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    Todd, NC

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    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite
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  1. I recently went through this and replaced the original PD9260 (lead battery only) with a new PD9360 (selectable battery profiles). The 9360 is a bolt-for-bolt replacement and dropped right in with no alterations. Also a warm-fuzzy that many Lithium suppliers recommend this exact device for their batteries. I also installed the Redarc BCDC1212S to isolate the 7-way connector (tow vehicle) from the battery, while supplying some charge current and not requiring any additional heavy-gauge wire. A bonus is the Redarc BCDC1212S has a solar mppt controller built-in for future roof-top solar.
  2. All of the hitch pins I measured were 5/8 nominal size. I found there was considerable + / - tolerance, not to mention the hole variances. My original hitch pin was an inexpensive locking one, probably made to loose tolerances, and was already showing wear (8000 miles). It remains to be seen how well the new hitch pin and rubber donuts hold up. I used 5 of the donut pieces stacked on the Anderson square piece. It is so stacked that I need to apply pressure to compress the rubber donuts in order to fit the hitch pin in the hole.
  3. Impresa Products Impresa - 2 inch Hitch Receiver Silencer Pad for Adjustable Ball Mounts - 3 Pack
  4. Towing my Elite I with the Anderson hitch, I've encountered a lot of forward / backward sliding of the square shank within the receiver mount on my truck. It has been a cause of annoyance at stops and starts as the entire hitch can be felt sliding. Upon investigation I found that the hitch pin I was using is slightly undersized, as were most of the other pins in my garage. To remedy this, I took my calipers to Tractor Supply and mesaured every hitch pin on the shelf. The BROK locking hitch pin was the winner, at about 0.8mm larger diameter than the one I previously used. I also installed some rubber 'donuts' around the exposed shank to take up the slack. together these two measures have almost totally eliminated to back and forth mothion of the Anderson ball mount
  5. Welcome to the club! We are also from NC (near Boone) and originally hailed from MI (Kazoo), and got our Ollie (Yogi) last March. Depending on the electrical package that you got in "Pearl" the Inverter/charger/batteries could require a hefty current to bring the batteries up to full. This current demand could last a couple of hours or more. You mention that it takes several seconds to trip the breaker, so I'm guessing it is a circuit overload, not a short or fault situation. The fix may be as simple as charging the batteries prior to storage to alleviate this current demand. The previous information is only an educated guess. Bill G
  6. Hard ridge Creek COE campground in AL. Right on the border with GA. First trip down south in “Yogi”, and we’re loving the fall here.
  7. Sorry...the link goes to the entry page for RVers in Canada. But I cannot go into the site without becoming a member. Could you post a visual? thanks
  8. I just received a “PolyPRO 3” cover made by OVERDRIVE fromAmazon . This cover looks similar to the one earlier in this thread, except it is sized and sewn specific for “egg” campers from 13’ to 16’. Since my Legacy Elite is approximately 15 1/2 feet, I thought it would fit OK. Just completed a dry fit (didn’t cinch up the ties) and the fit is acceptable. I do not have solar, but I think it would cover the factory panels fine. I’ll be putting it on for the winter sometime around Thanksgiving and we’ll see if it makes it through the winter. I am mostly concernecd about leaves and sticks since we live in the deep woods and do not have a way to keep it under a roof.
  9. that's very nice and motivating for sure. Always thinking about how to carry more stuff especially with an at-capacity truck. Now you've got me thinking about a(smaller) truck box for the rear bumper / bike add-on for our LE I
  10. Legacy Elite owners be advised: this does not accommodate the safety chains or the trailer plug due to the location of the jack with respect to the coupler and tongue box. This was a disappointment to me, as I followed the user reports of this cover here in this thread. I promptly returned mine and ate the shipping cost... Otherwise, it looks like a fine piece of kit.
  11. the entire North Rim (access etc) shuts down sometime in October. Call ahead to confirm dates... Wish we were going too!
  12. Wife and I watched a movie on Prime that she thought was funny and I thought was a serious documentary. "The Long Long Trailer" follows a newlywed couple through their experience with getting and using a big travel trailer. Definitely worth a watch.
  13. OEM Aventa on 2023 Elite. I concur with all of the above, except my measured height is ~2 inches higher than spec. I didn't have older AC to compare, but specification says 9 ft. (0 inches) I measured approx 9 ft 1.5 inches. Hopefully I never cut it that close. BTW, I did operate the AC on shore power 20A ckt, started and ran flawlessly. Onboard power monitor shows 6A when operating (after startup).
  14. Tire her out with walks and playtime. Make sure she has toys/chewy things all the time. Introduce her to the other campers (at a distance, from the road). Keep reassuring her that everything is okay, you’re safe, she’s being a “good girl”. Frankly, camping with a dog can be exhausting until they get used to being in a new place and protecting you from new dangers. Our Great Pyrenees was born to bark, and it’s a struggle to keep her from barking, as it’s her inbred way of protecting us. Be assured, with the windows closed, Ollie’s are almost sound proof. Tie-outs are a struggle, because you can’t tie her out and ignore her, she still requires constant feedback that she doesn’t need to bark. good luck, she’ll come around and embrace camping too!
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