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Everything posted by Jeffemac

  1. Posted
  2. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. What a spectacular trip!
  3. Steve, where did you find the hook that is threaded onto the spare tire cover bolt? I have the same setup and would like to add this enhancement to my rack. Thanks Jeff
  4. On mine, the black button on the handle IS oriented towards the front of the trailer! Thanks everyone for your responses. Looks like the pool noodle “fix” is in my future!😉
  5. Here’s a video I shot to send to OTT to explain the problem I was encountering. Since I don’t have anything to compare this to, does this look similar to yours? Can you tell if it was installed incorrectly? Thanks in advance for responding to my question. IMG_2209.mov
  6. Has anyone had a problem with their locking tab on the new MaxAir bathroom vent? On ours (hull 1368), no matter how hard I pull down on the handle the black tab will not engage/lock. Just slight upward pressure with back of hand will open the vent whether or not the tab is pressed. Traveling at highway speeds generally results in the vent opening by itself. I could use a dowel or pool noodle to keep the vent closed while traveling, like others have done, but if there was an easy fix I’d like to do it so the vent operates as designed.
  7. That is really strange as I just ordered this and had no difficulties with the process. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. Our 2023 has the sticker on the bumper giving a 150 lb limit. No change. Jeffemac
  9. Carolyn and I would be up for a rally at Maryhill. We have stayed there before and found it to be a nice campground.
  10. I concur with the first two weeks in September as being a good time to visit the Washington and Oregon coasts. I grew up in Grays Harbor County and the first two weeks of school were miserable because we didn’t have air conditioning in the classrooms and, in those days, we couldn’t wear shorts to class. While the campgrounds will be absent of kids, you will see a lot of gray hairs our age as it really is the perfect time to camp!😉
  11. I just heard from Phil and our Hull# is 1368 with an April 12th delivery date. It appears Anita’s estimate is definitely in the ballpark.😉
  12. Thank you for your efforts and words of caution and use Rivernerd.This website is the best I’ve seen in its attempt to share known issues, non-issues, and resolved issues with the members. Very, very helpful for a soon-to-be owner! Regards, Jeff
  13. Hokieman is correct in his statement that Oliver updated the 2023 Owners Manual to reflect the lower torque setting for wheel lug nuts. He pasted the new torque values from page 88 of the manual. However, page 89 of the manual states that when using the spare tire to replace a flat, the lug nuts should be torqued to 120 ft/lbs. It appears they haven’t updated ALL text related to the old high torque values. While all who have followed this thread understand this is an oversight, others may not and would be confused. We won’t receive our Ollie until mid-April 2023 so this change doesn’t impact us yet, but I have it on my checklist to verify lug nut torque on delivery day! Thank you all for your posts as this site has been invaluable to me. And thank you ScubaRX for offering to get this obsolete info to Matt. Jeff and Carolyn
  14. Hi all. I’m new to the site and was also having difficulty adding my TV and Oliver trailer info into the signature page, or even finding the signature page for that matter. I was attempting to make changes using my iPhone and simply could not find the screens called out in the instruction for updating the signature page. I finally ended up using my iPad and “SURPRISE” everything appeared on my screen. So, if you’re having difficulty you might consider logging in via a different device. It sure worked for me! Jeff
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