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  1. Have reservations but no spot as yet. Will get tomorrow. I guess we may be the first non-ollie campers to join you this year but we are long time followers of Oliver. I am Dennis Lee (airbusdriver) in a Casita SD 17 and my traveling amigo is Ron (Hutch) Hutchison in a Casita SD 17. We are generally solo campers but trying to get our better halves to join us this time. Will advise what spots when we get them. Cheers.
    3 points
  2. Hi All, I had the opportunity earlier this month to be interviewed by Stephanie and Jeremy Puglisi of RV Family Travel Atlas (rvfamiltytravelatlas.com ) for their podcast, Campground of the Week (campgroundoftheweek.com ). In this podcast episode, we reviewed My Old Kentucky Home State Park in Bardstown, KY. Laura and I attended the Eggs A La Bourbon Rally there in June, 2016. I thought some of you might be interested in listening to the podcast episode. Here is the link to help find the episode at camgroundofthweek.com http://campgroundoftheweek.com/campground-review-63-my-old-kentucky-home-state-park-in-bardstown-kentucky/#more-562 Take care, Dean
    2 points
  3. Randy, I gave most of my many reasons for wanting a full sized spare at the bottom of that other thread I linked you to. In addition to actually getting some use out of the spare, it will act as a second bumper in back. If I smack a tree while reversing, it won't wreck the cover or license plate unit. That glass cover is a little vulnerable, don't you think? Any idea how much a replacement one costs? I don't. I also think that the trailer will look less sissy with an exposed tire on the back. Don't get me wrong, I think it is a beautiful trailer, but it is also very feminine. A naked tire and a 4 inch lifted suspension should fix that, a little.... LOL. Oh yeah, I have an insulated and sheet rocked RV bay, AKA The Hanger Deck, in my new house, ready and waiting to store my future Ollie. UV (and long term weather exposure) will be a non issue for all the tires, as well as the rest of the trailer. John Davies Spokane WA
    1 point
  4. John, Is there any detriment to doing so? My thinking is that an active tire is flexed, heated, cooled and basically exercised. Just leaving the spare "exposed to the world" (and uv) would that cause it dry out, stiffen or anything faster? Or do you plan to rotate it into mix and if so at what kind of timetable?
    1 point
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