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Everything posted by Muppy

  1. Good for you! ???? Muppy (Cheryl and John)
  2. Hi friends, Has anyone ever hired a RV transportation company before? The only one I could find online with good reviews , that will pick up and deliver anywhere in the USA was "RV Transport". (Edited to add: I just got a quote, and considering the cost to rent hotels,campgrounds, food, gas, hubby's loss of overtime, average 8 days travel time...the price was worth it. ) Would like other company names though Looking to buy used, but most are thousands of miles away, and it would not be feasible for us personally, having never towed before. If you have a referral for a good company, could you let us know? Thanks, Muppy (John and Cheryl)
  3. The pictures of the 4 little heads in the windows is adorable! I personally love the one with 2 in each window...frame worthy for sure. You have a lovely family ❤️
  4. Oh, that is a beauty! Congrats on your new adventures about to happen! When you get settled post some inside pictures. I love to see everyone's Oliver uniqueness. Have a ball! Muppy
  5. Hi, Can not see the "thanks" I make on other people's posts. It is like they do not go through, only the original "thanks" made previously by other people can be seen. and the number of "thanks" remain the same as before. It also does not show up on the activity wall. Thanks, Muppy
  6. Hi Buzzy, Sorry to read of your loss. Thinking of you and your's. We are firm believers , that we will all be together again. John & Cheryl
  7. Thanks for the reply. We were looking at is as a larger foundation atop the pads or blocks. ( more surface coverage) . You may be right about gunk building up under, from the road spray or mud/sand? Never owned a travel trailer before, so sometimes what we think is logical, does not always include the common sense of a seasoned traveler ? Still curious about the pad size though...are they smaller than a , let's say 5th wheel? Thanks again.
  8. Hi Everyone, We saw these a while ago, but can not find on the Oliver site what Rv stabilizer pad size is on the Oliver. I am assuming it is in the owner's manual? Any hoo, they look good and we saw some you tube videos and people liked them. Are Oliver the standard RV pad size or smaller, do you know? Here is the link. Thanks www.rvsnappad.com
  9. Hey Buzzy! Sorry, but what you have described to me, is the nightmare we are afraid of....the typical , ridiculous travel trailer problems that would drive us absolutely insane! You can make any story have that little ray of sunshine though? Band aids...check...duct tape...( do they sell it bright white?).....check..These are the types of problems airstream has been known to have the last couple of years of builds...what we are trying to avoid with the Oliver...ugh...Thanks for your help last night, and all the time over the phone. Muppy
  10. Hi Overland. I am interested in the discussion on the compression latches being discussed on the overhead cabinets. We are considering the frosted glass, but, are the compression latches using a magnet? Every single tv cabinet or pantry cabinet we ever had with a magnetic, had a issue, because eventually they would move, ever so slightly and then it was a constant tightening of the latches...even with lock tight. So are these magnetless? Thanks!
  11. Hi Pete and Joanne, sorry I have not responded sooner, but have not logged in for a few. We moved here from Epping to a over 55 community when Hubby was 55 and I was 50. Thinking of downsizing more now and selling. I am 59, Hubby 64 and sick of the yard and house maintenance. Hope you get to see a Oliver soon, it really will help settle the decision for one or wether to move on to something else. We have stopped looking at other brands now ? Cheryl
  12. Hi, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, haven't had the chance to login. No, we haven't traveled with him yet. Husband's work schedule includes every weekend, so our social life has been non existent for quite a while, LOL Can't wait for him to retire. I wouldn't think about "not" bringing Shorty with us when we do. He is part of the family! We would miss him everyday.
  13. Just wanted to say "Hi". East Rochester NH here. We had the opportunity to see and tour "Buzzy's" Elite ll twin bed. It is a magnificent piece, of a quality built travel trailer. We loved everything about a Oliver thru research, but until you step inside one, you will always question the space in your mind. For us it will be perfect! We were pleasantly surprised with the bathroom and saw that doing the business needed would have plenty of space. We want to travel and camp, not drag a house with us or sit inside watching tv all day. That being said, it is comfortable enough to do that (without feeling confined) should bad weather happen for a few days and it also has all of the comforts of home that you might miss! ( The stereo was ..just..wow..especially with Buzzy's great music selections) The furnace was very quiet, also. The air conditioner was very quiet on the lower setting, which after having it on high to initially cool off, is all you would need. We can not wait for retirement and to buy one and get on with our adventures. Best wishes.
  14. Just wanted to say "Hi" ?
  15. It worked! YAY. Thanks so much for doing your magic and fixing it! Appreciated!
  16. Ok, I officially give up, LOL Just spent 20 min , followed everyone's suggestions. Nada, nothing, nope. I wonder if it is because I am on a IPad Pro? Will send email to mduncan again. Thanks for your help folks!
  17. Hi, I keep filling out my profile, fill out the section of my signature( about us) save, click on forums and then when I look at my own profile again the only thing that shows is my first and last name. Are you seeing anything other than my name at your end? My posts show no signature even tho everything in privacy settings is check off as public. Can someone help me out? Thanks, Cheryl
  18. Wow, that sure is purdy?
  19. Hey all, We are aware of the hitch locks and GPS finders, but we're curious about a couple of other theft deterrents. Does anyone also use a boot lock? Also, we read somewhere that almost all trailers/Rv's manufactured, use the same key/lock numbers. Does the Ollie use a different than normal locks and keys? If not, did you have yours swapped out? We read about a guy named Casey Friday that had his tiny home stolen off of his property in Texas. They found in another town, parked in someone's driveway, like they owned it! If you do a simple search on his name, you can read the story. He wishes he had put a boot lock or two on it. Thanks, Cheryl & John
  20. Has any Ollie owners gotten the composting toilet instead of the flush to black tank? Are you happy with it ? It looks like it will conserve water, but the learning to "go" differently is a factor also. Thanks.
  21. Hi There! Just joined the forums, wanted to check in. First off, what is the wall and where do I find it, haha. I can not see my profile when I login or click on my name, but did fill it out. Will figure out the picture avatar later. Husband is retiring 2017, we will be placing a order for elite ll early 2017. Been looking at classified on here, but does Oliver sell used units themselves? We want it loaded, with solar and other options and noticed the classified go fast. 2016 is the oldest we would go anyways, maybe something will come up this fall. Husband has worked so hard forever…we can’t wait to do some Oliver travels! Nice to meet you all and looking forward to all of your posts and siphoning off your knowledge! John and Cheryl ( Muppy)
  22. Hi There! Just joined the forums, wanted to check in. First off, what is the wall and where do I find it, haha. I can not see my profile when I login or click on my name, but did fill it out. Will figure out the picture avatar later. Husband is retiring 2017, we will be placing a order for elite ll early 2017. Been looking at classified on here, but does Oliver sell used units themselves? We want it loaded, with solar and other options and noticed the classified go fast. 2016 is the oldest we would go anyways, maybe something will come up this fall. Husband has worked so hard forever...we can't wait to do some Oliver travels! Nice to meet you all and looking forward to all of your posts and siphoning off your knowledge! John and Cheryl ( Muppy)
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