interaction with dog and my subsequent (legal) prosecution of their activity once apprehended.
  17. JRK, thank YOU for the post. I think we are having parallel new owner new-to-towing-etc. experiences in a way; OTT definitely recommends the Andersen for the Elite 1. Opinions elsewhere vary, of course but as a newbie I sure got confused a lot (and expect I will again, lol) trying to understand sone stuff here. It could be just the way we all express ourselves differently in writing, which is a given, nothing “wrong” there. I am amazed that I went from thinking I had to buy and bring the “ball thingy” and the piece it is on, and measure a “drop?” AND buy/bring a coupler,” AND chocks and levelers, etc. and I’ve had the same “ohhh, ok, now I get it” moments you had, to where NOW I get that *OTT* is providing the stuff you listed. Whew! Thank you for the confirmation. If OTT has a suggestion box, I may respectfully suggest they put a list or two up on the website with titles as simple as “Delivery Day: What You MUST Bring” and “Delivery Day: What You MAY Wish To Purchase Ahead of Time.” Like, the first list would have “chocks, leveling blocks.” (And perhaps helpful photos of what those look like or even an Amazon link.) The second list could have stuff like, “receiver pin lock thingy, Reese yellow coupler lock thing, chain with a keyed lock aka chock lock chain thingy,” etc. etc. With all the correct lingo of course! This is just a rough sketch “concept.” Heh. Anyone buying an Oliver *luxury* TT certainly might want to know what they can do to deter theft, and what is *not* provided by OTT at delivery day, I mean, especially as a *newbie* (as I sure am!) to all this.
  18. Like I said the link was example, thanks for the detailed reply and links to products re: your actual solution. Looks good to me!
  19. All, the Amazon link was a sample only, just searched Amazon for "locking wheel chocks." Some other brands *and styles* MAY, or may not, be "better" and available on Amazon and elsewhere. That said, thanks I have the info I needed, I am going with the "chain and padlock" concept. SO, now to find a "chain" that cannot be cut off easily . . . any tips on that appreciated! I have NO idea about chain sizes, materials, strengths, etc. Thanks again!
  20. I did search the forums for "locking wheel chocks" before posting this and didn't find much. I know there will be many opinions/experiences on this, but I will go with the consensus, I think, because it doesn't look like a huge investment to get these (if most agree it adds even a modicum of deterrent value as weighed against the cost/time to use them, etc.), once a few people weigh in. Locking Wheel Chocks. On Amazon. Because I will be leaving the Ollie Elite 1 unhitched when I have to run errands, etc. and don't want to be the low-hanging fruit, especially if there are simple things to do. I do NOT mind taking the time to do things relating to security (to be clear), ever. So the "hassle" or "too many keys" factor is irrelevant (for ME). The peace of mind factor, however illusory it may be IRL ("anyone can steal anything if they want it badly enough," yep I know) would be worth this unless, as I said, everyone weighs in and says "Totally useless!" With the exclamation point. Heh. Thanks all!
  21. Thank you so much Sherry. Really appreciate the kind words. More than you can know.
  22. Thank you all!
  23. Thank you, I am all done with this for now, I think. Just gonna try to finish packing and errands and chill the rest of the day and maybe tomorrow. I cannot BELIEVE I "lost" that hitch pin thingy! I looked everywhere. Sigh. I think like you said, when I SEE this stuff, hands-on, it will make sense. Visual! I will figure it out.
  24. Well dang, now I cannot FIND the receiver lock thing. THIS THING. Looked everywhere. It's gone. In my defense, I am trying to pack, get out of a rental, deal with dog things, job, my brother passed, my mom has dementia, etc. I just keep asking what do I need to bring with me to delivery day. I have chocks. I have Legos (leveling blocks). And now I can't even find the lock thing above. I will assume that one I seem to have LOST already was the right "size" 3/8" (?) for a Class IV receiver -- 2" -- and try to find another quickly from Amazon AND order the big YELLOW THING (this.). I DO have this thing. Good enough? Ordered the other lock John recommended above as well. (Already, today). Sorry for all the disorganization there. But thank you all.
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