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Coach and JoJo

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Coach and JoJo last won the day on March 23 2023

Coach and JoJo had the most liked content!

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My RV or Travel Trailer

  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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  • Make
  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Is there a form to use to put your Ollie up for sale?

    1. topgun2



      But a PM to ScubaRx will get you started on the right track regarding what you must do.


    2. Coach and JoJo

      Coach and JoJo

      Please advise on how to list our Oliver for sale

  2. Oliver just replaced ours 2 weeks ago when we got the Truma AC upgrade. We were using a pool noodle to keep ours closed. The orientation of the handle is the culprit. Factory install was incorrect.
  3. We decided against solar when we purchased our 2022 Elite II. The technology is moving so fast we were concerned newer and better stuff would be evolving rapidly and decided to save the $$$. I have 2 great generators (Honda) that serve us well.
  4. That is where I got my idea. Ran across a video of the "Casita Closets"
  5. Drinking glass holder is outstanding! I plan to build a smaller version of it! THANKS
  6. If anyone builds something similar or adds to what you see, please share your ideas!
  7. I made the angle in the middle of the shelf 45 degrees to dress it up and put a trim strip on each end. Looks a lot more professional. Plan to also put a cargo net across the from for travel.
  8. Just finished an upgrade to the closet shelves. I built a new version and trimmed it out a liitle better. (will post pictures later today)
  9. Looks good! Glad I could help
  10. Thanks! Yes we were at the rally and got home yesterday.
  11. Does it run the Truma AC?
  12. Has anyone purchased the new HONDA 3200i that has a Truma AC unit? It is rated at 3200 surge and 2800 continuous power. Will it run the AC?
  13. Requested pictures with gear. I may take John's idea about a cargo net for travel day.
  14. The closet is a tight fit to work in for sure.
  15. YES, i cut the 2 sides a little long on purpose. then sanded them down till I had about 1/8" clearance. Used 1/4" rubber window roll insulation and forced it into the 1/8 " space. It AIN'T going nowhere!!
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