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In the outside, street side storage compartment I'm having an issue with condensation under the provided rubber matt. In our area (st louis) the humidity is typically above 60% and the trailer constantly has morning dew inside and out, but as long as you have ventilation everything dries out. Not under that rubber matt, no ventilation, no sunshine! I don't believe it's a leak, ( tightened up the door latch, it did leak) but other than removing the matt, I can't seem to get it to dry out! Suggestions???


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We used to use DampRid in our Casita, it's a great product that comes in different styles.

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Happy Camping,


Reed & Karen Lukens with Riffles our Miniature Poodle

2017 Oliver Legacy Elite II  Standard, Hull #200 / 2017 Silverado High Country 1500 Short Bed 4x4

Past TV - 2012 Mercedes-Benz ML350 4Matic BlueTEC Diesel

Click on our avatar pic above to find the videos on our Oliver Legacy Elite II



I suggest that you obtain a hygrometer - something like this: .... https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0013BKDO8/ref=sxts_sxwds-tsp_1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=3155180962&pd_rd_wg=FhpkX&pf_rd_r=6GBFA7CT378JZ1F1YEF8&pf_rd_s=desktop-sx-top-slot&pf_rd_t=301&pd_rd_i=B0013BKDO8&pd_rd_w=rLlAR&pf_rd_i=hygrometer&pd_rd_r=N5S99FJY4FRXEM4JN1A1&ie=UTF8&qid=1501951172&sr=1


And keep close track of the inside humidity for a while. If it is constantly higher than outside you still have a leak somewhere.


A band aid fix is to buy a good medium capacity 120vac dehumidifier, that could sit on the counter and run the moisture down the sink drain, but I think you should eliminate the obvious possibilities before doing that. And you would need power to the trailer to run it constantly.


You could replace the mat in the cargo hold with something that will be self-ventilating, but that does not address the issue of how the moisture is getting inside. You do NOT want this to keep happening or you will get mold problems eventually.




Good luck. I am really glad I no longer live in a climate where I have to worry about this stuff..... It's been about 16% RH lately here.


John Davies


Spokane WA





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SOLD 07/23 "Mouse":  2017 Legacy Elite II Two Beds, Hull Number 218, See my HOW TO threads: 

Tow Vehicle: 2013 Land Cruiser 200, 32” LT tires, airbags, Safari snorkel, Maggiolina Grand Tour 360 Carbon RTT.


I live in South Florida where the humidity is always high and in the summer you set your kitchen clock for when the afternoon rains start. We have had our Oliver for over 3 years and never experienced what you are talking about I would look for possible water intrusion being trapped under the mat. We do use Damp rid in the camper when sitting and it does help try putting one in the compartment and see it it helps. Good Luck. Thanks GaryIMG_5946.thumb.jpg.3db3256db8d91f09487313011f54f99d.jpg

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Gary & Jona

2016 Silverado 2500 Diesel

Legacy Elite II Hull 81 




"If it is constantly higher than outside you still have a leak somewhere."


The humidity is consistent inside and out but with no ventilation the underside of the mat stays damp to the touch, everywhere else drys out fairly quickly. A gap between the mat or a different mat is what I'm leaning towards, I'm sure damp rid would work but that maybe the last resort. Humidity in this region is a constant, it's nice not having wood structure in the oliver, having dealt with delamination in sob before.



I removed everything from the compartment this morning, expecting rain tonight, I'll see if has a leak. The door leaked, but when I adjusted the latch I thought it stopped, we'll see!



Double check the fittings on the water lines that run along the rear wall of the compartment. (That was my problem)

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One Life Live It Enjoyably

2017 F350 6.7L SRW CC LB

2015 Oliver Elite II Hull #69


Our door leaked after a driving rain. Rain water accumulated under the mat. I mentioned it to Oliver when I brought it in for an upgrade and they added an additional gasket around the door opening as pictured below. Haven't had the issue since.


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2015 Legacy Elite II Hull # 98


2020 F150 3.5 EcoBoost






We also experienced water in our basement after washing the trailer, didnt seem to have any problems with rain water. My correction was to rework the latches so that they would pull the door tighter into the seal, this was necessary due to the fact that the latches were adjusted as tight as they would go (needs to have a different inside lever shape) and could not just be adjusted tighter, I also added some additional weather striping and have not had any problems since.





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