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Everything posted by mountainborn

  1. Now this game is more fun when played outside under a bucket light on the cement picnic table, But, sometimes those fickle Spring time showers will have you playing dominoes inside where a sturdy table support leg is necessary !
  2. Sounds like you and Butcherknife need to team up against your DH and I. Butcherknife can slap them dominoes and close in for the kill ! Seriously, though, we play several different types of dominoes. One of our favorites is chicken train. It looks like this:
  3. This topic has wandered off of the origonal subject. It seems to go in continual circles, and is to the point where a member is trying to establish policy for these forums. Speciffics of enginering items should be addressed by the Professionals at the factory. Please direct your questions there. This topic is closed.
  4. Because weight is a factor when towing with a V6, we tend to put things we need into small light weight kits. These kits are in handy but out of the way places, to conserve space. For example, the nylon cased firstaid kit is always under the driver's seat for immediate access. Towing/recovery and road hazzard kit is in the back of the Jeep With the fire extinguisher. They are placed togather for this photo.
  5. Jam49, when we play dominos on a rainy day, and that ivory is a' slappin' th' table, my ankles might get a boo-boo on a pin. How about one of them tiny rounded snap-ball thingys ? You know, they are spring loaded from the inside and pop out through a hole in the outer half. That way the outside tube would be smooth, with two small holes for the ball to lock into. One hole for the highest and one hole for the lowest points.
  6. It is Friday, so we know that you guys are very busy out on the Playa, early entry passes in hand. I'll bet you left the staging area @ 0001 hours ! With five early entry passes, getting ready for the rest of the NOMADS will go easier. First order of business I am guessing, will be to stake out the camp and post a sign or banner. The camp plan looks really good with the larger campers blocking wind for the tents on the interior nearer to the game area. The camp roster seems to be plumping up ! Chris & Cherie, you guys have fun out there ! Oh, yeh, PHOTOS ! VIDEO ! We need em' !
  7. David and I have had a lot of people asking us what the new floorplan for the 21" was going to include...Super hottub....coooool. Don't forget to tell them about the programable disco ball with remote, and the lime green suds generator ! Camo thong optional.
  8. Good idea about the telescoping table legs. Our rear bed stays down most of the time with the leg rattlin' round in the closet. We use the area under the bed for sterelite containers full of "STUFF". If the table leg telescoped and stayed in place we could change the size of the sterelite containers to slide past the leg. > Cherie, our table legs have been in and out quite a bit and have never stuck. Could there be burr of some kind ?
  9. Found this link on the web: http://www.ci.kimball.ne.us/oliver.htm
  10. One of the main ingredients of first aid is being prepared, you know, the scout thingy ! Decals on the Oliver's rear window and the rear window of the Jeep show that we are members of AirLife and that emergency information, you know, stuff like meds, ect., is in a zip lock baggie, clearly labeled in the refrigerator. Our cell phones both have a listing in the directory of, "ICE", or Emergency Contact Information. Here is a photo of the decals and the baggie: Please list things that you do to be prepared for a emergency, so we can all improve on our notifications, ect..
  11. The Kindle is a great product. I found this link to info on the Sony: http://www.smarthome.com/64305-sony-ebook-reader.html?src=HML08RC88 On the Sony info page there is links to free books online. I have been downloading a few from there to my phone/pocket computer, but it is not as comfortable of reading as the kindle or sony, I expect. The print on my PPC is pretty small. The sony has to download books through your computer. I like the way the PPC downloads straight from the web to the PPC. This link has over 3,000 audio books to download for free: http://www.archive.org/index.php Here is the link to Gutenberg's free books: http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page Even at dialup speeds the text version downloads quickly.
  12. Ours works great Also Sherry, but if we could only get that controller to Migrate to the appropriate vehicle when the Oliver is hooked to it ! Like you guys, our boat has it's own dual axle surge brake system and doesn't require the controller. Our old boat is sitting in the boat shed calling for water now, or, that is what I am telling Butcherknife ! Here is a look at it. Ain't it plumb pittiful sittin' there on the dry land like that ! http://www.geocities.com/harmsweigh/
  13. WOooHooo ! Way to go ! You guys will do to "ride the river with" !
  14. OOooh YYYeeah ! Now that's what i'm talkin' bout' ! Cool stuff, thanks Sherry.
  15. DougI, I am not saying this to be disrespectful or anything, but, if I followed that lengthy and exacting process to see if I could tow my travel trailer, it would take away alot of the fun. We didn't go to all of that trouble, and didn't worry about it, and we are having the time of our lives !
  16. A highly placed source at the factory let slip, well, I think they let it slip anyhow, that it is official ! Will it be placed on the new website ? I havn't heard about that part. But the starting price for the Classic is Officially set at $25,750.00 , and I look for that to be placed on the web site at some time in the near future. Will that tell you the final cost of your new Oliver ? I doubt it, because you will want it built to suit the way you camp so it will be as user friendly for you as is possible. For example, I couldn't do without our King Dome, but there are those that don't want it, resulting in a cost and weight savings. So, how do you tell someone what a Oliver costs ? I guess that I will tell them that they start at $25,750 and the sky is the limit, depending on what you want to put on it !
  17. I am following this discussion with intrest because our camping style is very similar to Cherie and Chris's. Our Oliver is, I am told, the #1 2008 that came down the line. I got that from Robert, I believe it. Having said that, it follows logicly that we have the lighter axle set up, with 15" tires and wheels. Before each trip we look it over carefully as I am sure most on here do. We have always carried at least a weeks provisions and changes of clothing. We always travel with our water tank full. We always carry some extra water in the Oliver. Our refrigerator is always crammed full. Every nook and crannie is packed to the limit with stuff we will consume on the journey. On the tongue there is a 3000 watt Yamaha generator that holds three gallons of gas, in a large box with a heavy duty locking system. Estimated weight 250 lbs. Our tongue is extended all of the way out to facillitate this. We travel pretty heavy. We travel over many high mountain passes out west, camping above ten thousand feet of elevation often. We tow with a Jeep Wrangler with a V6 engine, a 3.8 liter. Now I know that according to some, I am doing a lot of wrong things. Scarey things, to some. However, under those circumstances, we have towed at 80 to 90 miles per hour with no ill results, none at all. Now before some get excited over my flagrant violation of the speed limit, the speed limit is 80 MPH on I-10 in West Texas. I am not telling those that are concerned about the trailer's weight, that they are wrong. I am saying that every one has to tow within their own capability and comfort level. If you exceed that comfort level, you will not enjoy your trip very much.
  18. They have been putting in some long days as evidenced by the late hour of Forum Member Pam Roach's postings. And , they have a short time to move from Spokane to Seattle Washington where the RV show opens on Wednesday at the QWEST ARENA. Maybe we could talk Pam into giving us a regular update on their movements and the events they are attending. I just think it would be ever so cool to get occasional updates from the OLIVER ROAD CREW ! So, how about it you ROADIES ! Got a few minutes occasionally to post here about all of the cool stuff you guys are doing out there on the road for OLIVER ?
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