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    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. More on the flooding in YNP and surrounding areas. The park Superintendent announced a reopening of the park on Thursday, but obviously that won't include the north gate through Gardiner. Even a Thursday reopening for the other gates seems like a push in my opinion. Huge Flooding Forces Evacuation Of Yellowstone National Park; Wild Videos Show Destruction | Cowboy State Daily
  2. We volunteer to be your friends! 😄
  3. You aren't THAT "Bill," are you????!!!! 🤣
  4. Earlier this past summer I too replaced the white seals with black on our 2017 Ollie. Totally agree with the above comments that it looks much better! I ordered the material from Pelland Enterprises. Their website is www.pellandent.com. You'll want to order 1/2 inch Glass Vinyl seal, #H109-376. And you'll need to specify Black. Jim
  5. Matt, can Oliver tell us the Hull # of the last Ollie built before the design mod was implemented? Thanks! Jim
  6. Congrats on your decision!! You won't regret it. We were "newbies" three years ago (in some ways we still are), and our Ollie has given us pure pleasure in numerous trips since March 2018. Welcome to the club. Jim
  7. Nice. Bill, where was this picture taken? How much of Wyoming did you cover in this latest trip? Jim
  8. Mike/Yasuko, Thanks very much for the feedback. I'll keep looking. Jim
  9. Sorry--I thought I had linked the page above-here's the link: EZ ZipBlocker - Carefree of Colorado
  10. I'm considering purchasing THIS and am curious if anyone has thoughts about this product. Pros? Cons? We have a manual Carefree awning on our '17 Elite II--will the upper insert easily roll up into the awning? Is there an alternate product I should think about to provide some shade beneath the awning? Thanks in advance for any feedback!
  11. Ditto on Rob's comment above. We too live in Bozeman, and the air quality today is the worst I've ever experienced here. We just cancelled a trip to the Lolo Pass area in the Idaho panhandle due to fires and smoke in that area. Given Bozeman's air quality today, maybe we should've gone!! I agree with Rob--"Go south, young man!"
  12. Harley, We live in Bozeman and have a 2017 Elite II. Feel free to PM (private message) me. We'd be happy to have you take a look at it! Jim
  13. do not need!
  14. We also experienced a "micro-burst" hailstorm three years ago--75mph winds were driving marble sized hail horizontally across our property. It stripped all the vegetation (trees, shrubs, garden plants) totally clean and did more than $110K in damages to the house. Not one scratch or dent on the Ollie fiberglass!!! I was shocked. The only thing the storm did was pepper the narrow plastic lining around the front door--easily replaced!
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